Sakaiminato Fish Center - Sakaiminato

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakaiminato Fish Center

住所 :

259-2 Takenouchidanchi, Sakaiminato, Tottori 684-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 684-0046
Webサイト :

259-2 Takenouchidanchi, Sakaiminato, Tottori 684-0046, Japan
放浪するm on Google

Live pine crab, rock oysters, boiled crabs, Sakaiminato Shiraka, souvenirs and various marine products from Tottori Prefecture are on sale. There are many anglers in the adjacent coastal area. Although it feels a little less lively, salmon is sold in a wide price range from thousands to 80,000 yen
布田 淳ぬのた あつし on Google

2020年11月2日初めて行きました。平日の昼頃だったけどお客さん少なかったな。 かなり閑散としてます。丁度、松葉ガニ最盛期!で各、お店で販売してましたね。 自分はお寿司屋?買って帰ろうかと行きましたが、無かったですね。残念。 魚屋さん?も中に沢山あるし新鮮な海の幸が豊富にあるので、お客さん少ないの勿体ない気がします。 家が近ければ、ちょこちょこ買い物?行くんですけどね☺️市場の雰囲気は小さい頃から好きだったんで。 まぁコロナやら色々、問題があるからでしょう。また、4月に入ったら寄ってみます。 市場の関係者さん、陰ながら応援してます。
I went there for the first time on November 2, 2020. It was around noon on weekdays, but there weren't many customers. It's pretty quiet. Just the peak of the snow crab! So each one was sold at the store. I went to buy a sushi restaurant ? and went home, but it wasn't there. Sorry. There are a lot of fishmongers ? inside, and there are plenty of fresh seafood, so I feel that it is a waste to have few customers. If I'm close to my house, I'll go shopping ?, but ☺️ I've liked the atmosphere of the market since I was little. Well, it's probably because there are various problems such as corona. Also, I will stop by in April. I'm supporting the people involved in the market behind the scenes.
Ame Mishima on Google

อร่อย เนื้อปูหวานสดมากๆสดมากอร่อยมาก
Delicious, sweet crab meat, very fresh, very fresh, very tasty.
Yuichi on Google

新鮮な魚介類が並んでいました。 いくつか魚を買いましたが、見ているだけでも楽しかったです。 15時閉店でしたので、早い時間に行くことをおすすめします。
Fresh seafood was lined up. I bought some fish, but it was fun just looking at them. It was closed at 15:00, so we recommend that you go early.
m on Google

ここの市場はその場で食べられるお店もあります! 8月初旬に訪れた時は紅ズワイガニと岩牡蠣をいただきました? 購入するとその場でカニも牡蠣も剥いてくださって、新鮮だし食べやすいし最高!!!! 市場で海鮮を食せるなんてとても贅沢です!
The market here also has shops where you can eat on the spot! When I visited in early August, I had red snow crab and rock oysters ? When you buy it, the crabs and oysters are peeled off on the spot, it's fresh and easy to eat !!!! It's a luxury to be able to eat seafood at the market!
shuichi yasaki (yazashu) on Google

だいぶ古いが、新鮮なカニがたくさん。コロナで飲食スペース中断しています。 水だこ買って新鮮さにびっくりした。 ノドグロ、カニはたくさん。 見るだけで楽しい。隣ビルは韓国食品お土産屋。奥には食事処あり。
It's quite old, but there are a lot of fresh crabs. Eating and drinking space is suspended at Corona. I bought a water octopus and was surprised at the freshness. Lots of blackthroat seaperch and crabs. It's fun just to look at it. The next building is a Korean food souvenir shop. There is a restaurant in the back.
Fujio Watanabe on Google

We can buy Crab!!
Islam Mohammad Saiful on Google

Excited specifically for kiss fish size

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