
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 来々軒支店

住所 :

Sumiyoshicho, Maebashi, 〒371-0021 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
街 : Gunma

Sumiyoshicho, Maebashi, 〒371-0021 Gunma,Japan
奈美一成【平成大好き】公式アルバム on Google

I go every week. The personality of the couple is also very good. Of course, the food is very delicious and fast.
ハヤタツ on Google

明るく綺麗な中華料理店。 タンメン と餃子を注文。どちらも美味しかったが、いわゆる普通で特筆すべきものはないかも。 特にタンメンはそんなに野菜が多くなく、イメージしていたもの(キャベツやらもやしやらキクラゲやらがドサっと乗ってる)と違い肩透かしを喰った。
A bright and beautiful Chinese restaurant. I ordered tanmen and dumplings. Both were delicious, but there may be nothing so-called ordinary and notable. In particular, tanmen doesn't have so many vegetables, and unlike the ones I had imagined (cabbage, bean sprouts, wood ear mushrooms, etc. are riding on it), it ate a shoulder.
群馬県民 on Google

Founded in Showa 6
滝澤です on Google

お店が自体は綺麗ですが、昔からの雰囲気があり、ラーメンも手打ち平打ち細麺と、どこか懐かしいラーメンでした? ラーメンと、半チャーハン、餃子でした?
The shop itself is beautiful, but there is atmosphere from the old days, ramen was hand-crafted flat knitting noodles, and it was a nostalgic ramen anywhere ? It was ramen, half fried rice, dumplings ?
月下麗人 on Google

五目あんかけ焼きそばを注文。 白菜・人参・玉ねぎ・焼豚・豚バラ・なると・いり卵の甘ーいあんかけ。 麺はポリポリとは程遠く分かりやすく言うとしけてる感じ。 餡も麺も全然美味しくなく途中から気持ち悪くなってがっかりした。 隣のおじさんはワンタン麺を美味しい美味しいと啜ってたのが羨ましかった。
I ordered Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba. Chinese cabbage, carrots, onions, roast pork, pork roses, naruto, and sweet ankake of iri-tamago. Noodles are far from poly-poly, and it's easy to understand. Neither the bean paste nor the noodles were delicious at all, and I was disappointed because I felt uncomfortable halfway through. I was jealous that the uncle next door said that the wonton noodles were delicious.
Yosh on Google

【前橋の食堂】 前橋を代表的する名店です。 ラーメン 半チャーハンで1050円 久しぶりに来てみたら、外も中も綺麗に改装されてました。でも、壁の品書きは変わらずいい感じです。 ラーメンは赤いチャーシュー(こちらでは中華料理式の「焼豚」と呼びたいですね)の存在が重要です。自家製麺も素晴らしい仕上がり。スープも絶妙。更には、小ぶりな丼がまたイイ。麺、スープ、焼豚ともにバランスが完璧。こだわりの自家製だからでしょうが、さりげなさにグッときます。 チャーハンは懐かしいタイプですが、焼豚のうまみが効いてます。昔のチャーハンはコレですよ。炒飯ですよ。 肩の力抜いてキッチリ仕事する老舗中華食堂です。 平日昼間の部は、早目に閉まる事多いようです。本日は午後1時15分でした。味を守る気持ちが伝わってきます。
【Meabashi dining room】 It is a famous store that represents Maebashi. It is 1050 yen with ramen half fried rice When I came for the first time in a while, both the outside and the inside were beautifully renovated. But the goods on the wall look good. It is important that the ramen is red and has a red pork (in this case, I want to call it a Chinese-style "baked pork"). Home-made noodles are also excellent finish. The soup is also exquisite. In addition, small chopsticks are good again. The balance is perfect for noodles, soup and grilled pork. It's probably because it's home-made, but it's casual. Fried rice is a nostalgic type, but the taste of grilled pork is effective. The old fried rice is kore. It's fried rice. It is a well-established Chinese restaurant where you can work hard and get rid of your shoulders. Weekday daytime club seems to often close early. It was 1:15 pm today. The feeling of protecting the taste is transmitted.
Motoyasu Endo on Google

