Daifuku - Kakogawa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

酒場ダイフク - Daifuku-kakogawa.jp


Contact Daifuku

住所 :

サンライズビル Mizonokuchi-507 Kakogawacho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87987
Postal code : 675-0064
Webサイト : http://daifuku-kakogawa.jp/

サンライズビル Mizonokuchi-507 Kakogawacho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0064, Japan
プードルトト on Google

いい雰囲気お店でした。料理も美味しいし、ワイン、地酒もいっぱいあって 楽しく過ごしました。お店の方も優しいでした。叉行きたいのです。
It was a nice atmosphere shop. The food is delicious and there are plenty of wine and local sake I had a good time. The shop was also kind. I want to cross.
きっしゃんmkmk on Google

美味しいお酒と美味しい料理。 心温まる接客してくださるスタッフ。 とても居心地のいいお店です‼️
Good liquor and good food. The staff who warmly serve customers. It's a very cozy shop! ️
土屋孝晃 on Google

It's not a very large shop, so the smoke isn't separated, but the atmosphere is nice and the food is excellent.
norikura1 on Google

大体のモノが美味しいと思います? 全部は食べたこと無いですが♨️ いい雰囲気の居酒屋さんです?
I think most things are delicious ? I've never eaten everything, but ♨️ It's a tavern with a nice atmosphere ?
アララめぐりん on Google

だし巻きタマゴがめっちゃおいしかった!ふわふわ! 料理はどれも美味しかったけど,残念だったのは,お店が混んでたせいもあってか、注文してからなかなか出てこない(泣) 注文して1時間後にやっと出てきたり……頑張って下さ~い… 店員さん,感じは良かったですよ.
The egg rolls were so delicious! fluffy! All the dishes were delicious, but unfortunately, the shop was so crowded that it didn't come out easily after ordering (crying). Thank you ... The clerk, the feeling was good.
on Google

天ぷら、刺身、ひねぽん どれも美味しかった 今どき、どこも店内禁煙の時代に こちらはタバコ吸えるお店。 カウンター座って両サイドの客に タバコ吸われて最悪だった。 せっかく料理おいしいのに残念…
Tempura, sashimi, minepon Everything was delicious Today, in the era of smoking bans in stores This is a shop where you can smoke. Sitting on the counter for guests on both sides It was the worst smoking ever. Unfortunately the food is delicious...
コイモイモ on Google

加古川駅の南にあるサンライズビルの地下一階にある店。 料理の種類は豊富で、お酒の銘柄も豊富。特に日本酒はよろし。ダッサイはやっぱり美味しいなぁ 料理はどれも美味しい。刺し身も新鮮。一方で、唐揚げもなかなかのレベル。 値段も手頃なので、よく流行っています。他の居酒屋に比べて女性客が多い気がする。週末に行くのならば予約することをおすすめ。 サンライズビルの地下は小楽もあり、実はなかなかの居酒屋が多く隠れた名店スポットのような気がする。
A shop on the first basement floor of Sunrise Building, south of Kakogawa Station. There are a wide variety of dishes and a variety of liquor brands. Especially sake is good. Dassai is still delicious All the dishes are delicious. Sashimi is also fresh. On the other hand, the level of deep-fried food is also quite good. The price is reasonable, so it is popular. I feel that there are more female customers than other izakayas. If you are going on a weekend, it is recommended that you make a reservation. There is also a small underground in the Sunrise Building, and in fact it feels like a famous restaurant spot where many taverns are hidden.
pepe pe on Google

Located on the first basement floor of the Sunrise Building, it is a popular restaurant with very delicious food. It's not a cheap and overly messy shop, but an izakaya with a nice atmosphere. Smoking is possible.

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