Daiichi Hospital - Katsushika City

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daiichi Hospital

住所 :

4 Chome-2-10 Higashikanamachi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 125-0041
Webサイト : http://www.daiichi.or.jp/

4 Chome-2-10 Higashikanamachi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0041, Japan
OXO on Google

The family was hospitalized, but the doctor's attitude was intimidating and overwhelming. The explanation is also miscellaneous. When I ask a question, I make a loud voice and think that I don't even know that. It's far from polite. The building is also super onboro. I have been admitted to a public hospital before, but there is a difference in doctors, staff, buildings, equipment, etc. I will never be involved in this hospital again. I really have no regrets.
モンスト on Google

I think it's just like the reviews of other people. The nurses are doctors who are only talkative and do not have a proper medical examination, and clerks who do not listen. Mr. Sawamura, let's listen to the end without hanging the phone on the way.
she me on Google

If I have time to talk with other nurses in the treatment room, I'm working hard. I want you to quit and the surgery is too difficult to answer the phone. If you have time to laugh, I want you to work, and even if it's an emergency, if you can't do it alone, why don't you call a taxi or an ambulance? I wondered if there was a way to deal with it, and I'm calling because it's hard to call and move, but how about that attitude? On the contrary, it became difficult to go. It's still painful and I don't know what to do, but I don't want to call.
桜華刹那 on Google

コロナの疑いがあり、PCR検査を受けました。 電話して問い合わせたのですが、対応は最悪。通勤以外コロナ感染の心当たりがないと説明をしても、本当に??嘘つかないでくださいなどと根拠なく認めない。 実際病院へ行き検査をしてくださったのは有難く、陰性だったが、発熱があったので薬欲しいですと言うと、看護師の人が何の薬?と。いや、それを見てもらいに来たんですけど?って話でした。しかもタメ口。対応が雑というか残念すぎて2度と行きたくないと思いました。
I was suspected of having a corona and underwent a PCR test. I called and inquired, but the response was the worst. Even if I explain that I have no idea of ​​corona infection other than commuting, is it really? ?? I do not admit without grounds that you should not lie. I was thankful that I went to the hospital and had a test, and it was negative, but when I said that I wanted medicine because I had a fever, what kind of medicine was the nurse? When. No, I came to see it? It was a story. Moreover, it is a tame mouth. I didn't want to go there again because the correspondence was too rough or too disappointing.
p p on Google

Telephone correspondence is the worst and unpleasant. For that reason, I have no knowledge. Please wait in a row. Even after the corona recuperation period, it will be treated as a pathogen. I was kept waiting in the frigid cold in front of the entrance, and I was treated by phone. You will have to wait at least 30 minutes for the medicine to come out and 1 hour for the checkout. If you don't work together and don't urge you, you'll have to wait for hours. Even patients are kept waiting in the frigid cold. I just apologize and bring only the money exactly. It's a crazy hospital where common sense doesn't work. I recommend others. Don't use it only here. Corona is especially bad. There is no applicability. Left behind in the times.
みな on Google

The word-of-mouth communication was a little bad, and I was honestly scared, but when my boyfriend was in the hospital and I called there, he kindly answered me, and I thought it was a way of saying it!
ごちょごちょ on Google

He was transported by emergency at midnight due to a rib fracture. The nurses are tired from the severe labor caused by the corona, "I have a broken bone, I'll do my best to take off my clothes, I'll put it in with a strong painkiller drip, so I'll do my best." I'm really grateful for the kind words that encouraged me while being close to me, who had difficulty breathing, inhaling, and moving because of pain. I felt that "Angel in a white coat" was true because of the nurses' responsive response and gentle words when it was painful and painful. thank you! Please do your best, the angel in the white coat of the sick people (* ^^ *)
k i on Google

この病院は生活保護者が多くそれでも受け入れている病院です。 私の近所の病院なので、当時駆け込みました。 ガンのステージ5でして、診察後、即入院でした。 入院して感じたことは、患者のクレームが多かったことです。 クレーム患者のほとんどは、生活保護者とのことです。 ただで、治療できるからです。 この病院の8割は生活保護者です。 ここにかかげている、クレームは、私からしたら 生活保護者の口コミでしょう スタッフは、ちゃんとしてくれてます。 良い病院です。
This hospital is still accepted by many welfare guardians. It's a hospital in my neighborhood, so I rushed in at that time. I was in stage 5 of cancer and was hospitalized immediately after the examination. What I felt when I was hospitalized was that there were many complaints from patients. Most of the complaint patients are welfare guardians. Because it can be treated for free. 80% of this hospital is a welfare guardian. The complaint that is hidden here is from my point of view It will be a word of mouth of the welfare guardian The staff is decent. It's a good hospital.

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