Saikaiji Temple - Minato City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saikaiji Temple

住所 :

4 Chome-16-23 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 108-0073

4 Chome-16-23 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan
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この寺が開山されたのは今から400年以上の1640年代にさかのぼります。 無限聖と言われるお坊様です。その御本堂の仏像は遠く平安時代の物を京都から運んだと言われてます。たまたま近くに有りました尾張松平家の上屋敷内で乗馬の練習をされておられたお殿様が間違って落馬されお亡くなりになり困って近くにあった当寺にて仮葬儀を行いました。これを知った徳川家康様がこの寺に1200坪の領地をあたえ同時に本堂の裏手、土手側に檜製の念仏堂を経てその小さな念仏堂は昭和の20年の終わり頃まで残っておりました。その頃に建立された尾張松平家の墓は管理費を寺に長年収めなかった事で2015年ごろ荒れ果てた大きな墓石は撤去されました。 又、長年残っておりました小さな本堂は高台の崖が年々少しずつ崩れ落ち危ない危機になっていましが1996年ごろから3年越しで現在の鉄筋の新本堂となり、崖側の基礎工事に丸15ヶ月も掛かけ完成した頑丈な建物となり その総工事金額には現在の住職の前の久家道閑前住職が全てを投げ打って行いました。お陰で昔の本堂寄りも5メ-タ-以上もが下よりに移動したお陰で来訪者の車の数台前に駐車出来る様になりました。 現在の頑丈な本堂も前住職の御苦労によって完成され、昔からの本堂の柱は解体時には白蟻に殆ど虫ばれていた状況でした。この地は1945年3月10日の大空襲でも被害を火災から免れたところで焼け残った所です。 寺の前の道路名が聖坂と言われるのも初代住職の名から取ったもので1630年ごろまでは東海道として使われた旧道の残りです。 浄土宗の末寺であり既に近々400年目を迎えようとしております。
The temple was opened in the 1640s, more than 400 years ago. It is a monk who is said to be infinitely holy. The Buddha statue in the main hall is said to have carried things from the Heian period from Kyoto. A lord who happened to be practicing horseback riding in the upper mansion of the Owari Matsudaira family, who happened to be nearby, accidentally fell and died and held a temporary funeral at the nearby temple. .. Ieyasu Tokugawa, who knew this, gave this temple a territory of 1,200 tsubo, and at the same time, passed through a cypress-made Nembutsu-do on the back of the main hall and on the bank side, and the small Nembutsu-do remained until the end of 1945. .. The tomb of the Owari Matsudaira family, which was built around that time, did not pay the management fee for many years, so the large desolate tombstone was removed around 2015. In addition, the small main hall that has remained for many years is in danger of the cliffs on the hills collapsing little by little year by year, but after three years from around 1996, it became the new main hall of the current reinforcement, and it took 15 months for the foundation work on the cliff side. It becomes a sturdy building completed by hanging For the total construction cost, the former chief priest, Michikazu Kuya, who was in front of the current chief priest, threw everything away. Thanks to the fact that more than 5 meters of the old main hall have moved from the bottom, it is now possible to park in front of several cars of visitors. The current sturdy main hall was also completed by the hard work of the former chief priest, and the pillars of the old main hall were mostly covered by termites when they were dismantled. This place was left unburned where it was spared from the fire even in the great air raid on March 10, 1945. The name of the road in front of the temple is called Hijirizaka, which is taken from the name of the first chief priest, and is the remnant of the old road that was used as the Tokaido until around 1630. It is the last temple of the Jodo sect and is about to reach its 400th year.
苺十六夜 on Google

(18/08/03) 江戸三十三観音霊場 第26番札所「亀塚観音」 御朱印をいただきました。 (15/09/05) 江戸三十三観音霊場 第26番札所「亀塚観音」 御朱印をいただきました。 浄土宗の寺院。 本尊:阿弥陀如来 JR山手線:田町駅より800m。 都営地下鉄三田線:三田駅より650m。
(18/08/03) Edo 33 Kannon Sacred Ground 26th Fudasho "Kamezuka Kannon" I received a red stamp. (15/09/05) Edo 33 Kannon Sacred Ground 26th Fudasho "Kamezuka Kannon" I received a red stamp. A temple of the Jodo sect. Priest: Amida Nyorai JR Yamanote Line: 800m from Tamachi Station. Toei Subway Mita Line: 650m from Mita Station.
Ka\\\\ ꐕ ꐕ ꐕ //// do on Google

江戸三十三観音霊場第26番札所。 最初のフランス公使館の碑が残る、浄土宗寺院です。 寒い日に訪れたのですが、御朱印をお願いしたちょっとした待ち時間にヒーターを付けて下さり、優しいお言葉をかけて頂きました。とてもその優しさに心打たれました。 ありがとうございます。
The 26th temple of Edo Sannon Kannon. It is a temple of the Jodo sect with the monument of the first French legation. I visited on a cold day, and he kindly put on a heater during a little waiting time when I asked for a red stamp, and he kindly spoke. I was very impressed with its kindness. Thank you very much.
dj yakki on Google

御朱印のみです 江戸三十三ヶ所観音霊場第二十六番札所 亀塚観世音菩薩
Only the red stamp Edo 33 places Kannon sacred place 26th bill place Kamezuka Kanzeon Bodhisattva
松田洋 on Google

It was first used as a residence of a French minister in the Edo period. There are quite a few temples around this area that were used as lodgings for European ministers.
さく on Google

都心のお寺で目の前にビルがあったりもしますが、静かなお寺です。 セキュリティもしっかりしていて、お墓参りの時はパスワードが必要です。 同敷地内に、観音堂や最初のフランス公使宿館跡もあります。
There are buildings in front of you in the center of the city, but it is a quiet temple. Security is also solid, and a password is required when visiting the grave. On the same site, there is also the Kannon Hall and the ruins of the first French Legal Residence.
木村實 on Google

Edo 33 Kannon pilgrimage No. 26 bill place. The first French ministry was set up in 1859.
アカハラ on Google

Since my wife is a Danka family, I am indebted to her for visiting graves. I am very grateful to the wife of the priest who always responds to me for taking care of me and giving me kind words. The premises such as the graveyard are always kept clean, and I feel very comfortable visiting the grave.

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