Chōshōji Temple - Minato City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chōshōji Temple

住所 :

長松寺 4 Chome-7-29 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 108-0073

長松寺 4 Chome-7-29 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan
白木ひろみ on Google

匹田実 on Google

Yu Takaishi on Google

0101 tbc on Google

小松雅広 on Google

古いお寺様です 是非拝見を望みます
This is an old temple.
映猫ken on Google

超有名な儒学者のお墓があるお寺? お寺的にはしっかりとした本堂があり、所々小さな石仏達が境内に鎮座している感じです?? お墓に向かう通路の奥には荻生家一族のお墓があります☘️☘️ 特に朱子学、仁斎学を論駁し、古代の言語、制度文物の研究を重視する「古文辞学」を標榜した『明律国字解』を著して徂徠学の祖と知られていたり、有名な講談や落語で名演目になっている"徂徠豆腐"の話や赤穂浪士の処分裁定論議の逸話でさらに知られている江戸時代中期の儒学者、思想家、文献学者・荻生徂徠先生のお墓がある? 荻生徂徠先生のお墓の左右には荻生徂徠先生の娘婿となり跡をつぎ、藩校総稽古所の教授を勤めた江戸時代中期の儒者・荻生金谷氏のお墓や荻生金谷氏の息子で大和郡山藩儒として活躍した江戸後期の儒者・荻生鳳鳴氏のお墓もあります?☘️☘️ さらに荻生徂徠先生の立っているお墓からその奥に目を向けると何と荻生徂徠先生の祖父にあたる人物で江戸時代前期の医師・荻生玄甫氏の墓や荻生徂徠先生の父で5代将軍・徳川綱吉公の侍医だった江戸時代前期の医師・荻生方庵氏のお墓や荻生徂徠先生のお兄さんで徳川吉宗公の侍医で明律研究で知られ、当時として室鳩巣先生と並ぶ徳川吉宗のブレーンとして活躍した江戸時代中期の儒学者・荻生北渓氏のお墓が山と言う漢字的な配置をしていて印象的でした? 一応荻生徂徠先生のお墓は国の史跡に指定されています✨✨✨ 徂徠派が好きな方には凄くオススメなお寺でした? お寺の方は親切な方で荻生徂徠先生の生涯を書いた資料まで下さって凄く嬉しかったです?? お寺まで行く坂道の参道が足腰弱い方にはちょっと難所かもですので気を付けて下さい?
A temple with the grave of a super-famous Confucianist ? There is a solid main hall as a temple, and it seems that small stone Buddhas are sitting in the precincts here and there ?? There is a grave of the Ogiya clan in the back of the passage leading to the grave ☘️☘️ In particular, he is known as the founder of the Rakubaku scholar, who wrote "Meritoku Kanji Kanji", which advocates "Ancient Literary Studies" that emphasizes the study of ancient languages ​​and institutional writings by refuting Suzaku and Nisai studies. The grave of a Confucian scholar, thinker, and literary scholar Ogiusho who is known in the middle of the Edo era, which is known for his talks about "Touroku Tofu", which has been prestigious in talks and rakugo, and for the anecdotal story of Ako Nanshi's arbitration ruling ? To the left and right of Mr. Ogi's grave's grave, he became the son-in-law of Mr. Ogi's daughter, and the grave of Mr. Ogi Kanaya, the mentor of the mid-Edo period who served as a professor at the Sogo Kohan Camp, and the son of Mr. Ogawa Kanaya. There is also a grave of the late Edo Confucian, Oguni Homei, who was active as a Koriyama clan Confucius ? ☘️☘️ Furthermore, looking from the grave where Dr. Ogyu Tsurugi stands to the back, what is the grandfather of Dr. Ogyu Tsurugi, the grave of the doctor in the early Edo period, Mr. Genji Ogyu, and the father of Dr. Ogyu Tohru, the fifth generation general, Tokugawa Yoshimune was a samurai doctor of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi and was the brother of Tokugawa Yoshimune's grave in the early Edo period, a doctor's grave, and the brother of Dr. Ogyu Tokugawa. The grave of the mid-Edo era Confucian scholar, Kitagi Ogi, who was active as a brain, was laid out in a Chinese character called a mountain and it was impressive ? The grave of Dr. Ogyu Tsurugi has been designated as a National Historic Site ✨✨✨ It was a highly recommended temple for those who like the wandering school ? The temple was very kind and I was very happy to have the materials describing the life of Dr. Ogi Otsuka ?? It may be a little difficult for those who have weak legs on the slopes that go to the temple, so please be careful ?
Masahiro Komatu on Google

室町時代からの由緒あるお寺です 荻生徂徠のお墓もありますよ
It is a historical temple from the Muromachi period. There is also a tomb of Ogyu Sorai.
松田洋 on Google

It is a temple that has the grave of Ogyu Riding.

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