Clover - Kyoto

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Clover

住所 :

77 Katsurakaminohigashicho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87998
Postal code : 615-8003
Webサイト :

77 Katsurakaminohigashicho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8003, Japan
。。 on Google

パスタやオムライスも美味しいし、ケーキも行くたびに少しずつ変わっていたりして飽きずに美味しくいただけます。 どのメニューも制覇したのではないかと思いますが、これは失敗したなと思うものはありませんでした。 駐車場が満車のことも多く、何度も諦めたこともありますが夫婦でもママ友とでもくつろげる空間が好きです。 夏のかき氷も冬のおぜんざいも甘すぎず美味しいです。
The pasta and omelet rice are delicious, and the cake changes little by little every time you go, so you can enjoy it without getting tired. I think I've won all the menus, but none of them seemed to have failed. The parking lot is often full and I have given up many times, but I like the space where both couples and mom friends can relax. The shaved ice in summer and the zenzai in winter are not too sweet and delicious.
ハヅキさん on Google

It is a coffee shop in an open space with a colonnade in a residential area. The space between the seats is wide, and the upstairs leading to the spiral staircase is a colonnade, so you don't have to worry about the stagnation of the air. The morning is also voluminous, and the lemon tart I ate was so firm that the fork slipped into the tart dough, and it went well with the filling ❗
諌山公保 on Google

初めての訪問です! お店の前に10台以上の駐車スペースがあるにもかかわらず、いつ行っても満車で諦めていましたが、やっと入店出来ました。 店内は予想以上に広く全席禁煙みたいですが2階もあり、2階は喫煙スペースらしいです! ミックスサンドとアイスレモンティーを注文して待つ事、約10分ほどで商品がきました! ミックスサンドは玉子とハムが挟んであり玉子に黒ごまとひじき?みたいなのが入っています! 程よくカラシも効いていて非常に美味しく他のパスタ等も食べてみたいと思わせる味です。 お店の雰囲気も良く綺麗にされています! ゆったり、ゆっくり、ほっこり、まったり出来る空間でした! 総合評価88点!
This is the first visit! Despite the fact that there are more than 10 parking spaces in front of the store, I always gave up because it was full, but I was finally able to enter the store. The inside of the store is wider than expected and all seats seem to be non-smoking, but there is also a second floor, and the second floor seems to be a smoking space! I ordered mixed sandwiches and iced lemon tea and waited, and the product arrived in about 10 minutes! The mixed sandwich has an egg and ham sandwiched between them, and the egg contains something like black sesame and hijiki seaweed! The mustard is also effective and it is very delicious and makes you want to try other pasta. The atmosphere of the shop is also nice and clean! It was a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing space! Overall evaluation 88 points!
ひらやまはるひと on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気も良くて調度品も洒落ていてゆっくり美味しい時間を過ごせる喫茶店です。店員さんも感じがとても良くって居心地良いです。 紅茶も複数茶葉がありホットはポットで提供されるので、 ストレートで楽しんでミルク入れて楽しんで。至福です。?カップも色々で、それも楽しみ。 毎度、モーニングかサンドイッチかランチのオムライスばかりですがパスタも気になるし ケーキも美味しいらしいし試してみたい処。
It is a coffee shop where you can spend a relaxing and delicious time with a calm atmosphere and stylish furnishings. The clerk also feels very good and comfortable. Black tea also has multiple tea leaves and hot is served in a pot, so Have fun straight and add milk and have fun. I'm blissful. ? There are various cups, and I'm looking forward to it. Every time, I only have omelet rice for morning, sandwiches, or lunch, but I'm also worried about pasta. The cake seems to be delicious and I want to try it.
まぁやん on Google

A coffee shop I found on the way. Located on the roadside, it has a large parking lot and is easy to enter. The atmosphere inside the store is good, and it feels like you can stay longer. Since I was back from work, I had a cake set to replenish the sweetness. While there are many chain stores in coffee shops, it feels like I've come across a shop with delicious coffee. It was delicious ☆
つじなか(【東京&大阪食べ歩き】) on Google

サンドイッチか、カレーか、オムライスか。自分が頼んだメニューもめちゃくちゃ美味しいんだけど隣の芝が青く見える。それがカフェランチなんです。 ----------------- 店名: クローバー 住所: 京都府京都市西京区桂上野東町77 定休日:月曜日 スタイル:カウンター70席前後 最寄駅:上桂駅 徒歩13分 予算:1,000円前後 おすすめ:厚焼き玉子のサンドイッチ、特製キーマカレー、ふんわりタマゴのオムライス -----------------
Sandwich, curry or omelet rice? The menu I ordered is also insanely delicious, but the grass next door looks blue. That is cafe lunch. ----------------- Store name: Clover Address: 77 Katsurakaminohigashi-cho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Regular holiday: Monday Style: Counter around 70 seats Nearest station: Kamikatsura station 13 minutes walk Budget: Around 1,000 yen Recommended: Thick roasted egg sandwich, special keema curry, fluffy egg omelet rice -----------------
山田祐輔 on Google

お洒落なカフェです。 本日のパスタがABCの3通りあります。 美味しいですよ。 単品でガーリックトーストとアイスコーヒーを頼みましたが、別に持ってきて貰ったオリーブオイルとタバスコをパスタとパンに絡めれると、より美味しかったです。 店員さんは親切で対応が良いです。なので居心地がよかったです。 2階で食事をしましたが、屋外でも食事ができます。喫煙場所も屋外にあります。
It's a fashionable cafe. There are 3 types of pasta for today, ABC. It is delicious. I ordered garlic toast and iced coffee as a single item, but it was more delicious when the olive oil and tabasco that I had brought separately were entwined with pasta and bread. The clerk is kind and helpful. So it was comfortable. I ate on the 2nd floor, but I can also eat outdoors. Smoking areas are also outdoors.
Stéphanie Alfieri on Google

I love this place, the staff is kind, alot of place.

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