9月5日はお休みの土曜日。九月に入ったとはいえ、前橋では今日も30℃を超える暑さでした。来々軒支店さん。今まで何度か訪問してはみたが、長期休業していたり、早仕舞いだったり、新型コロナの頃はテイクアウト専門だったりと何度となく振られつづきでしたが、今日は12時20分。暖簾が下がっているのを見てまずは一安心。 赤く縁どられた焼豚が味わおうと、チャシウメン(原文ママ)と野菜炒めをお願いします。ほどなく運ばれてきました。まずはスープを一口。猛暑で汗をかいて歩いてきただけにしょっぱいスープが身体に染み渡るようです。あっさりとして案外臭みのない味になかなかレンゲが止まりません… ようやくのことでレンゲを置いて箸をとります。 普通なら麺をリフトするところでしょうが、チャシウメンだけに焼豚が我こそ主役とばかり猛アピール。主張に折れるかたちで焼豚を一切れ。フワトロチャーシューが流行りの昨今ですが、私にとっては歯応えあるこれこそがチャーシューです。 で、ようやくのことで麺。手打ち麺はしっかりとコシがあります。歯を柔らかく受け止めた麺を歯応えを楽しみながらあごに力を入れてプッツリ切れる感覚がたまりません。 ここで野菜炒めが配膳されます。以前の経験からこのお店は盛りが控えめだとわかっており、メニューの半チャーハンにもおおいに誘惑されましたが、さすがにW炭水化物はよくなかろうと注文した野菜炒めですが、これが大正解でした。 野菜炒めは、モヤシ、キャベツ、ニンジン、キクラゲなどきわめてありふれた内容ですが、仕上げがすごいんです。野菜はどれもがシャキシャキ感を維持しつつ滋味を出していて、中華屋さんの野菜炒めにはラードがベタベタ、野菜はヘナヘナな皿に出会うばかりですが、この野菜炒めには余分な油は一切なく、無用心に汁が出て旨味を逃す不調法はありません。必要最小限の油と強い火力で一気に炒めあげています。これぞまさに職人技というべきでしょう。 三俣の第三支店、城東町の第二支店が閉店になり、今や孤塁を守る来々軒支店さん。ぜひ長く続いてほしいものです。
September 5th is a closed Saturday. Even though it was September, it was still over 30 degrees Celsius today in Maebashi. Mr. Kuruken branch. I've visited several times until now, but I've been shaken many times because I've been closed for a long time, I've been closed early, and when I was a new Corona, I specialized in takeout, but today it's 12:20. .. First of all, it's a relief to see the curtains are falling. To taste the red-rimmed roast pork, please stir-fry chashiumen (sic) and vegetables. It was soon delivered. First, take a bite of soup. It seems that the salty soup permeates the body just by walking in the heat of the heat and sweating. It's hard to stop the astragalus with a light and unexpectedly odorless taste ... Finally, I put down the range and take the chopsticks. Normally, you would lift the noodles, but the roast pork is the only protagonist of the chashiumen. A piece of roast pork in a way that breaks the claim. The fluffy char siu is popular these days, but for me, this is the chewy char siu. And finally, the noodles. Handmade noodles are firm and chewy. I can't help but feel that the noodles, which have soft teeth, are crispy while enjoying the chewy texture of the noodles. Stir-fried vegetables are served here. From my previous experience, I knew that this restaurant was modest, and I was tempted by the half-fried rice on the menu, but I ordered stir-fried vegetables because W carbohydrates were not good, but this was the correct answer. .. Stir-fried vegetables are very common, such as bean sprouts, cabbage, carrots, and wood ear mushrooms, but the finish is amazing. All the vegetables are crispy and delicious, and the Chinese restaurant's stir-fried vegetables are sticky with lard, and the vegetables are just a henna henna dish, but there is no extra oil in this stir-fried vegetable. There is no wrong way to let the juice come out carelessly and miss the taste. It is fried at once with the minimum required oil and strong heat. This is exactly craftsmanship. The third branch of Mitsumata and the second branch of Jotocho have closed, and now the Kuruken branch is protecting the lonely base. I hope it will continue for a long time.
ごっちゃんKohsei on Google

The notation is a nearby store, and this photo is a store called Gotetsu. I had soy sauce ramen. It was delicious as usual, but I felt that the noodles and soup didn't go well with each other.

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