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Contact 弓削多醤油(木桶仕込み醤油醸造蔵元)

住所 :

Tawame, Sakado, 〒350-0246 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://yugeta.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Saitama

Tawame, Sakado, 〒350-0246 Saitama,Japan
Takanori on Google

老舗の醤油屋さん。 たまに、卵かけご飯と醤油ソフトが食べたくなります。 卵かけご飯は醤油を選べて楽しい。 新鮮な卵が美味しい醤油のマッチングで美味しいですね。 醤油ソフト、どんな味か聞かれます。 みたらし団子の味をイメージしてください。 想像つきましたか? 工場見学と売店が利用できます。
A well-established soy sauce shop. Occasionally, I want to eat rice with egg and soy sauce software. It's fun to choose soy sauce for egg over rice. Fresh eggs are delicious with delicious soy sauce. You will be asked what the soy sauce soft taste is. Please imagine the taste of Mitarashi dumpling. Can you imagine it? Factory tours and shops are available.
Papi WRX-STi117 on Google

Soy sauce soft serve is delicious ♬ Today, when I ate soy sauce pudding, it was delicious with beans in it. I also went shopping and bought plum-flavored soy sauce, but I'm using plums from Ogose Town. The yuzu flavor was also delicious when chilled. Maybe you like Yugeda Soy Sauce the most ♬
ふなりえ on Google

とろろごはん、とても美味しかったです? 「いももち」もおすすめです!
Tororo rice was very delicious. "Imomochi" is also recommended!
Mo Ya on Google

A soy sauce brewery that focuses on ingredients and manufacturing methods. It is also possible to visit the factory where domestic whole soybeans are prepared in a wooden tub without a reservation. The second floor is a simple dining room where you can eat rice with eggs using freshly made soy sauce. good. Various sweets and foods using soy sauce can also be purchased at the shop.
中山敦子 on Google

搾りたての生醤油をかけて、卵かけご飯を食べることをおすすめ。 きれいに澄んだ赤い色と香り立った生醤油は、世界中でテーブルに放置されて日に当たり、古くなってどす黒く色が濁った醤油とは全く別の食品です。 醤油造りに使われている湧き水を飲んでみたいけれど、飲むのを忘れました。
We recommend that you sprinkle freshly squeezed soy sauce and eat rice with eggs. Raw soy sauce, which has a beautiful clear red color and scent, is a completely different food from soy sauce, which has been left on the table all over the world and shines due to darkness. I want to drink the spring water used to make soy sauce, but I forgot to drink it.
きんちゃん on Google

Before I stopped here, I ate soy sauce soft serve at another soy sauce store, but the taste was so thin that I didn't like it. I stopped by and ate soy sauce soft, but the taste was solid and delicious.
co2350ppm on Google

醤遊王国(弓削多醤油)の工場見学に行って来ました。 見学自体は20分程、予約無しでOKでした。 自分で搾った醤油の味見もさせてもらえます。 見学の後、2階軽食コーナーで「たまごかけご飯」360円、 醤油ソフト300円をいただきました。 驚いたのはご飯に生醤油をかけただけで結構おいしい事! 昔ながらの木桶で醗酵させているだけではなく、 原料の大豆、小麦は国産の有機栽培物、 塩は天日塩と大変こだわっている事に感心しました。 気になったのは木桶を作る職人が一人しか居ないとの事。 今後どうなってしまうのか・・・。
I went to the factory tour of the soy kingdom (Yugeta soy sauce). The tour itself was OK for about 20 minutes without reservation. You can taste the soy sauce you squeezed. After the tour, "Egg over rice" 360 yen at the snack corner on the second floor, I received 300 yen of soy sauce software. What surprised me was that it was just delicious to just add raw soy sauce to the rice! Not only is it fermented in a traditional wooden vat, Raw soybeans and wheat are domestically grown organic products, I was impressed that salt was very particular about solar salt. I was worried that there was only one craftsman making the wooden tub. What will happen in the future ...
紫陽花 on Google

醤油のソフトクリームはボリュームがあり美味しいです。 醤油の搾りかすが売っていたら購入をオススメします! 漬物を作ったり料理に使ったりすると良いです。 午後には無くなっている事が多いです。 2021.5月再訪 たまごかけご飯を頂きました。 お味噌、漬物が付き、 しぼりたてのお醤油の良い香り。 ちょっと小腹が空いた時によい量です。
The soft serve ice cream of soy sauce is voluminous and delicious. If soy sauce squeezed residue is on sale, we recommend purchasing it! It is good to make pickles or use them for cooking. It often disappears in the afternoon. 2021.5 May revisit I had rice over eggs. With miso and pickles, Good scent of freshly squeezed soy sauce. This is a good amount when you are a little hungry.

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