Demolished site of Shurin-ji Temple Garden - Takashima

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Demolished site of Shurin-ji Temple Garden

住所 :

374 Kutsukiiwase, Takashima, Shiga 520-1421, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 520-1421

374 Kutsukiiwase, Takashima, Shiga 520-1421, Japan
あるこ on Google

まさおく on Google


It used to be a magnificent garden, but now it's just a lonely garden. It seems that at that time an admission fee of 300 yen was required.
西尾契一郎 on Google

It is a magnificent stone-framed garden. The drum of the drum is the same motif as the Takiishi-gumi at the site of Suwakan in Ichijyaya Kamejima also feels similar to Kameshima at the Yudenkan ruins.
Takumi Yamagishi on Google

京を追われた十二代将軍足利義晴を饗応するため朽木氏によって造営されたという。 戦国時代ならではの質実剛健な石組みは圧巻。些かでも日本庭園に関心のある者であれば見逃すことは許されないだろう。600年とも言われる老椿も大いに観賞の価値がある。正に「鄙にも稀」、本邦屈指の名園中の名園といえよう。 余談であるが、この近辺の人々はこの庭園を「足利庭園」と習い称している模様であり、正式名である「旧秀隣寺庭園」と言っても通りは芳しくないようである。
It is said that it was built by Mr. Kuchiki to meet the 12th general Yoshiharu Ashikaga who was chased by Kyoto. The solid stone structure unique to the Sengoku period is a masterpiece. Anyone who is interested in Japanese gardens will not be allowed to miss. An old woman said to be 600 years old is also worth watching. It is truly a rare garden among the most famous gardens in Japan. As an aside, people in this area seem to be learning this garden as “Ashikaga Garden”, and it seems that the street is not good even if it is called “Old Shukakuji Garden” as its official name.
焼き鳥太郎 on Google

司馬遼太郎さんの「街道をゆく1 湖西のみち」の中にこの庭園のことが触れてあります。 室町将軍の第12代の足利義晴がほとんど身ひとつで京を抜け出してこの朽木谷に身をひそめ、その時の憂さ晴らしにこの枯山水の庭園を作ったのではないだろうか?ということである。またその著書の中に高名な造園家である京都の重森三玲先生もこのお庭ばかりは飽きがこないとおっしゃって毎年一度は見えられていたらしいことがのべてあります。
This garden is mentioned in Ryotaro Shiba's "Going on the Highway 1 Kosai no Michi". Maybe Yoshiharu Ashikaga, the 12th generation of Shogun Muromachi, escaped from Kyoto by himself and hid himself in this Kutsuki valley, and created this dry landscape garden to relieve the anxiety at that time. That's what it means. Also, in the book, it is mentioned that the famous landscape architect Mirei Shigemori of Kyoto said that he never got tired of this garden, and that he could see it once a year.
ねこちゃん on Google

It used to be a mansion and garden that was maintained for Yoshiharu Ashikaga, but now it's a desolate garden that doesn't look like a "place of scenic beauty". Perhaps it used to be crowded, there are large signboards, large and beautiful parking lots, and clean toilets along the national highway. There is no vending machine. It used to cost 300 yen for a fee, but now it's free. I didn't get any money when I went sightseeing, but I haven't confirmed it on Saturdays and Sundays because there are still paid signs. Perhaps it was summer when I went sightseeing, the water in the pond was half and the aquatic plants were about to die. It was a pity that there were no more highlights because the scale itself was not large. The temple itself had no highlights.
Tomoya Yamazaki on Google

落ち着いた素敵なところです。 駐車スペースも広くあるため、車で行くことをお勧めします。
It's a calm and nice place. We recommend that you drive, as there is plenty of parking space.

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