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Contact もりた内科・眼科クリニック

住所 :

Matsudo, 〒271-0092 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://morita-iin.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Matsudo, 〒271-0092 Chiba,Japan
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老眼がきたかなと思って受診しました。 懇切丁寧な検査のもと、利き目?は今までのコンタクトで、片目だけ遠近のコンタクトを処方してもらい、快適です!
I had a medical examination because I thought I had presbyopia. Dominant eyes under careful and careful inspection? I've been using contact lenses so far, and I'm comfortable because I have only one eye prescribe a perspective contact!
橘美保 on Google

雇入時健診に予約をして伺いました。 予約を取るときに「会社から渡された規定の診断書に記入をお願いできますか?」とたずねると「大丈夫」との返答をもらい、予約をしました。 当日伺い、受付で「この診断書に記入お願いします」と会社規定の用紙を渡しました。 当日の健診自体は問題ありませんでした。 が、別日に健診の結果を受け取り時に問題が。 年末なので、患者さんが多かったせいか受付の人の態度がぶっきらぼうで、げんなり。 2時間近く待たされた後、呼び出しがあり診察室に入って、医師から結果を聞くのは3分ほど。 受付で診断書を受け取ろうとすると、なぜか渡した用紙ではなく別の紙に書かれている検査結果を渡されそうに。 あれ?っと思っていると、向こうが途中で気が付いようですが「お待ちください」もなく10分以上待たされた上に、もう一度診察室に呼び出し。 医師から「会社からの紙は最初に渡してくれないと。この紙の内容では血圧をもう一度はからないといけないんですよ」とため息つきでこちらが悪いかのように言われました。 受付では謝罪もなく「こちら用紙です」だけで終了でした。 予約の時点で尋ねていますし、用紙も健診時に渡しています。それなのにこちらが悪いように言われるのは不快です。
I made an appointment for a medical examination at the time of hiring. When I made a reservation, I asked "Can I fill out the prescribed medical certificate given by the company?" And received a reply of "OK" and made the reservation. I visited on the day and handed over the company-specified form at the reception saying, "Please fill out this medical certificate." There was no problem with the medical examination on the day. However, there was a problem when I received the result of the medical examination on another day. Since it was the end of the year, the attitude of the receptionist was blunt, probably because there were many patients. After waiting for almost two hours, I got a call and entered the examination room, and it took about three minutes to hear the result from the doctor. When I tried to receive the medical certificate at the reception, for some reason I was likely to be given the test results written on another paper instead of the one I gave. that? When I was thinking about it, I seemed to notice the other side on the way, but after waiting for more than 10 minutes without "please wait", I called again to the examination room. The doctor said with a sigh, "You have to give me the paper from the company first. You have to get your blood pressure again with the contents of this paper." At the reception, there was no apology and all I had to do was "This is the form". I asked at the time of booking, and I handed the form at the time of the medical examination. And yet it's unpleasant to be told that this is bad.
あんまり“MA” on Google

先生も看護師さんも受付の人も親切です。 電話の呼び出し音楽も落ち着いて好きです
The teachers, nurses and receptionists are kind. I also like the music that calls the phone calmly
宮下阿弓 on Google

First of all, the receptionist is very polite in responding to the phone, and everyone is surprisingly calm. The teacher is also calm. In ophthalmology, my daughter was very happy to take good care of me when she was taken care of by me, and she was very happy to take care of something like a mini-notebook that she gave me after the consultation. It is clean and reliable.
k Y on Google

健康診断のために初めて受診しましたが、院内はとてもきれいで清潔感がありました。 また、看護師さんも優しく明るい方で、採血時にベットでという要望も快諾してくれました。 院長も目を見て健康診断の内容を説明してくれました。 また、午前中の来院者はほとんどお年寄りの方でした
I visited the hospital for the first time for a medical examination, but the hospital was very clean and clean. In addition, the nurse was kind and cheerful, and he kindly agreed to the request to bet when collecting blood. The director also looked at me and explained the contents of the medical examination. Also, most of the visitors in the morning were elderly people.
Rieko D on Google

Wait at least an hour to wait for the results of the examination during this corona period. .. I want you to think more.
きんぐぽんた on Google

It's new, so it's very beautiful. The usual hospital was temporarily closed, and a child of a junior high school student consulted for suspicion of influenza. I went to the department of internal medicine and ophthalmology, so I checked on the phone to see if junior high school students would be okay. The explanation was easy to understand.
福丸船橋サリー on Google

初めて受診のお願いに伺った際に「眼科は午前中のみです。」と、けんもホロロでした。 自分達の常識は患者も従えと言わんばかりでした。 現在までには「眼科は午前中のみ!」とは記載されていません。
When I first asked for a medical examination, Ken also said, "Ophthalmology is only in the morning." Our common sense was that patients should obey. To date, it does not say "Ophthalmology is only in the morning!"

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