静岡市こどもクリエイティブタウン ま・あ・る

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 静岡市こどもクリエイティブタウン ま・あ・る

住所 :

Tsuji, Shimizu Ward, 〒424-0806 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://maaru-ct.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Tsuji, Shimizu Ward, 〒424-0806 Shizuoka,Japan
lady lady on Google

県外在住だが、実家に帰省する度にこどもたちを連れていきます。 レベルの高い児童館、と言う感じ。不定期にイベントも開催されていて、こどもたちも楽しみにしています。 基本的に、こどもたちだけでやってくれるので、保護者は楽?
She lives outside the prefecture, but brings her children every time she goes home. Feeling like a children's house with a high level. Events are also held irregularly, and children are looking forward to it. Basically, it will be done only by children, so parents can easily do it.
Miekenzo on Google

子ども達だけでまちをつくる「こどものまち」という遊びのプログラムを、通年型で開催する、そんな施設です。 東京や大阪にある「キッザニア」と違う一番の点は、「お仕事」が他の「お仕事」と繋がっていたり、子ども達自身が「お店」を切り盛りしながら、子ども達の社会を作っていくことを、仕組みに組み込んでいるところです。 子ども達の発意が根っこにあって、それで「まち」が育っていく、というのは、こうした公共施設やキッザニアのような商業施設では、なかなか難しい面もあると思いますが、モデルになった「ミニミュンヘン」や、それを手本にした民間版の全国に広がる「こどものまち」のエッセンスを、丁寧に織り込んでいるようです。
This is a facility that holds a year-round play program called “Children's Town”, where children can create their own towns. The biggest difference from “Kidzania” in Tokyo and Osaka is that “work” is connected to other “jobs”, and the children themselves create their own “shops” to improve the society of children. This is where the creation is built into the system. The idea that children's ideas are rooted and that the `` town '' grows up is a difficult model in such public facilities and commercial facilities like KidZania, but it became a model. It seems to have carefully incorporated the essence of “Mini-Munich” and “Children's Town”, which is a private version of the city, modeled on it.
まんまゆうまま on Google

子供たちが作ったものを自分たちで販売し、仕事してもらった給料で買い物ができます。 入場は子供のみなら市民証を無料で貰って入場できますが、大人のみかかります。 小学生なら一日遊べますが、それより小さな子は入口近くの銀行でもらえる250まあると午前午後に工作するともらえる200~250まある以外には収入がないので、午後仕事でもらったまあるを使ったらすぐに飽きてしまうかもしれません(遊ぶところはあります) でもキッザニアほど本格的でないにせよ、殆ど無料でこれだけの体験ができるのは凄くお得だと思います。幼児がもう少しあそべたらいいかなと思い、星-1です。
You can sell what you made by yourself and shop with the salary you get. If you are a child only, you can get a Citizen ID for free, but only an adult is required. Elementary school children can play for a day, but smaller children can get 250 at the bank near the entrance and 200-250 to work in the morning and afternoon. You may get tired soon after using it (there are some places to play) But even if it's not as serious as KidZania, I think it's a great deal to be able to experience this much for almost free. I think the toddler should play a little more, and it is a star-1.
25 Na on Google

観光でお邪魔しましたが、子供たちが作る街に感動しました。 一人一人が責任を持ってお店を運営、管理し、意見を出し合ってることに驚きました。 また大人相手にも物怖じせずしっかり対応できる子供たちが多くて素晴らしいの一言です。 ぜひ近所にも欲しい施設です。 将来清水の子供たちが立派に育つに違いありません!
I was disturbed by sightseeing, but I was impressed by the city that the children made. I was surprised that each person was responsible for running, managing, and exchanging opinions. It is also a wonderful word because there are many children who can deal with adults without fear. It is a facility that you want in your neighborhood. The children of Shimizu must be able to grow up in the future!
Marks Ted on Google

娘が好きで度々通っています。かなりお気に入りのようです。 未就学児にもできるものはあり、楽しそうにしています。 安心して遊ばせることができるし、学ぶことも少なくないだろうと思いますし、本当に素晴らしい施設です。こんな施設がもっと全国各地にあったらな、と思います。
I like my daughter and go there often. It seems to be quite a favorite. There is something that even preschoolers can do, and I am looking forward to it. It's a really wonderful facility because you can play with peace of mind and you will learn a lot. I wish there were more facilities like this all over the country.
M.Y. MAMA on Google

Advance reservations are required to prevent corona infection. A child-centered experience-based facility!
Ruu tan (るーたん) on Google

In addition to various classes such as programming and handmade classes being held every month, the work experience of a child who is impressed by how non-profit organizations operate KidZania will be wonderful! o (^ o ^) o
Yoshi Oka on Google

清水市にある子どもの職業体験(社会体験)施設で、ここに通わせるために都内から引っ越ししても良いかと思わせる程の施設。 同種の有名施設にキッザニアがあるが似て非なるモノと感じた。謂わば彼方はアミューズメント、此方は研修施設かな。市の運営で企業は協賛していないので、某所のように制服が用意されていたりと派手さは無いが、大人のサポートは有りつつも子どもが主体となって各店舗や行政のミニチュア版をまわしている感があり、まさに実社会に出る前の社会人研修施設。 詳しくは公式のページを見て貰えば良いと思うので、以下は所感を記載する。 いくつか店舗があるが、店舗内では管理職も子ども、一般担当も子ども。子どもが担当の子どもたちにテキパキと指示を出している様がとても印象に残った。 また、店員をしている子どもも買い物をしようとする我が子や大人の当方にもキチンと接客・説明をしていたのも驚いた。 またこの施設は街(タウン)をイメージしており、子どもの市長も存在する。店長としてマネージメントしつつ稼ぐ子ども、労働者として稼ぐ子ども、公人(役所)として働く子ども とまさにミニ社会。実社会に近づけるために、店長の子どもからタウンへの提言で納税も始まったらしい。 本当に素晴らしい。この施設に通って鍛えられた清水市の子どもたちが大人になった時、普通に育って大人になり社会に放り出された者との差は歴然であろう。
This is a facility for children's work experience (social experience) in Shimizu City, which makes them think that they can move from Tokyo to get here. There was KidZania in a famous facility of the same kind, but I felt that it was similar. So-called amusement, this is a training facility. Since the company does not support the operation of the city, there is no flashy that uniforms are prepared like a certain place, but there is adult support but children are the main and each store and administrative miniature version A training facility for adults who has a feeling of turning and has just entered the real world. For details, I would like to see the official page. There are several stores, but managers are children and general staff are children. I was very impressed that the children were giving instructions to the children in charge. Also, I was surprised that the children who were the store clerk were serving and explaining to my children and adults who were shopping. In addition, this facility has an image of a town, and there is a mayor of children. Children who earn while managing as managers, children who earn as workers, children who work as public employees (government offices) and a mini society. To get closer to the real world, tax payments seem to have started with recommendations from the store manager's children to the town. it is really amazing. When the children of Shimizu City trained through this facility grew up, the difference from those who grew up and became adults and thrown out into society is obvious.

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