
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cloccal

住所 :

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-8555 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-8555 Kanagawa,Japan
Kyohya Yamamoto on Google

Kind polite cheap
うんあ on Google

The clerk looks great at the mouth. I felt uncomfortable, but I did my job properly.
Kazunori Ishida on Google

As the booth is small, we don't have a large selection of items, but the staff are nice and kind.
Yucy Hi on Google

まぁまぁな品揃えでした。 自分が欲しいのは手に入らなかったのですが、もっとコアなものがあるとちょっも嬉しいです!
It was a decent assortment. I didn't get what I wanted, but I'd be happy if there was something more core!
かえるちゃん on Google

青葉区で時計を買うならここ! もう異動しちゃったかもだけど、カラフルなスーツの店長さんに勧めてもらった時計を3年経った今でも大切に使っています。 接客は大事!
If you want to buy a watch in Aoba Ward, here! I may have moved, but I still use the watch recommended by the manager of the colorful suit three years later. Customer service is important!
yoshiro ishikawa on Google

The watch belt was carefully balanced and adjusted.
kon ta on Google

店舗に入っていっても「いらっしゃいませ」の一言もなし。カウンターから出ても来ない。こちらから声をかけると「はい?」と無愛想な対応で、その時点でかなり不快でした。 店舗での取り扱いが無いと分かっていた商品なので、取り寄せができるかどうか尋ねると「多分無理ですねー」と即答。閉店間際でもなかったし、“多分”なら一応調べるとかしてよ、と思いました。 メガネをかけているやや背が高めの男性の店員です。 他の方の評価が良かったので立ち寄りましたが、私は二度と伺うことはありません。
Even if you enter the store, there is no word "Welcome". It doesn't come out even if it comes out of the counter. When I called out from here, he responded unfriendlyly with "Yes?", Which was quite unpleasant at that point. I knew that it wasn't available at the store, so when I asked if I could order it, I immediately answered, "Maybe it's impossible." It wasn't about to close, and I thought I should check it out if it was "maybe". A slightly taller male clerk wearing glasses. I stopped by because the other people's evaluation was good, but I will never ask again.
M Kinoshita on Google

腕時計⌚を買いたいと、下見をしました。店員さんは(御用がありましたらどうぞ)ととても丁寧な対応でした。9年前に転居の折、音楽が鳴る柱時計と目覚まし時計をこの店で求めましたが、両方とも健在で、アメイジンググレイスを聞くのは私の幸せなひとときです! とても良心的なお店だと思います!♥
I made a preliminary inspection to buy a watch ⌚. The clerk was very polite (if you have a request). When I moved nine years ago, I asked for a wall clock and an alarm clock with music at this store, but both are alive and well, and listening to Amazing Grace is a happy time for me! I think it's a very conscientious shop! ♥

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