Taishinji Temple - Minato City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taishinji Temple

住所 :

4 Chome-7-20 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 108-0073

4 Chome-7-20 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan
Hisataka Goto on Google

HONEY on Google

Tetsuya Hasegawa on Google

I look forward to the cherry blossoms at this temple every year.
Shinichiro Nakahara on Google

気分転換と運動不足解消を兼ねたお散歩をするため、ランチタイムは自宅を出て、ちょっと歩く場所にあるお店にてランチ(笑) 帰りもぐるっと遠回りして帰りましたが、ちょっと気に入った風景だったのでパシャリ!!
At lunchtime, I left home and had lunch at a shop in a place where I could walk a little to take a walk that was both a change of pace and a solution to lack of exercise (laughs). I made a roundabout detour on my way home, but it was a bit of a favorite scenery, so it was a shame !!
松田洋 on Google

It is a beautiful temple with cherry blossoms that bloom to cover the main hall in spring. It's easy to be confused with the neighboring Totokuji Temple.
映猫ken on Google

三味せん寺として有名なお寺?? 江戸における三味線製作の始祖とされている歴代の石村近江先生達が眠っているお寺なのでそう呼ばれているのです? 境内の片隅には彼らを称える顕彰碑やお墓があり、市の史跡に指定されています??? お寺自体は意外と質素な感じで古き良き時代を感じます☘️☘️☘️ 一応江戸時代に二度有名な大火事で全焼したらしくその度再建されたらしいです?? お寺の女将さんは凄く貴賓がある方で素敵でした???
A famous temple of Shamisen ?? It is called because it is the temple where the successive Omi Ishimura teachers who are said to be the founder of the shamisen production in Edo are sleeping ? In the corner of the precinct, there is a monument and tomb in honor of them and it is designated as a historical site of the city ??? The temple itself is surprisingly simple and feels the good old days ☘️☘️☘️ It seems that it was completely burned down by the famous big fire twice in the Edo period, and it was rebuilt each time ?? The landlord's landlord was very nice with a guest ???
Tadashi Ajisaka (mr-gon) on Google

It takes about 5-6 minutes on foot from Shirokane Takanawa Station. Omi Ishimura, also known as the Shamisen-ji Temple, and the founder of the Edo Shamisen production, was sunset on March 2, 1636 and was buried in Daishinji Temple.
散歩大荒神 on Google

荻生徂徠のお墓を訪ねる散歩で、偶然的に大信寺を知ることができました。正式名称は、寶島山峯樹院大信寺(ほうとうざん ほうじゅいん だいしんじ)だそうで、別名を「三味線寺」として名を馳せているようです。ウィキペディアによれば、その由縁をこう記しております。「寛永13年(1636年)江戸における三味線製作の始祖とされる石村源左衛門が当寺に葬られ、以後、当寺は三味線製作者石村近江累代の墓所となった」と。 石村近江が作る三味線は、さしずめヴァイオリンの「ストラディヴァリウス」や「ガルネリウス」というところなのでしょうか。たしか、15年ほど前にヴァイオリンニストの千住真理子さんが、1716年製のストラディヴァリウスを高額で購入したことがニュースになりましたね。日本で1716年といえば江戸時代の文芸が成熟期を迎える頃で、三味線の普及もご多分に漏れずだったと思います。川柳に「古近江と しらず弾いてる 品のよさ」と詠まれています。この古近江とは、石村近江が製作した年代物の三味線で高額品を指していることがわかります。 三味線に興じている方々、魚藍坂方向にお出掛けのときにでもお寄りになってみてはいかがでしょうか。地下鉄の白金高輪が最寄り駅で、2番出口から桜田通りの魚藍坂交差点を右折したら直ぐの所に在ります。
It was a walk to visit the grave of Oginosan, I was able to know Taishinji temple by chance. It seems that the official name is Takanoshimera Temple of Takashima Yamanee Buddhist temple (Daishunji Temple), and seems to be named as a "shamisenji temple" alias. According to Wikipedia, the reason is described below. "Kanaya 13 years (1636) Ishimura Genemaemon, the founder of the shamisen production in Edo, was buried in this temple, and after that the temple became the shamisen shrine creator Ishimura Omi Era cemetery." Is the shamisen made by Omi Ishimura a place called "Stradivarius" or "Garnerius" of the violin? Certainly, about 15 years ago, it became news that violinist Mariko Senju purchased Stradivarius made in 1716 at a high price. Speaking of 1716 in Japan, the literature of the Edo era came to mature, I think that the spread of shamisen was also a good part of it. It is written in Kawanagi "Goodness of goods playing Kotetsu Ogae". You can see that Odori Omi refers to high priced items in the shamisen of age produced by Omi Ishimura. People who are interested in shamisen, how about trying to stay when you go out in the direction of Fish Azaka? Shimane Takanawa of the subway is the nearest station, and it will be in the immediate place as soon as you turn right at the fish Ai-zaka intersection on Sakurada Street from Exit 2.

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