
2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花園病院

住所 :

Chuonishi, Ueda, 〒386-0023 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://hanazono.life.coocan.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM
街 : Nagano

Chuonishi, Ueda, 〒386-0023 Nagano,Japan
aya miyashita on Google

整形外科にかかりましたが二度と行きたくない。 症状を一生懸命伝えているのにそれはありえないと言わんばかりの態度で全く受け入れず、痛いから病院に来ているのに挙げ句の果てには「どこも悪くないんじゃない?」と鼻で笑われました。医者というか今まで出会った人間の中で最悪でした。医者がトラウマになりそうです
I had an orthopedic surgery, but I never want to go again. Although I was trying to convey my symptoms so hard that I couldn't do that, I didn't accept it at all, and I came to the hospital because of my pain. It was It was the worst doctor I've ever met. Doctor is likely to be trauma
Yuka Hinaoka on Google

口コミが酷評すぎて身構えていったけど、なんのその。 先生も看護師さんも優しいし、会計もスムーズでしたよ?混んでるのは人気な証拠。いついっても混んでます。
The word-of-mouth communication was so bad that I set myself up, but what the hell. The teachers and nurses were kind, and the accounting was smooth, too. It's crowded even if it comes to me.
みやざわえみこ on Google

整形外科に行きましたが、待ち時間がとても長く、待ち合いも小さく感じました。産後の腰痛で伺いましたが、寄りかかる背もたれも低く辛かったです。 診療については看護師さんは親切に、親身になって下さる印象でありがたかったですが、お医者さまが上から目線&ラフな口調、産後で痛いんでしょ?仕方ないんじゃない?ベルトって何使ってるの?どこで買ったの?ふうーん、産院で勧めてるならいいんだろうね。など、まったく親身ではありませんでした。 技術面では何も施術いただかなかったのでわかりません。ただまたお願いしたいと思うお医者さまではないです。
I went to orthopedics, but the waiting time was very long and the waiting time was small. I asked for back pain after childbirth, but the backrest leaned on was low and painful. Regarding the medical treatment, I was grateful for the impression that the nurse was kind and friendly, but did your doctor hurt after giving birth and a rough tone, from the top? Can't be helped? What is the belt using? Where did you get it? Hmm, I would recommend it at maternity hospitals. And so on. I don't know anything because I didn't do anything technically. I'm not just a doctor who wants to ask again.
上田龍 on Google

