
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)魚兵鮮魚

住所 :

Daimuracho, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0014 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://uoheisengyo.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Daimuracho, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0014 Kanagawa,Japan
松橋文夫 on Google

年末30日の朝9時からまぐろだけを販売します。資金不足で大間の天然物は並びませんが、新潟産の中とろもなかなかですよ。 魚の目利きは信用出来ます。前日にはたこと真鯛とぶりを購入しました。
Only tuna will be sold from 9 am on the 30th of the year. Oma's natural products are not lined up due to lack of funds, but it is quite good from Niigata. You can trust the connoisseur of fish. The day before, I bought red sea bream and yellowtail.
hiro on Google

魚屋のやっている居酒屋と言うことで人気があり、また「魚屋がやっている」と言う先入観から美味しい魚を安く食べられると思われがちたが、正直、味も普通だし、料金も決して安いとは言えず、わざわざ行く程ではないと思います。 先日も宴会で飲み放題付きのコースを頼みましたが、料理はとても貧相で、宴会ならば正直言ってチェーン店の居酒屋の方が安くて美味しい料理が食べられると思います。まあ、少人数で行って、値段を気にせずに刺身中心に食べれば、それなりに満足できるのかもしれません。
It is popular to say that a izakaya is doing at a fish shop, and from the preconception that "fish shop is doing" it seems that you can eat delicious fish cheaply, but honestly, the taste is normal and the price is never cheap But I don't think it's going to be bothered. The other day, I asked for a course with all-you-can-drink at a banquet, but the food was very poor, and if it was a banquet, I would honestly say that the chain store tavern is cheaper and I can eat delicious food. Well, if you go with a small number of people and eat mainly sashimi without worrying about the price, you might be satisfied as it is.
At Sw on Google

中山駅南口すぐの居酒屋。1Fは魚屋みたいで、2Fが居酒屋。 まぁ、刺身はどれもうまいです。 だいぶ厚い切り身でだされますが、それでも筋っぽかたりすることなく、なにもかもおいしい。 お通しの南蛮漬けなんかでもうまい。 当然肉メニューは少ないですが、刺身だけではなく、揚げ物とかサラダとかバラエティ豊富に揃っているので、メニューの組み立ても問題ないです。 鍋なんかも魚の旨味が出まくってるので、雑炊なんかで締めると最高です。 酒の品揃えはあんまりないですが、それ を補ってあまりあるつまみのおいしさなので、贔屓にしたい。 カウンターで一人でも、座敷で団体でもOKなので、いろいろ使えると思います。 とはいえ、金曜、週末はそこそこ混んでるので複数人なら予約がするのが良いと思います。
A izakaya right near the south exit of Nakayama Station. The first floor looks like a fish shop, and the second floor is an izakaya. Well, any sashimi is good. It is served with a very thick fillet, but it is still delicious and everything is delicious. It ’s fine to pick up a Nanban pickle. Of course, there are few meat menus, but not only sashimi but also fried foods and salads etc. There is a wide variety of menus, so there is no problem with menu assembly. The taste of the fish also comes out of the pot, so it is best to tighten it with porridge. There is not much assortment of sake, but it There is a lot of knobs that make up for it, so I want to favor it. You can use it alone at the counter or in a group in the room, so I think you can use it in various ways. Nevertheless, on Fridays and weekends are crowded, so I think it is better to make a reservation if more than one person.
T T on Google

A izakaya with fresh fish. There are two floors, the second floor and the third floor. Sake is also delicious.
akihiko nagata on Google

Rabbits were horny, fresh and beautiful, and they were all delicious. It is a shop I would like to visit again.
やきとりほるもん on Google

The first floor is a fish shop and the second floor is a tavern. The sashimi that comes out at an izakaya is the most powerful menu. Sake is going on anyway, such as kissing tempura and mentaiko.
Michelle S on Google

土曜日に行ったら団体さんが入っていたので ほぼ満席状態でした。厚切りのお刺身が新鮮で美味しい。車海老の塩焼きも食べ応えあり。魚好きには嬉しいお店です。 タバコは分煙じゃないのでカウンターの隣の席にタバコを吸う人がいたらまともに煙りがきてかなりキツいですね。せっかくのお料理も煙草のニオイで美味しさが半減してしまいます。その点が残念です。
When we went on Saturday, there was a group, so it was almost full. Thick sliced ​​sashimi is fresh and delicious. The shrimp grilled with shrimp can be eaten. It's a great shop for fish lovers. Smoking is not a smoke, so if there is a person who smokes in the seat next to the counter, it is quite hard to smoke. The delicious dishes are also halved with the odor of cigarettes. That is a pity.
ちゃとら on Google

1階の魚屋さんに行ってみました。 お昼前に行ったらほとんどお魚が残っておらず、鯵のお刺身と太刀魚1匹購入。どちらも新鮮で生臭みが無くとても美味しかったです。店主はとても気さくな方で、魚の事を色々教えてくださいました。開店と同時に行った方が良さそうです。
I went to the fish shop on the 1st floor. When I went there before noon, there was almost no fish left, so I bought sashimi of horse mackerel and one cutlass fish. Both were fresh and had no fishy odor and were very delicious. The owner was very friendly and taught me a lot about fish. It seems better to go at the same time as the store opens.

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