
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ekibenya

住所 :

Hachinohe, 〒039-1101 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878797
Webサイト : https://www.livit.jregroup.ne.jp/detail/624
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30AM–8PM
Sunday 7:30AM–8PM
Monday 7:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–8PM
Thursday 7:30AM–8PM
Friday 7:30AM–8PM
街 : Aomori

Hachinohe, 〒039-1101 Aomori,Japan
tメグ2 on Google

ika kun on Google

I am at a loss because of various things
ゴクリン on Google

There are not so many types of ekiben, so it may be better to buy it before entering the ticket gate.
Y N on Google

駅ナカのお弁当屋さんです。 八戸名物鯖の押し寿司、お米の「青天の霹靂」を使ったお弁当、海鮮丼、前沢牛めし、南部わっぱめし、うにめし、やわらか穴子めし、など種類が多くありました。 支払いは、クレジットカードは使用できず、交通系ICカードは使えます。
It is a lunch box shop in Eki-naka. There were many types of sushi, such as Hachinohe's specialty Saba no Oshizushi, bento using rice "Aoten no Kasumi", seafood bowl, Maesawa beef rice, southern wappameshi, sea urchin rice, and soft anagomeshi. Credit cards cannot be used for payment, and transportation IC cards can be used.
six gtk on Google

I visited after 19:00, but probably because it was too late, there were no remarkable ekiben, and there were only about 3 types left. If you have something you want to eat on the Shinkansen at this time, it seems better to procure it outside the ticket gate.
小澤あづさ on Google

The conger eel lunch was the best. Sweet
Guru Guru at青森 on Google

新幹線改札内にある駅弁屋さんです。営業開始が7時半なので、東京行きの始発と2番目に乗る場合は、キオスクか自分で準備しましょう。 品揃えは、営業開始時は納品が少ないため種類が少ないです。9時前後からどんどん納品されるので、品揃えが充実してきます。 This is an Ekibenya in the Shinkansen ticket gate. The business time starts at 7:30, so if you're going to Tokyo for the first and second ride, prepare a kiosk or yourself. There are few types of assortment because the delivery is small at the start of business. As it is delivered more and more from around 9 o'clock, the assortment will be enhanced.
It is an Ekibenya in the Shinkansen ticket gate. Opening at 7:30, prepare the kiosk or yourself for the first and second ride to Tokyo. There are few types of assortment because the delivery is small at the start of business. As it is delivered more and more around 9 o'clock, the product lineup will be enhanced. This is an Ekibenya in the Shinkansen ticket gate.The business time starts at 7:30, so if you're going to Tokyo for the first and second ride, prepare a kiosk or yourself. There are few types of assortment because the delivery is small at the start of business.As it is delivered more and more from around 9 o'clock, the assortment will be enhanced.
いきなりドクター on Google

駅中のお弁当屋さん 東北は、意外と駅弁屋さんが 残っていて、嬉しいです。 帰りの時間だと、残りの数、種類が 少なくなってしまうのが残念 八戸駅近隣には 飲食店の数が少ないです。 食べずに、車内、車中でいただくのも なかなか風情があってよいです 今回は、三八弁当を選びました。 三沢 八戸 で、三八。 内容は、いかさばがふんだんに 入っており、アルコールのおつまみ にもなります。 イカのタレがついており イカにかけて食べると 味変できて最高です。 東京行きの新幹線車内で いただきました。
Bento shop in the station In Tohoku, the ekiben shop is surprisingly I'm glad that it remains. When it's time to return, the remaining number and type It's a pity that it will be less Near Hachinohe Station The number of restaurants is small. You can also have it in the car or in the car without eating It's nice to have a taste This time, I chose Sanpachi Bento. Misawa Hachinohe So, thirty-eight. The content is full of squid mackerel Contains alcoholic snacks It will also be. It has a squid sauce When you eat it over squid It's great to change the taste. On the Shinkansen train bound for Tokyo I received it.

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