県外から、旅行で友人に借りた車で、上田市に旅行で来たのですが、夜中23:05分位に!コンビニの駐車場で、駐車中に、後方確認しないでバックしてきた車に追突されて、その衝撃で首が痛くなりました! ちなみに、その衝突してきた車は、私がエンジンを切って停車してたので、誰も乗ってないって思ったのか、そのまま逃げようとしました! 私は慌てて、車から降りて、その車を追いかけて、何するんだと怒鳴ったら、停車してくれたのでよかったのですが、そのまま逃げられてたら、エンジン停止中の車の為、ドライブレコーダーは、録画されて無かったので、捕まえる事ができなかっと思います。 そのドライバーに、なんで逃げたんだって聞いたら、車を移動させただけだと、言い訳してましたが、明らかに、逃げようとしてました。 その衝突してきたドライバーに、友人に、借りた車や、旅行で上田市に来ているなど説明した上で、少し気になり、自動車保険に入ってるから聞いたところ、入ってるよ!自賠責保険! 私は、え!? それって強制保険だろ!って思いました! 嫌な予感しかしませんでした! とりあえず警察を呼び、そのドライバーに、首痛いし、友人に借りた車の修理とか、大丈夫ですか? と聞いたら、そのくらい大した事ないだろ的な態度で大丈夫て言われましたが、知らない土地と言う事もあり、不安が倍増しました。 とりあえず、そんな態度ってこともあり、何も話が進まないので、私が警察を呼び、警察が来て、怪我ありませんかって聞かれて、首痛いですって言うと、救急車呼びましょうかって言われて、 呼んで欲しいけど、友人から借りた車どうしたらいいですか? と聞くと、警察からは、具体的な指示なく、友人から借りた車なので、知らない土地って事もあり、車を置いていくのが嫌なので、自分で病院に行くといったら、事故処理に1時間ほどかかりますが、大丈夫ですか? 怪我の診断書も、上田署まで届けてもらいますけど、大丈夫ですか? 確か、3ヶ月以上の怪我の診断書が出た場合!後日また、上田市に来てもらう事になりますよって言われました! 重症の県外の人を、また長距離かけて、上田署まで呼ぶのって聞くと、変な法律なんですよって言われました! 結局事故処理は、時間も時間だったので、衝突してきたドライバーの飲酒検査やら、何やらで、2時間くらいの時間がたってました! そして、警察の人に、今日の救急の担当が、丸子中央病院です、電話して下さいって言われて電話したところ、 電話に出た丸子中央病院の受付の人に言われた言葉が、びっくりしました! 私の言葉のイントネーションが違うので、言ってる意味がわかりませんと! え?そんなに!? わたしは、北陸の人間なんですけど、どちらかというと、関西弁に似た感じなので、県外に行っても、話は通じていたので、びっくりして、思わず、近くにいた警察の人に、イントネーションが違うから、言ってる意味がわからなって言われました! 通訳お願いしますと、かわってもらいました!わら 結局夜中なので、処置は湿布貼るだけだし、診断書も書けないっていわれたみたいなので、 今行っても、処置だけで、また診断書もらいに診察とか、レントゲンとかで、時間かかるから、 朝から来て下さいとの事で、私は、朝行きますと、警察の人に行って、終わりました! 最後に衝突して来たドライバーの人が、警察の人に、被害者の人に、ちゃんと謝罪と、誠意を見せて下さいねといわれてて、 私の所に来て、迷惑かけてすいませって言ってきました。 でもたいした事ないだろてきな態度で、その時の気温が、-8°という事もあり、寒いのでこれで失礼しますって帰って行きました! それで事故処理は、おわったのですが、最後に、警察の人に診断書の日付は、事故の日の日時で書いてもらってっと言われたので、私はそうなんだって思いました。 そして、どうせその日の朝、土曜日って事もあるし、土曜日でも診察可能な近くの病院を、丸子中央病院に、また電話して、聞いてみようと思いました、イントネーション違うってまた言われるかなと思いましたが、知らない土地で、救急担当って事もありまして、電話して聞いたら、近くの整形外科でしたら、花園病院ですと言われて、友人の車、首が痛くて、運転困難近くという事で、私は、丸子中央病院から、紹介された花園病院に行く事にして、近くのコンビニで花園病院が始まる8:30分まで、車中泊しようと、思い コンビニの駐車場に駐車しました、時間がたつにつれ、首の痛みのせいか、頭痛と、腰まで痛くなってきました! 結局痛みや、不安で全然寝れなくて、一睡もできないまま朝になり、花園病院の診察時間になったので、花園病院に行き、受け付けで事情を説明したら、自賠責保険の場合、診察と診断書が必要な場合立て替えるか、加害者の人に来てもらって、払ってもらうかじゃ無いと診察できないと言われたので、 加害者の人に電話して事情説明したら、今出先で行けないって言われて、私は、持ち合わせもそんなに無いし、交通事故の場合保険証も使えないから、診察料や、診断書は高額になりますよって、受付の、人に言われてたので、怖くなり、受付の人に説明してくださいと言って、受付の人に電話を代わりました。 しばらく、受付の人が加害者に説明してて私に電話代わってと、受付の人にいわれてたので、かわったら、精神安定剤飲んだから2時間くらい運転できないって言い出して、2時間後くらいに行くと言い出しました! 私は、あれ!? 出先なんで行けないって言ってましたよね!? 出先で薬飲んだんですか? と聞くと、加害者は、はい! 私は、出先ってどこですか?と聞くと、 加害者は、タバコ買いに出てて! 私は、え? タバコ買いに行くだけでこっちに来れないって言ったんですか? タバコ屋でわざわざ精神安定剤飲んだんですか? タバコ屋に2時間いるんですか?と聞くと、 タバコ屋で薬飲んで、家帰るくらいに薬が効き出すから、タバコ屋で薬のんだって言ってきました! 私は、あなた出先だから来れないって言いましたよね!? それだったら、薬飲んだから来れないって言えばよかったんじゃないですか? 私は、一気に不安になりました! 加害者は、必ず診察料払いに行くので、診察受けてて下さいって言ってますが、 私は不安でした、受付の人にも言ってるから大丈夫っていうし、受付の人にもそれで大丈夫って言われたので、診察を受ける事にして、受付しました。 それから、2時間位待合室で待ってて、ようやく、私の名前が呼ばれて、やっと診察してもらえると思い、診察室え入りました。 言い忘れましたが、たまたま、友人の車にあった湿布薬を事故の後、首と頭と、腰の痛みがひどくなった時に、首と腰に湿布薬をはってて、 診察室に、入る時、首の湿布薬の粘着力が弱くなってて、首を右手で押さえたまま、診察室室に入りました。 診察室に、入ると、おばあちゃんみたいな看護師が、問診票みて、いろいろ質問してきて、私は、それに受け答えして、最後に質問はって聞かれたので、車は友達のなのでこんな首も曲げれない状態で、運転して、友達の車をこれ以上壊したく無いし、運転するのも無理そうなので、入院とかっててきますかねって聞いたら、先生に聞いてみますねって言われて、私は、内心体の痛みがなくなるまで、入院できたら、助かるなって思い安心してました。 それから少しして、先生が入ってきて、名札をチラッとみたら、副委員長って書いてました。 偉い人に見てもらえてよかったって思ったのもつかの間! なんかこんな事で来るなよみたいな態度で、私の汚い字で書いた問診票を見て、 これどういう意味? 私は、字汚くてすいません! コンビニの駐車場で駐車中に、後ろから車に追突されましたって書きましたって言うと、 そういう意味ね! 副委員長が、私に首を下! 私、下向けばいいんですか? 副委員長、私を馬鹿にした感じで、そう! 私、痛くてあまり動かせません! 私は、湿布薬の粘着が弱かったので、右手で首の湿布薬を押さえたままで、下をつこうとしてまして、 それが気に食わなかったのか、 副委員長、首のでどかせ! 私、湿布薬が剥がれそうなのでと言うと、 副委員長、そんなのもう剥がせ必要ない! 私、はい!腰にも貼ってるので剥がしますねと言い、気分悪いなって思いつつ、腰の湿布も剥がしました! 副委員長、首上! 私、痛くてこれ以上動かせません! 副委員長 首右、首左、手あげて、腰はどの辺痛いの? 私痛くてほとんど動かせません! 腰は、真ん中ら辺ですと言うと、 副委員長、ふーん! その時横にいた、おばあちゃん看護師が、副委員長に、 看護師、友人の車借りてる事と、首が動かせなくて、運転出来ないから、入院したいって言ってますと、副委員長に言うと、 副委員長、はあ!?無理! 私、なんでですか? 副委員長、こんな軽傷で、入院なんかできるわけねーだろ! 友達に迎えに来てもらって、友達に運転してもらって帰れ!キレ口調で言われました! 私、なんでキレてるんですか? 副委員長きれてないけど! 私、なんでこんなに嫌な思いさせられないといけないんですか?と私は、頭にきて副委員長に怒鳴りました! 副委員長無言で立ち去り、そこにいた、おばあちゃん看護師に、私は、なんなんですかあの人と聞くと、おばあちゃん看護師は、大丈夫です!大丈夫です! 私、見てましたよね!?聞いてましたよね! なんなんですかあれ!? おばあちゃん看護師、副委員長に、何も言えないのか、無表情で、私に聞かないでって感じで、私に、診察室の外の待合室で待っててくださいと言うので、文字制限があるので、続きは後ほど とんでもない病院です花園病院!
I came to Ueda City on a trip from outside the prefecture by a car I rented to a friend on a trip, but at around 23:05 in the middle of the night! In the parking lot of a convenience store, while parking, I was hit by a car that came back without checking backwards, and the impact hurt my neck! By the way, the car that collided was stopped because I turned off the engine, so I thought that no one was on board, so I tried to escape as it was! I was in a hurry, got out of the car, chased the car, and when I yelled at what to do, I was glad that he stopped, but if I escaped as it was, I would drive because the car had the engine stopped. I don't think the recorder could catch it because it wasn't recorded. When I