とんこつらあめん楽 台新店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんこつらあめん楽 台新店

住所 :

Daishin, Koriyama, 〒963-8852 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Fukushima

Daishin, Koriyama, 〒963-8852 Fukushima,Japan
イソケン on Google

美味しいかったので次回は違う味のラーメンにします。 餃子もパリパリですごく良かったですよ。
It was delicious so next time I will try different flavors of ramen. The dumplings were also very nice and crispy.
薫流 on Google

平日昼時でもそれなりに空いてる。 味はそれなりだけど、麺の硬さが選べて早く品出ししてくれるのは、すごく助かります。
Even at noon on weekdays, it is vacant as it is. The taste is reasonable, but it is very helpful to be able to choose the hardness of the noodles and get them out quickly.
GLORIA摩天楼オペラ on Google

I ate a lot of cabbage tonkotsu char siu ramen. The raw cabbage, thick-sliced ​​char siu, and thin noodles were very delicious, and the soup was also delicious. Thank you to all the staff in a loud voice when I returned. I thought that the customer service was wonderful. I think it's a good store that you can feel good about
渡邊智幸 on Google

20年ぶりくらいに訪問。 それだけ空いたのはいいイメージがなかったから。 でも仕事のお昼で伺うと以前より価格は押さえられ、味は上がりとてもいい印象でした。 機会があればまた行こうかなと。
Visited for the first time in 20 years. I didn't have a good image because I didn't have that much space. However, when I visited at lunchtime at work, the price was lower than before, and the taste went up, which made a very good impression. I wonder if I should go again if I have a chance.
ozzy156gta on Google

The inside of the shop is beautiful and the customer service is not bad, but if you think of it as ordinary ramen and eat it, it is not unpleasant. Probably because the hardness of the noodles is set, I think I was conscious of Hakata ramen, but the noodles were different and the soup had almost no aroma (smell of pork bones), so it was a disappointing taste. Still, 750 yen is expensive. Other than Hakata and Kyushu, if there is an odor, the number of customers will surely decrease. I don't recommend it if you know the taste of Fukuoka. It's true that Kyushu isn't called Hakata anywhere, so I'm convinced that it is, but there is no lipi.
笑顔でいればみんなHAPPY on Google

(Translated by Google) I asked him if he wanted to eat tonkotsu (pork bones) for a long time. I've added boiled eggs toppings ♡ I also like kimchi, so I ate it (ˊᵕˋ) ♡ It's good because the turnover rate is good (*> ∀ ∀<)b
チビじゅん on Google

I only ask for soft noodles, so I don't know how to make them burr, but the softness may be a little softer. I think the taste is easy to eat without the smell of pork bones. I'm grateful that kimchi comes out in the service. The correspondence of the stack is also comfortable + ☆ One.
ぜーたぷらす on Google

とんこつラーメンで検索したら ここがヒットし、早速行ってみた。 発券機で購入するシステム 駐車場もベニマルと隣接してて とても停めやすいです。 大盛とんこつラーメンと 替玉を選択、これで1000円以下という安さ 席に座ると麺の硬さを聞かれ バリカタで注文 5分もせず着丼 美味しい! 麺の細さも好みのタイプ 替玉も同じくバリカタで! 替玉のバリカタはとても程よい硬さです 特に店員さんの接客がとても良いです 気配りしてくれて、子供客もしっかり対応 してくれます! また来ます! 2022/01/19 再来店 オープン間も無くで入店のためか 誰もいない… 前回と同様の大盛とんこつと替え玉を発券 硬さはおすすめのハリガネで 5分もかからず着丼 ハリガネよいねー! 替え玉も同じくハリガネで注文! とても腰があってうまい! ハリガネおすすめします! 2022/02/03 再々来店 お昼近くにて入店 ちらほらと客が数名おりました いつもと同じく 大盛とんこつラーメンと替玉を 発券機にて購入!カウンターへ着席! 硬さはハリガネで 数分で着丼 やはり、ハリガネ!うまいねー! 替玉のハリガネが特に良い! バリバリってかんじー! 次は粉落としで食べてみよっと! またきまーす 2022/02/17 またまたまた来店 奥様を連れてきました 前回同様、大盛、替玉で発券 奥様は 普通、辛ネギトッピング、餃子 硬さはいつものハリガネで! 奥様も大変気に入って大満足! 餃子もおいしいです! 奥様共々、また来ます! 次は粉落とし!いってみよー! 2022/03/16 再来店 今日は塩とんこつラーメンと替え玉で発券 麺の硬さは 上級者の粉落とし!で注文 5分前後で着丼 胡麻油であえた白髪ネギ…いらないなぁ 私的な意見だけど…とんこつに胡麻油は 合わないと感じます 麺の硬さは 粉落とし!サイコーです! 替え玉の粉落としがこれまた良い! 硬い麺が好きな方、初心者でも おすすめです! 塩とんこつは白髪ネギ抜きで頼むのがベストかも… でも、安定の美味しさです! また来ます。 …余談 発券機の前でダラダラとメニューを見て 選んでる家族がいるが… 決めてから並んで欲しいよ… それだけで時間がかかりイライラする… 何のために紙メニューが置いてあるのか 考えてほしい…と感じますが… 人それぞれなので仕方がないですね… 我慢しましょう…
If you search for tonkotsu ramen This was a hit and I went immediately. System to purchase with a ticketing machine The parking lot is also adjacent to Benimaru It's very easy to stop. With Omori Tonkotsu Ramen Select a replacement ball, which is as cheap as 1000 yen or less When I sit down, I'm asked how hard the noodles are Order at Balikata Donburi in less than 5 minutes delicious! The type of noodles you like The replacement ball is also Balikata! The replacement ball Balikata has a very moderate hardness. Especially the customer service of the clerk is very good Attentive and responsive to children Will do it! I'll come back later! 2022/01/19 Return to the store Is it because of entering the store soon after opening? Nobody is here… Issuing the same large tonkotsu and replacement balls as last time Hardness is recommended with Harigane Donburi in less than 5 minutes Harigane is good! You can also order replacement balls at Harigane! Very chewy and good! I recommend Harigane! 2022/02/03 Visit again Enter the store near noon There were a few customers here and there As usual Omori tonkotsu ramen and spare balls Purchase at the ticketing machine! Take a seat at the counter! Hardness is firm Donburi in a few minutes After all, Harigane! It ’s good! The replacement ball is especially good! It ’s crunchy! Next, let's eat it with powder remover! See you again 2022/02/17 Visit again I brought my wife Same as last time, ticketing with a large serving and a replacement ball The wife is usually spicy green onion topping, dumplings Hardness is the usual tension! My wife also liked it very much and was very satisfied! Dumplings are also delicious! My wife will come again! Next is powder removal! Let's go! 2022/03/16 Return to the store Tickets are issued today with salt tonkotsu ramen and replacement balls The hardness of the noodles is for advanced powder removers! Order at Donburi in about 5 minutes White-haired green onions with sesame oil ... I don't need them. In my opinion, sesame oil is a pork bone I feel it doesn't fit The hardness of the noodles is powder removal! It's great! This is also good for removing powder from spare balls! Even beginners who like hard noodles it's recommended! It may be best to order salted tonkotsu without white onions ... But it's stable and delicious! I will come again. … Digression Look at the menu in front of the ticketing machine I have a family of choice ... I want you to line up after deciding ... That alone takes time and is frustrating ... What is the paper menu for? I want you to think about it ... It can't be helped because each person is different ... Let's be patient ...

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