長岡市 北越戊辰戦争伝承館

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 長岡市 北越戊辰戦争伝承館

住所 :

Daikokumachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-0895 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday Closed
街 : Niigata

Daikokumachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-0895 Niigata,Japan
まじめ on Google

如是蔵博物館で教えてもらって行きました。 この出来事の話は司馬遼太郎さんの【峠】で読めますと教えてもらいました。 歩いてすぐのところに、山本五十六 戊辰戰蹟記念碑があります。
I went to teach at the Yozozo Museum. I was told that the story of this event can be read by Mr. Ryotaro Shiba [峠]. A short walk will take you to the Yamamoto Isoroku Monument.
鈴木出羽守重泰 on Google

コンパクトなサイズの建物でしたが非常に見易く、入館料は無料にもかかわらず伝承館のスタッフの方々は丁寧に対応してくれました。後世に伝えていくべき"悲劇の戦争" と再認識しました。
Although it was a compact building, it was very easy to see, and despite the fact that the admission fee was free, the staff at the tradition hall responded politely. I reaffirmed that it was a "tragedy war" that should be passed down to future generations.
T No (ToNo) on Google

It is a clean facility. There were also various materials. Admission is nicely free.
佐藤正毅 on Google

大黒古戦場パークに隣接する資料館、長岡城奪還戦の資料を主に長岡の花火などの資料も展示されています、珍しく撮影可能な資料館です。 大黒古戦場パークには山本五十六中将時の筆による石碑が立っています。
It is a rare museum where you can take pictures of the museum adjacent to Ogurokosenjo Park, which mainly displays materials such as the Nagaoka Castle recapture battle and fireworks in Nagaoka. A stone monument written by Lieutenant General Isoroku Yamamoto stands in the Daikoku Ancient Battlefield Park.
tomoyuki watanabe on Google

日本人同士による戦いがこの地であり、大勢の方が犠牲となった。兵士達により街は焼き払われ市民にも多くの負担が強いられた。 展示室から二階のテラスに出て、青々とした真夏の八丁沖を眺めていると、明治から令和に引き継がねばならぬ「何か」にココロが改まった。 また、大江用水など八丁沖土地改良の歴史も良くまとめてあり、興味深かった。 涼しくなったら、無料配布のマップを片手に古戦場を訪ねてまわりたい。
This was a battle between Japanese people, and many people were sacrificed. Soldiers burned down the town and imposed a lot of burden on the citizens. When I went out to the terrace on the second floor from the exhibition room and looked at the lush summer midsummer off Hatcho, the heart was changed to "something" that Meiji had to hand over to Ryowa. In addition, the history of land improvement off Hatcho, such as Oe irrigation, was well summarized and interesting. When it gets cooler, I want to visit the ancient battlefield with a free map.
Cyberbit on Google

北越戦争の激戦地の一つ、大黒古戦場パークに隣接する博物館です。 戊辰関連は2Fに展示されており、貴重な資料と当時使われた刀や槍、今現在でも出土すると言われる銃弾などが展示されています。テラスからは長岡藩兵が渡ったとされる八丁沖の全体が一望出来ます。 入場は無料ですが、受付での記帳が必要との事です。
It is a museum adjacent to the Daikoku Battlefield Park, one of the fierce battlefields of the Hokuetsu War. Sakai-related items are on display on the 2nd floor, including valuable materials, swords and armors used at that time, and bullets that are said to be excavated even now. From the terrace, you can see the entire area of ​​Hatcho offing where Nagaoka Mercenary has passed. Admission is free, but it is necessary to make a note at the reception.
kee on Google

戊辰戦争(長岡戦役)の激戦地だった場所に、きれいな資料館が建っている。料金は無料。 展示物はこの地域の詳細な戦闘の様子が中心。地元の人が多く来訪していて、みな感心していた。 外部の人でもそれなりに楽しめる内容です。 今は見渡す限りの水田ですが戊辰戦争当時は湿地帯だったそうです。
A beautiful museum is built in the place that was the fierce battlefield of the Boshin War (Nagaoka campaign). There is no charge. The exhibits are centered around the detailed battles in this area. Many locals visited and were all impressed. It is a content that even outsiders can enjoy as it is. It is a paddy field as far as the eye can see, but it was a wetland at the time of the Boshin War.
ヒサシ“もっちゃん” on Google

I was quietly standing in a corner of a village called Shingumi. I think it is one of the few museums that recorded the Boshin War. Free. However, the content of the exhibition is centered around the Nagaoka Domain, which is called the Battle of Hokuetsu (2nd floor space). In addition, the space on the first floor was an individual exhibition about irrigation projects and fireworks around Shingumi. The exhibition is centered on records, and there is no detailed description of the Nagaoka Domain's involvement in the Boshin War.

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