上州豚骨 まる兵らーめん 前橋店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上州豚骨 まる兵らーめん 前橋店

住所 :

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
街 : Gunma

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan
竹内 on Google

高評価に騙されました。 ラーメンも焼き鳥もまずかったです。
I was deceived by the high evaluation. Both ramen and yakitori were bad.
Tomomasa Suzaki on Google

細麺に絡む絶妙なスープ、ライスも美味しくスープに入れて雑炊風に。 惜しむべくは有料駐車場(1h100円)しかない事か…。 また行きたい。
The exquisite soup and rice that are entwined with the thin noodles are also deliciously added to the soup for a porridge style. I regret that there is only a pay parking lot (1h 100 yen) ... I want to go again.
みゆき。 on Google

This time, Miso Ramen for a limited time! It was delicious. Yakitori is delicious though it may not be possible to order if it is crowded.
ヒグチエンゲイ on Google

最高の一人飲み できれば17時オープン願う?
The best single drink Hope it will open at 17:00 ?
吉田篤史 on Google

まる兵醤油とんこつラーメンを頼んだのですが...かなり美味しかったです! サラサラかつこってりしてて過去1位,2位を争う程美味しかったです。 また、ランチタイムに行ったのですが...なんとなんと...替え玉一回無料でした...最高ですw 他にも美味しそうなものが並んでいたのでまた行こうと思います(*´˘`*)
I ordered Maruhyo soy sauce tonkotsu ramen, but it was delicious! It was smooth and thick, and it was delicious enough to compete for the 1st and 2nd place in the past. Also, I went to lunch time ... how ... it was free once for a replacement ball ... it's great w There were other things that looked delicious, so I'll go again (* ´˘` *)
ロードトリップ on Google

飲んだあとの〆のラーメンのつもりで行ったのですが、焼鳥も美味しくて驚きました。 高崎に復活したので、そちらも行ってみたいです。
I went there with the intention of having ramen after drinking, but I was surprised that the yakitori was delicious. I'm back in Takasaki, so I'd like to go there as well.
ガイア麗祥勇 on Google

久し振りに立ち寄るも営業時間外で残念。 まぁ地元で散歩がてら来れるのでまた後日。 人気のら~めん屋さんです。
It's a pity that I stopped by after a long time but it was outside business hours. Well, I can come for a walk in my hometown, so I will come back later. It's a popular ra-men shop.
花鳥風月 on Google

醤油豚骨ラーメンに炙りチャーシューをトッピング。豚の臭みのない、まろやかコクのある甘ジョッパスープ。チャーシューはトロ旨。 ただこのお店の強みはラーメンだけにあらず。 焼き鳥など居酒屋的なメニューも数多くあり、焼き立ての鳥モモは熱々カリカリジューシーでめちゃくちゃ旨し。餃子も旨い。んでキンキンの冷たいビールをキューっと行きたいねぇ。 だるまや一路の様な、食べる為に、外まで若者でごった返すことも無く、落ち着いて座って語り合いが出来るのも強み。 ただ難点をあげるとすれば、商店街にあり、通りの車が激しく、曲がりにくい事と、出口が狭くあまり見通しが良くない。そんで駐車場は有料。
Soy sauce tonkotsu ramen topped with roasted char siu. A sweet joppa soup with a mellow richness that does not smell like pork. Char siu is Toro. However, the strength of this shop is not limited to ramen. There are many izakaya-like menus such as yakitori, and the freshly baked bird peach is hot, crispy and juicy and messed up. The dumplings are also delicious. So I want to go for a cold beer from Kinkin. One of its strengths is that you can sit calmly and talk with each other without being crowded with young people to eat, like a daruma or a road. However, the only drawbacks are that it is located in a shopping district, the cars on the street are heavy, it is difficult to turn, and the exit is narrow and the visibility is not very good. And there is a charge for the parking lot.

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