Curves - Okayama

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Curves

住所 :

2 Chome-477-1 Fukutominishi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 702-8031
Webサイト :

2 Chome-477-1 Fukutominishi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8031, Japan
森良子 on Google

It's always ventilated, and their smiles make me want to go again tomorrow. ? Everyone ? Rest assured that the mask is neat ??
重本智美 on Google

I am encouraged by the smile of the coach ♪
橋本悦子 on Google

たった30分の運動なんかと、思ってましたが、されど30分で結構な汗が出ます。 1つ1つのマシンを本気で遣れば きっと成果は出ると思い、日々 頑張ってます。
I thought it was only 30 minutes of exercise, but I sweat a lot in 30 minutes. If you seriously use each machine I'm sure there will be results, every day I'm doing my best.
小野万凡美 on Google

Thank you for your kind guidance.
仁科いづみ on Google

ひざ痛がだいぶなくなって 楽しく行かせて貰ってます
My knee pain has disappeared so much that I am happy to go.
前原要子 on Google

はじめて8年目。体力、体型維持やフレイル予防の為楽しんで通っています。 60代
It's been 8 years since I started. I enjoy going there to maintain my physical strength, shape and prevent frailty. 60s
西森数美 on Google

毎回、明るい笑顔で元気に迎えてくれるコーチ陣に励まされ楽しく通ってます! 少しずつ体力がついていっていて嬉しいです?
Every time, I am encouraged by the coaches who welcome me with a bright smile and I enjoy going there! I'm glad that I'm getting stronger little by little ?
on Google

I go there three times a week! I am enjoying the exercise with peace of mind because he has taken good measures against infection ♪ Even though I was not good at exercising, I am working hard toward my goal while being encouraged by the coaches and the people who attend!

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