個室居酒屋 時しらず 大宮駅前店

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 個室居酒屋 時しらず 大宮駅前店

住所 :

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88798
Webサイト : https://tokishirazu.owst.jp/
街 : Saitama

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan
mickey on Google

We bothered for lunch. I was looking for a restaurant because I was tired after returning home from my hospital with my children. The children welcomed me comfortably, the rice was delicious, and I could eat it with confidence because it was a private room. The staff was also very kind and had a good impression! I will definitely repeat it ?
柳澤順一 on Google

特別、換気とかアクリル板を立てるとかのコロナ対策はしていない。 三人で行って八人くらいの部屋に通されたんでそこそこ離れて座ったけど、他の部屋では同じサイズの部屋に八人座ってた。 料理はすべて大皿で出てきて、取り箸が付いてくるわけでもない。言えば出してくれたのかもしれないけど、言われなければ出さないって姿勢もどうなんだろう。
There are no special measures for corona such as ventilation or setting up an acrylic plate. I went there with three people and was passed through a room of about eight people, so I sat a little far away, but in the other rooms, eight people were sitting in a room of the same size. All dishes are served on a platter and do not come with chopsticks. Maybe he gave it out, but what about his attitude that he wouldn't give it out unless he was told?
おたび on Google

4000円のコースを予約しました。(私は先着3組まで1000円OFFの割引が適用されました。) 2名用の席に案内されましたが、廊下の足音がとてもうるさかったです。途中から慣れて、気にならなくなりましたが。 料理に関して、味は不味くないのですが、美味しいものを食べてもらいたいというお店側の意思が感じ取れませんでした。 以下、詳細です。 枝豆→どこにでもある感じ。 サラダ→上記と同様。 ゴボウの竜田揚げ→カリカリしていてそこそこ美味しい。 鶏もも肉の鋤焼き→冷めていて、お肉が固くなっていた。また、お肉の量も少ない。 今日のご飯(サーモンとまぐろ丼)→ご飯がボソボソで保温しなかった翌日のご飯のよう。サーモンとまぐろの量も少ない。 デザート(ほうじ茶ソフト)→半分以上溶けていて、どろどろ。 1000円OFFなので、まぁいいか位に思いましたが、4000円でこの料理が出てくると思うと、他の人が気の毒になります。 次は無いですね。
I booked a 4000 yen course. (I got a 1000 yen off discount for the first 3 groups.) I was guided to a seat for two people, but the footsteps in the hallway were very noisy. I got used to it from the middle and didn't bother. Regarding the food, the taste is not bad, but I could not feel the store's intention to eat delicious food. Below are the details. Edamame → Feeling everywhere. Salad → Same as above. Fried burdock tatsutaage → It's crispy and delicious. Grilled chicken thighs → It was cold and the meat was hard. Also, the amount of meat is small. Today's rice (salmon and tuna bowl) → It's like the next day's rice when the rice wasn't kept warm. The amount of salmon and tuna is also small. Dessert (hojicha soft) → More than half melted and muddy. It's 1000 yen off, so I thought it was okay, but when I think that this dish will come out for 4000 yen, I feel sorry for other people. There is no next.
滝宮空未 on Google

I just asked for the price of the plate on the phone, I had to wait for more than 5 minutes, and when I thought that I was back on the phone after all, I was checking over the phone and wondering what I was doing for these 5 minutes I did. The clerk's response did not consistently give a good impression, but I wondered if the food was delicious.
たえちゃん on Google

2,500円の飲み放題、食べ放題コースを選んだのですが、食べ残したら仁な500円取られるので、食べ残しは不可! そんな中、最初の3品はお店が決めて持ってきて、その3品が出揃ったあとからオーダー開始! しかし、最初の3品が、ポテトフライ(山盛り)、枝豆(通常より多め)、野菜サラダと、まぁ、腹にたまります! お見せ側の戦略ですね! お酒のカクテルやハイボールは薄め。 あるあるですが、他のお料理は味は良かったです。 食べ放題にしなければ、良かったかなと後悔。
I chose the all-you-can-drink and all-you-can-eat course for 2,500 yen, but if you leave it uneaten, you will be charged 500 yen, so you can't leave it uneaten! Meanwhile, the store decides and brings the first three items, and orders start after the three items are available! However, the first three items are potato fries (heaps), edamame (more than usual), and vegetable salad, so I'm hungry! It's a show-side strategy! Light cocktails and highballs. There are some, but the other dishes tasted good. I regret that I should have eaten all-you-can-eat.
。。 on Google

食べログから当日予約可だったので来店。まず他の方も書いてる通り、足音がめっちゃうるさいです。わざとドスドス鳴らしてる?ってくらい響きます。料理は食べられないことはないけど別に美味しい訳じゃなく、値段も割高。刺身3点盛りはちょっと生臭いマグロ、サーモン、はまちが3切れずつで1200円くらいでした。会計時にTポイントで4000円分支払いと、10%割引のクーポンを使用しましたが、会計からTポイントの4000円分を引いたあとに割引されてました。一部支払い処理をした後に割引ってちょっと意味分かりませんけど。 優秀な飲食店が沢山ある大宮で、わざわざこの店を選ぶ理由がひとつもない。星1つもつけたくない。 二度と行きません。
I came to the store because it was possible to make a reservation on the day from the tabelog. First of all, as others have written, the footsteps are very noisy. Are you deliberately ringing? It sounds like that. You can't eat food, but it's not delicious and the price is high. Assortment of 3 sashimi was about 1200 yen with 3 slices of fishy tuna, salmon and yellowtail. I used a coupon for 4000 yen with T points and a 10% discount at the time of checkout, but it was discounted after subtracting 4000 yen for T points from the checkout. I don't know what it means to get a discount after processing some payments. There are many excellent restaurants in Omiya, and there is no reason to choose this restaurant. I don't want to add a single star. I will never go again.
栄一福 on Google

I was sent to you in December 2021, but are you educating your employees? If you ask for today's sashimi from the menu and ask what kind of sashimi this is, you won't know! ?? I was surprised! After that, the chopsticks that were placed are different in length! For some reason, there is shredded seaweed on the plate! Mystery is! I don't think it makes sense to tell the part-time job, so I'll write it here.
Hiroko Lemay on Google

Lots of Izakaya tapas menu. Private tatami room but you don't have to fold you legs to sit. You can sit like on a chair. Modrate price. No English menu!

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