快活CLUB 伊勢崎店 - Isesaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 快活CLUB 伊勢崎店

住所 :

258 Kamiizumicho, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 372-0045
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

258 Kamiizumicho, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0045, Japan
nako inukai on Google

最近何処のネットカフェも駐車場が空いてて希望のお部屋が取りやすくなりました、ここも以前に比べて駐車場が空きが目立ちます。 さてここの楽しみ方は食事の内容が季節に合わせて替わる所ですね。後最近は高齢者も呼び込もうと60歳から上はかなり安くなってますね。ただこちらお店のイベントだからおじいさんおばあさんはお店で確認してください。嘘つきと言われてもね、イベントだからこればかりは何とも言えません。各自お店で確認して下さい。←大事な事だから二度言いました。
Recently, parking lots have become vacant in every internet cafe, making it easier to get the room you want. The parking lot is more vacant than before. By the way, the way to enjoy here is that the contents of the meal change according to the season. Recently, it has become considerably cheaper from the age of 60 to attract elderly people. However, this is a store event, so please check with your grandfather at the store. Even if it's called a liar, I can't say anything about it because it's an event. Please check at your own shop. ← I said it twice because it's important.
石井克法 on Google

週末楽しみに来ているのに店員の、態度、対応に台無し? この店舗には2人程考えられない態度の方がいますのでご注意を? 他の方は本当に丁寧に接して頂けるのに、非常に残念です‼️
I'm looking forward to the weekend, but the clerk's attitude and response are ruined ? Please note that there are about two people in this store who have an unthinkable attitude ? It's a pity that other people can treat me really politely! ️
sun kirin on Google

All-you-can-eat ice cream. It's surprising. It is smoking. From the station (Shin-Isesaki), you can walk a little (about 15 minutes). It's a nice space (flat type). Is it standard? I paid by Suica. The night plan is 1234. It's conscientious. There is Matsuya in front of you (of course 24 hours). You can order food from the booth, but I think it's good because it is limited depending on the time of day. I used it on Friday the 15th. The number of users has increased since around midnight. As expected, you can hear some sounds as the number of users increases. I wonder if that is the point I was curious about. The sound of walking from the station and past midnight. Quite a few, the number increased all at once, so I was worried about the sound. I think that it is easy to use if you spend until the first train. If I have the opportunity, I would like to use it. Until you get the first ice cream. Lol
堀米弘孝 on Google

I use it well. I think that the staff is working hard and paying attention to the smartphone alarm. There is a soft ice cream server on the second floor, so it may be difficult to endure.
テケトゥー on Google

スタッフさんの対応は良い人多いのだけれど、なにぶん建物等が古い。マッサージチェアは壊れぎみなのがギシギシガタガタいうしフラットの所にある背もたれもくたくた。掃除がいきとどいていないからか、古いからかはしらないが通路でゴキを見た。 利用してる人もマナーがあまりよくない。咀嚼音は響いてくるしゲップやおなら音は普通。笑い声やあげく通話など黙々と本読んだりするには良いけど休むには不向き。
There are many good staff, but the buildings are old. The massage chair was smashed and the backrest in the flat area was knocked down. I didn't clean it or it was old, but I saw it in the passage. Even those who use it are not good manners. Chewing sounds resonate, and gep and fart sounds are normal. It is good to read books silently, such as laughter and screaming calls, but not to rest.
たぬきちぽんた on Google

太田店より静かで、そこそこ綺麗です。不満点は特に無かったです。接客態度も落ち着いてて良かったですが。。クーポンや、ポイント使用の有無声かけてくれると、一言声かけてくれると良かったかな? うるさくないから、長時間いれました。
It is quieter than the Ota store and is pretty clean. There were no dissatisfaction points in particular. I'm glad that the customer service was calm. . Would it be good if you asked me to say a coupon or whether you used points or not? I was there for a long time because it was not noisy.
ロードトリップ on Google

古い建物なので、シャワーはありません ただ、人が少ないのか読みたい人気の漫画にありつけました。
There is no shower as it is an old building However, I found it in a popular manga that I wanted to read because there were few people.
留実高橋 on Google

月に1度の感じで行ってます お奨めは2回のフラットコーナー 飲料コーナーも近いので~ ✨?✨ですよ✨ 残念なのは?が下まで行かないとありません? マンガ・雑誌は豊富に揃っていますよ? 食事も色々あります 持ち込みは禁止だけど持参してもスタッフにはわかりませんのでこっそり食べてます 最悪はグーグーって凄い音で寝ている人がいると(;´д`)~
I go there once a month Recommended: 2 flat corners Since the drinking corner is also close ~ It is ✨?✨ I'm sorry that ? has to go to the bottom ? There are many manga and magazines. There are various meals It is forbidden to bring it in, but I do not know the staff even if I bring it, so I eat it secretly In the worst case, if there is a person sleeping with a great sound of googu (; 'д `) ~

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