Daian-ji mountain ancient tomb - Sakai

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daian-ji mountain ancient tomb

住所 :

7 Daisencho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0035, Japan

Postal code : 590-0035

7 Daisencho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0035, Japan
おとぢろう on Google

This seems to have been modified as Demaru of Miyoshi's military base as well as Chayama Kofun.
潤一犬上(Jun DogGod) on Google

You can see it from around the stone mark on the Nishi-Koya Highway.
みかんみかん on Google

A slightly pitiful burial mound that can only be seen as part of the Nintoku Emperor's Mausoleum (Daisen burial mound) if it is not listed on the map.
野上肇 on Google

Located on the north side of the Nindeok emperor's tomb, it is in line with the Chashan Ancient Tomb. Nintoku Emperor Ling Ancient Tomb is widely continued and unconnected, so I do not know the clear form.
水谷透 on Google

The tumulus on the way to work, I wonder how many tumuli I'm passing by, which I can't see without guidance, and I'm going to run while worrying about it.
W.D. Libaston on Google

茶山古墳の100mほど東側の豪の中に位置する。 案内板があり、それによって古墳の存在は分かるが、何の予備知識も無ければ、木々が生い茂る森と谷の風景という感じ。 交通量の多い道路に面したエリアから住宅地に面した比較的静かな地域に入る、狭間の様な場所に当たる。
It is located 100m east of Chayama Kofun in Australia. There is a signboard that tells you the existence of the tumulus, but without any prior knowledge, it feels like a forest and valley full of trees. It is like a hall, entering a relatively quiet area facing a residential area from an area facing a busy road.
a t on Google

大阪初の世界遺産、百舌鳥·古市古墳群の一部ということで見に来てみました。 最も有名な仁徳天皇陵のすくそばにあり、一体となっているとのことですが、上空からの俯瞰図を見ない限りは何がなんだか全然良くわかりません? 外から見えるのは藻が大量に発生しているお掘りと林だけです。 天皇家の先祖が眠られているということで、エジプトのピラミッドのように中に入ることも出来ません。日本人にとっては大切な場所で歴史的価値もあるかも知れませんが、外国人観光客や私のようなミーハーで見た目が分かりやすいものが好きな人間にとってはあまり面白いものではありません。これを外国人観光客が見に来て、ガッカリすることが目に見えています。 あえて世界遺産登録する必要あったのかなぁ とつくづく思いました。
I came to see Osaka's first World Heritage Site, a part of the Yaotongori and Old City Tombs. It is said that it is one of the most famous temples of the Nindeok emperor's tomb, and it is one thing, but unless you look at the bird's eye view from the sky, you do not understand at all well what ? It is only the digging and forest where a large amount of algae is generated that can be seen from the outside. Because the ancestors of the Emperor family are asleep, they can not enter as in the Egyptian pyramid. It may be an important place for Japanese people and it may have historical value, but it is not very interesting for foreign tourists or people like mehers who are easy to see and understand. It is visible that foreign tourists come to see this and disappointed. I wonder if I dare to register as a World Heritage Site I thought about it.

大安寺山古墳(だいあんじやまこふん) 墳丘直径62mの日本最大級の円墳、築造時期は5世紀中頃と推定。 仁徳天皇陵の陪塚。 濠にはさまれた堤の上に墳丘が造られることはたいへん珍しく、大安寺山古墳と茶山古墳以外では確認されていないとのこと。 ( ̄o ̄)/ ・・・・古墳とは気づかなかった。 どう見ても仁徳天皇陵の外堤の一部にしか見えませんよね? ちなみに大安寺山古墳の北側には、周濠の水質浄化のため向陵公園の芦ヶ池から水路(大仙水路)が延びているらしい。 大仙水路は毎日2,500立方メートルの水を流し込み仁徳天皇陵周濠の水質を浄化しているとのこと。 ・・・・雨水で周濠の水が保たれている訳ではないのですね。
Daianji Mountain Ancient Tomb (Daianji Yamakofun) Japan's largest circular mound with a mound diameter of 62 m, estimated to have been built in the middle of the 5th century. The mound of the Emperor Nintoku. It is very rare for a burial mound to be built on a bank sandwiched between moats, and it has not been confirmed except for the Daianjiyama burial mound and the Chayama burial mound. ( ̄o ̄) / ... I didn't notice it as an old burial mound. No matter how you look at it, you can only see it as a part of the outer bank of the Emperor Nintoku, right? By the way, on the north side of the Daian-ji mountain burial mound, it seems that a waterway (Daisen waterway) extends from Ashigaike in Koryo Park to purify the water quality of the moat. It is said that the Daisen Channel is pouring 2,500 cubic meters of water every day to purify the water quality of the Nintoku Emperor's Mausoleum. ・ ・ ・ ・ Rainwater does not keep the water in the moat.

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