asked the driver why he ran away, he made an excuse that he just moved the car, but apparently he was trying to escape. After explaining to my friend the car I rented and coming to Ueda City on a trip, I was a little worried, and when I asked him that he had car insurance, he did! Liability insurance! I am! ?? That's compulsory insurance! I tought! I only had a bad feeling! Is it okay to call the police for the time being, have the driver hurt his neck, and repair the car he rented from a friend? When I heard that, I was told that it wouldn't be a big deal, but I didn't know the land, so my anxiety doubled. For the time being, because of that attitude, nothing goes on, so I called the police, the police came and asked if I was injured, and when I said that I had a neckache, I was asked to call an ambulance. hand, I want you to call me, but what should I do with a car I rented from a friend? When I heard that, the police rented a car from a friend without specific instructions, so I don't want to leave the car because I don't know the land, so if I go to the hospital myself, I will handle the accident. It takes about an hour, is that okay? I'd like you to send the medical certificate of the injury to the Ueda police station, is that okay? Certainly, if you get a medical certificate for an injury of 3 months or more! I was told that I would be asked to come to Ueda City again at a later date! When I heard that a seriously ill person from outside the prefecture was called to the Ueda police station over a long distance, he said that it was a strange law! After all, it took a lot of time to deal with the accident, so it took about two hours to check the drunkenness of the driver who collided with me. And when a policeman told me to call Maruko Central Hospital, the person in charge of emergency today is Maruko Central Hospital. I was surprised at the words that the receptionist at Maruko Central Hospital said on the phone! The intonation of my words is different, so I have to understand what I mean! e? so much! ?? I'm a Hokuriku person, but it's more like a Kansai dialect, so even if I went outside the prefecture, I was able to understand the story, so I was surprised and unexpectedly told a police person who was nearby. I was told that I could understand what I was saying because the intonation was different! I asked for an interpreter and he changed me! Straw After all, it was midnight, so all I had to do was put a compress on it, and I heard that I couldn't write a medical certificate. Even if I go now, it will take time just for treatment, medical examination for medical certificate, roentgen, etc. I was asked to come in the morning, so when I went in the morning, I went to the police and it was over! The last driver who collided was asked by the police to apologize and show sincerity to the victim. He came to me and said I'm sorry for the inconvenience. However, it wasn't a big deal, and the temperature at that time was -8 ° C, so I'm sorry for this, so I went home! That was the end of the accident handling, but at the end, the police asked me to write the date of the medical certificate on the date and time of the accident, so I thought so. And anyway, it may be Saturday that morning, so I decided to call Maruko Central Hospital again and ask about a nearby hospital that can be examined even on Saturday, and I was told that the intonation was different. I wondered if it was, but in a land I didn't know, I was in charge of emergency services, and when I called and asked, I was told that if it was a nearby orthopedic clinic, it would be Hanazono Hospital, and my friend's car and neck hurt. Because it was close to driving difficulty, I decided to go to the introduced Hanazono Hospital from Maruko Central Hospital and decided to stay in the car until 8:30 minutes when the Hanazono Hospital started at a nearby convenience store. I parked in the parking lot of a convenience store, and as time went on, I had a headache and a pain in my lower back, probably because of my neck pain! After all, I couldn't sleep at all due to pain and anxiety, and it was morning without a sleep, so it was time for a medical examination at Hanazono Hospital, so I went to Hanazono Hospital and explained the situation at the reception desk. I was told that I couldn't see the doctor unless I had to replace it if necessary or have the perpetrator come and pay for it. When I called the perpetrator and explained the situation, I was told that I couldn't go on the road right now, and I don't have much with me, and I can't use my health insurance card in the case of a traffic accident, so I have to pay the medical examination fee and medical certificate. I was scared because