Docomo Shop Shimizu Shop - Shizuoka

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Docomo Shop Shimizu Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-1-31 Tsuji, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0806, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889777
Postal code : 424-0806
Webサイト :

2 Chome-1-31 Tsuji, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0806, Japan
Koichiro Usami on Google

The customer service and correspondence of the shop clerk were quite good.
澁谷裕輝 on Google

It seems that it takes 10 to 15 minutes just to make a reservation, and even if I wait for 15 minutes, there is no response, so I went home. Cancel
もちだい on Google

対応が遅く、店員の知識も少ない。 料金プランの相談をしてもわかりにくい。 追記 オプションを全て外してほしいとお願いしたのに、ノートンの契約が解約されていなかった。 4ヶ月ほど経ったから判明。 謝罪はなし。
The response is slow and the knowledge of the clerk is small. It is difficult to understand even if you consult with us about the price plan. postscript I asked for all the options to be removed, but Norton's contract wasn't canceled. It turned out after about 4 months. No apology.
kijio 1go on Google

I don't know what to ask, the second word is to make a reservation. The location is the best among the shops in the area, but everything else is inferior to other shops. You had better stop only here.
ぎんたま on Google

設定がわからずよらせていただきましたが対応が悪いうえに機種に1度もさわることなくできませんといわれました。。なんとかできないかときくと予約してないとできないといわれあげくのはてになにもなかったかのように自分の作業にもどってました。。星ゼロに匹敵する最悪な店でした。もういくことはないでしょう。。 ドコモ解約することにしました
I didn't know the settings, but I was told that the correspondence was poor and I couldn't do it without touching the model even once. .. I was able to get back to my work as if nothing had happened when I was told that I couldn't do it without making a reservation. .. It was the worst store comparable to zero stars. I won't go anymore. .. I decided to cancel docomo
Tomoka M on Google

身内の死亡解約の手続きに行きました。予約はしていなかったですが 死亡通知書とこちらの免許証まで見て あー 受け付けてくれるのだと思ったら 予約でいっぱいなので 今日は無理だと。解約が一番 優先順位の基準が低い事はわかります だったら始めに断ってくれたら良いのに。他人の個人情報散々見て待たせて出来ませんは無いだろ。もう二度と行かない 最低の店。
I went to the procedure for canceling the death of my relatives. I didn't make a reservation, but when I saw the death notice and this driver's license and thought that it would be accepted, it was full of reservations, so I couldn't do it today. I understand that cancellation is the lowest priority standard, so I wish I could decline it first. I can't wait to see the personal information of others. The worst store I'll never go to again.
Akira Takeuchi on Google

2022/03/04発売予定のNreal Airが展示してある店は静岡県内でココと富士南店だけです。来店時、用件をきかれたのでNreal Airがないか尋ねると「ありません」と。しかし実際にはよく見ると店内奥に展示あり。 ただ「メンテナンス中」の文字とともに触れないようになっており、「体験するにはスタッフに声をかけてください」と。スタッフに声をかけると「担当の者がいないので触れません」とのこと。実際に動かすことはできなくても、重さとか装着感とかくらいは試せそうなものですが。 実店舗の強みはこういう試用ができるところのはずなのに、それすらこの有様ではオンラインショップに勝てるわけがありません。スタッフの知識不足もあり非常に残念です。
2022/03/04 Nreal Air, which is scheduled to be released, is exhibited only here and Fujiminami in Shizuoka prefecture. When I came to the store, I was asked about the requirements, so when I asked if there was Nreal Air, he said "No." However, if you look closely, there is an exhibition in the back of the store. However, it is not touched with the words "Maintenance in progress", and "Please talk to the staff to experience it." When I called out to the staff, he said, "I will not touch it because there is no person in charge." Even if you can't actually move it, you can try the weight and fit. The strength of a physical store should be that you can try it like this, but even that way you can't beat an online shop. It is very disappointing due to lack of knowledge of the staff.
Kiran Basnet on Google

Everytime i come here, must have to wait for hours and hours. Time is money dude. Why is this happening each and every time?

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