Docomo Shop Nanba Walk Shop

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Docomo Shop Nanba Walk Shop

住所 :

1 Chome, Sennichimae, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0074 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

1 Chome, Sennichimae, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0074 Osaka,Japan
hy an on Google

仕事終わりに急いで他社乗り換えの目的で来店したけど誰一人声をかけて来ず、ずっと立ってて立ちんぼ状態w やる気ないし、ずっと話しててこちらから声をかける気すら起きなかった。 時間も電車代も無駄にした。
At the end of the work, I rushed to the store for the purpose of changing to another company, but no one called me alone, standing all the time, standing still w I was not motivated, I didn't even bother to talk and talk to me. I wasted time and train charges.
kankiti 55 on Google

接客態度が最悪 できる限り他のドコモショップにいった方がいいです
Worst customer service You should go to another docomo shop as much as possible
B Mint on Google

料金プラン改定や機種変更を兼ねて娘と二人で店を訪ねた。3週間くらい前に予約していたので、スムーズに対応してもらった。 途中でシステムトラブルとかで、あとに予定のあった我々は、二日後にサスペンデッドとなったのだが、とにかく担当の方の対応が素晴らしく、嫌な思いはゼロだったし、むしろもう一度対応してもらえることが楽しみとなるくらい、とにかく抜群過ぎる接客対応だった。 結局二日に渡る手続きはすべて納得で終わった。しかし機能満載の新機種の特徴や、複雑を極める料金システムのなかで、瞬時に最適を見つけ出して提案してくれる。わからないことも尋ねれば簡潔かつ明解に説明してくれる。聞けばキャリア8年とのことだったが、接客の素晴らしさも含めてプロフェッショナルだと思った。 困ったら第一選択としてこの店を再訪したい。
I visited the store with my daughter to revise the price plan and change the model. I made a reservation about 3 weeks ago, so I got a smooth response. We had a system trouble on the way and we had a plan later, but it was suspended two days later, but anyway, the response of the person in charge was wonderful, there was no unpleasant feeling, and rather we can respond again. The customer service was so outstanding that I was looking forward to it. In the end, all the two-day procedures were convincing. However, it instantly finds and proposes the optimum among the features of the new model full of functions and the extremely complicated fee system. If you ask something you don't understand, it will explain it in a concise and clear manner. I heard that he had been in his career for eight years, but I thought he was a professional, including the wonderful customer service. If you are in trouble, I would like to revisit this store as a first choice.
twoo Maki on Google

待ち時間がかなり長いので予約がスマート? 待ち合いの椅子はフカフカで寝てしまうそうw 店員さんが丁寧に案内してくれます✨ 急ぎじゃなければ近くの本屋さんで時間潰しながら待つもの中々楽しめる過ごし方☺
Reservation is smart because the waiting time is quite long ? The waiting chair seems to sleep fluffy w The clerk will guide you carefully ✨ If you are not in a hurry, you can spend time at a nearby bookstore and wait while enjoying time ☺
坂本弘 on Google

Even if you do not have a reservation, if it is available, you can accept it. The clerk in charge, the work was quick and it was very good
rika Sakura on Google

ココのドコモは、予約無しで 相談出来ます! 思いついて行ける所が最高✨でした。
Coco's docomo does not require a reservation You can consult! The place I could come up with was the best.
坂間俊一 on Google

Most of the staff are young, but they are very polite and responsive. However, if you don't want to wait because of Corona, we recommend you to make a reservation. If you come to the store without making a reservation, please wait for the store to open. You can serve customers without waiting properly. The atmosphere is easy to hear even if you don't understand.
です on Google

髪の長い女性の方が対応してくれたのですが すごく丁寧で親切でした。 予約して行きましたが待ち時間もほとんどなく 機種変更が出来ました。
A woman with long hair responded to me. It was very polite and kind. I made a reservation, but there was almost no waiting time I was able to change the model.

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