the receptionist told me that it would be expensive, so I told the receptionist to explain to me and changed the phone to the receptionist. For a while, the receptionist explained to the perpetrator and called me instead, and the receptionist told me that I couldn't drive for about 2 hours because I took a tranquilizer, and 2 hours later. I told you to go about! I'm that! ?? You said you couldn't go because you were on the go! ?? Did you take medicine on the go? When asked, the perpetrator is yes! Where am I going? When asked The perpetrator goes out to buy cigarettes! I am? Did you say you can't come here just to buy cigarettes? Did you bother to take a tranquilizer at a tobacco shop? Are you in the tobacco shop for 2 hours? When asked I took medicine at a tobacco shop, and the medicine was effective enough to go home, so I told him that it was a medicine at a tobacco shop! I told you I can't come because you're on the go! ?? If so, shouldn't I have said that I couldn't come because I took medicine? I became anxious at once! The perpetrator always goes to pay the medical examination fee, so he says that he should have a medical examination. I was worried, I told the receptionist that it was okay, and the receptionist told me that it was okay, so I decided to have a medical examination and accepted. After that, I waited in the waiting room for about 2 hours, and finally my name was called and I thought that I could finally see him, so I entered the examination room. I forgot to say that when I happened to have a compress in my friend's car after an accident and the pain in my neck, head and lower back became severe, I put a compress on my neck and lower back. When I entered the examination room, the adhesive strength of the compress on my neck became weak, so I entered the examination room while holding my neck with my right hand. When I entered the doctor's office, a nurse like a grandma looked at the questionnaire and asked various questions, and I answered them and finally asked the question, so the car is a friend, so this neck is also I don't want to break my friend's car anymore by driving without bending, and it seems impossible to drive, so when I asked if I would be hospitalized, I was told to ask the teacher. I was relieved that I would be saved if I could be hospitalized until my inner and physical pain disappeared. A little later, when the teacher came in and glanced at the name tag, he wrote that he was the vice chairman. For a while, I was glad that a great person saw me! Looking at the questionnaire I wrote in dirty letters, with an attitude that I shouldn't come for something like this, What does this mean? I'm sorry I'm messy! When I said that I was hit by a car from behind while parking at a convenience store parking lot, That's what it means! Vice-chairman bows to me! Should I turn down? Vice-chairman, I feel like I'm a fool, yes! I hurt and can't move much! I had a weak compress, so I kept holding the compress on my neck with my right hand and tried to push it down. Didn't you like it? Vice-chairman, let's get rid of the neck! When I say that the poultice is about to come off, Vice-chairman, you don't need to peel it off anymore! I'm yes! I said that I would peel it off because it was also stuck on my waist, and while feeling sick, I also peeled off the compress on my waist! Vice-chairman, head! I hurt and can't move anymore! Vice-chairman: Right neck, left neck, raise your hand, which side of your back hurts? I hurt and can hardly move! If you say that the waist is around the center, Vice Chairman, hmm! The grandmother nurse who was next to me at that time became the vice chairman. I told the vice chairman that I wanted to be hospitalized because I couldn't drive because I couldn't move my neck because I was renting a car from a nurse and a friend. Vice-chairman, oh! ?? Impossible! Why am i Vice-chairman, you can't be hospitalized with such a minor injury! Have your friend pick you up and have your friend drive you home! I was told in a sharp tone! Why am I so sharp? I haven't finished the vice chairman! Why do I have to make me feel so unpleasant? I came to my head and yelled at the Vice Chairman! Vice-chairman I walked away silently, and when I asked the grandmother nurse who was there, what was that person, the grandmother nurse was okay! It's okay! I was watching! ?? You heard it! What is that! ?? My grandmother nurse and vice chairman told me that I couldn't say anything, I was expressionless and didn't ask me, and I told me to wait in the waiting room outside the examination room, so there was a character limit. There is, so I will continue later It's a ridiculous hospital Hanazono Hospital!
わたしつみれ on Google

受付の対応は神なのに医者酷いwww 事故に合って首が痛くなり来たのに 「首のコルセットみたいなのいる!?いらないでしょ!保険の連絡面倒なんだよ、異常ありましたかって聞かれてもわかんないんだよねえ!」と等と色々酷い対応された。それを患者に聞くなよ言うなよ、判断するのはそっちだろうがと思い大変嫌な気持ちになりました。二度と行きませーん 看護師さんが謝ってきました。 びっくりするくらいてきとー!私のような者は来てほしくない患者なのでしょうね。年寄りだけ相手にしていたいのかも。
The receptionist is a god, but the doctor is terrible www My neck started to hurt in the accident "Is there something like a corset on my neck !? You don't need it! It's a hassle to contact the insurance, you don't know if there's something wrong!" Don't ask the patient about it, I thought it would be the way to make the decision, which made me very uncomfortable. I will never go again The nurse apologized. I'm surprised! I think people like me are patients who don't want to come. Maybe I want to deal with only the elderly.
S M on Google

以前事故で搬送され、診察を受けました。 鎖骨にヒビが入っていると言われ、処置のため服を脱ぐよう言われました。 その時着ていた服がぴったりめのインナーと前開きのシャツだったので、脱げないのでハサミで切って欲しいと伝えたら、無理やり肩を上げさせられ腕を抜いて脱がされました。 激痛でした。 その後先生から「お風呂入れるなら入ってもいい」「服も着替えていい」と言われていましたが、数日後再度レントゲンを撮ったところ、ヒビが骨折になっていました。 診察では「どうして服を着替えたの?!」「お風呂だめだよ」「ヒビなんて言っていない」と熱い手のひら返し。 挙げ句、家人に手伝ってもらって着替えていましたが、「着替えたから折れたんだ」と言われました。 しかし私は覚えています。間違いなくヒビと言われました。着替えもしていいと言われました。ギプスの装着も曖昧な指導。痛いと喚いても肩を上げさせて服を脱がせたのは花園病院の看護師でした。 行かれる方は自己判断で。 ヒビから骨折にグレードアップしてくださりますよ。
I was previously transported in an accident and had a medical examination. I was told that my collarbone was cracked and I was told to take off my clothes for treatment. The clothes I was wearing at that time were a tight inner and a front-opening shirt, so when I told him I wanted him to cut it with scissors, I was forced to raise my shoulders and pulled out my arms. It was a severe pain. After that, the teacher said, "If you take a bath, you can take it" and "You can change your clothes", but when I took an X-ray again a few days later, the crack was broken. At the medical examination, he said, "Why did you change your clothes ?!", "You can't take a bath," and "I didn't say any cracks." After all, I was changing my clothes with the help of my family, but I was told, "I broke because I changed my clothes." But I remember. It was definitely said to be a crack. I was told that I could change my clothes. Guidance is also ambiguous when wearing a cast. It was a nurse at Hanazono Hospital who lifted his shoulders and took off his clothes even if he called out that it hurts. Those who go are at their own discretion. You will upgrade from cracks to fractures.
ちむ on Google

事故にあい診断書が必要だったので 診察してもらいました。 午前だけの診察日というのもあって 混み合っていましたが回転は早く 看護師さんがとても優しく良い方々でした。 先生は副院長さんであまり良い評判は聞きませんでしたが あっさりとした診察で賛否ありそうな 感じの先生ですが私は特に気になりませんでした。 ですが混雑しているので大半の患者さんの 高齢の方から人気なのかもしれないです。 雰囲気も良いです。 ただ毎回この混みなら通院はしたくないですね、、
I needed a medical certificate for the accident I had a medical examination. There is also a medical examination day only in the morning It was crowded, but the rotation was fast The nurses were very kind and nice people. The teacher was a deputy director and I didn't hear a good reputation. There seems to be pros and cons in a simple medical examination It's a feeling teacher, but I didn't really care. But it ’s so crowded that most patients It may be popular with older people. The atmosphere is also good. However, I don't want to go to the hospital every time if it's crowded ...
Taeko Kaneko on Google

母が転倒し、急遽受診しました。1件目のクリニックでは、2時間待ちと言われ、既に夕方だったのでどうなる事か途方にくれました。こちらに伺った際は、たまたま混んで居なかったようで、待ち時間少なく、レントゲン、診察まで行っていただけました。結局骨折していたので、早く対応していただけて、本当にありがたかったです。 院長先生はとってもフランクで聞きたい事を聞けましたし、質問にもきちんと答えて貰えました。 看護師さんもとても優しく親身になってくださり、好印象でした。 また機会があれば受診したいと思います。
My mother fell and went to see her in a hurry. At the first clinic, I was told to wait for two hours, and it was already evening, so I was at a loss what would happen. When I visited here, it didn't seem to be crowded by chance, so I was able to go to the X-ray and medical examination with less waiting time. I had a broken bone after all, so I was really grateful that I was able to respond quickly. The director was very frank and asked me what I wanted to ask, and he answered the questions properly. The nurses were very kind and kind, and I was impressed. I would like to see a doctor again if I have the opportunity.

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