Kumano Shrine - Maebashi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kumano Shrine

住所 :

3 Chome-8-12 Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 371-0022

3 Chome-8-12 Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0022, Japan
まっとんまっとん on Google

When I was hanging out in the city, I caught my eye, so I worshiped. I think it is a good shrine that is small but somehow elegant.
鍋割山のギン太 on Google

明治31年に始まった大酉の市は、毎年十二月の一の酉の日に開かれました。 当時、前橋市には製糸工場が多くあり、その日は申し合わせて臨終休業とした為、女工さん達が街へ繰り出し、大変賑わったといいます(^_^ゞ
Daegu City, which began in 1908, was held every year on the first day of December. At that time, there were many silk mills in Maebashi City, and on that day we agreed to make a temporary closure, so it was said that female workers went out to the town and became very busy (^ _ ^ ゞ
田中小荷 on Google

熊野神社(通称 お酉さま おくまんさま) 御祭神 櫛御気野命(素戔嗚尊) 配祀神 大屋津姫命 五十猛命 大鳥神 (「上野国神社明細帳」参照) 熊野神社は、天照大神の弟、素戔嗚尊をお祀りし大願成就の神として古くから信仰されてきました。 出雲國八束熊野より分社されたと伝えられていますがその歴史は、定かではありません この地域一帯は、「熊野の杜」と云われ、うっそうとした木立ちにつつまれた神域でありました。 江戸時代以降は町の発展と共に現在のような鎮守としての神社になったと考えられます。 熊野神社に願をかけると必ず成就すると、厚い信仰を集め「恩熊野様」と唱えて崇拝しました。 これが子供たちには「おくまんさま」と聞こえたのでしょう、以後、当熊野神社は「おくまんさま」と称せられ親しみ愛されています。 今日も「おくまんさま」は世の中の平和と人々の幸せを願いつつ鎮座しています。 三ツ足 八咫烏石 三ツ足八咫烏石は、熊野神社境内東側にあります。 熊野神社の神使である八咫烏は開運をもたらす、三本足の烏で平成四年の台風により奥の院が崩壊し氏子の総意によりいち早く修復をいたしました折基礎石の中に、三ツの足跡のある石を発見開運の証しとして、お祀りいたしました。 笠欠け 三猿塔 笠欠け三猿塔は、熊野神社社殿右側にあります。 江戸時代に奉納されたと推測されます。 奉納時には、笠を被っていましたが先の戦争で空襲に遭い、爆風により上部を失いました。 戦火を避け神社境内に集まった人々を身をもって守ったと、伝えられています。 (境内案内板より) 熊野神社境内で「大酉祭」が行われるようになった経緯 初市まつり、七夕まつり、前橋まつりと並んで、前橋四大祭りのひとつに熊野神社の「大酉祭」があります。この始まりは、古き昔より上野國勢多郡の橘山に疫病除けのご神徳がある天王石と呼ばれた御霊石があり、この御霊石は悪病が流行した部落に持ち込まれ、様々な病から人々を救ったといわれています。御霊石は村々を転々とした後、江戸時代の後期に前橋市横山町(現 千代田町四丁目)の路傍で風雨に曝されていたのを、地元の篤信家たちによって八坂神社に祀られる事となりました。町の人たちには「おてんのさま」として親しまれ、その後明治四十年に市内の琴平宮と白山神社を合祀した際に小石神社と改称されました。また横山町近辺が前橋の商売の中心地であったことから、毎年師走頃になると「酉の市」が開かれ、市内をはじめ県内外の数多くの崇敬者たちが訪れ、神社の境内には、縁起物や老若男女の喜ぶ露店が立ち並び大変な賑わいをみせました。 昭和四十六年に敷島公園内に小石神社が遷座され、もとの鎮座地であるスズランデパート屋上には現在でも分社が祀られていますが、「酉の市」は一時期途絶えてしまいました。しかし、昭和四十九年になり中心商店街の尽力により千代田町三丁目の熊野神社境内で毎年十一月の最初の酉の日に開催される事となりました。当日は熊手や縁起物などを売る露店が立ち並び、また福引き抽選会や物産品の販売などもあり今では前橋の冬の風物詩となっています。
Kumano Shrine (commonly known as Okumansama) Deity of the ritual, Kushi Mikino Mikoto (Susanoo-no-Mikoto) Oyatsuhime and Tsuhimei, Isotakeru, Otorigami (Refer to "Kozuke Shrine Schedule") Kumano Shrine has long been worshiped as a god of fulfillment of great wishes, enshrining Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the younger brother of Amaterasu Omikami. It is said that the company was spun off from Izumo Kuniyatsuka Kumano, but its history is uncertain. This area was called "Kumano no Mori" and was a sanctuary surrounded by thick trees. After the Edo period, it is thought that the shrine became the current shrine as a guardian with the development of the town. Whenever I made a request to Kumano Shrine, it was fulfilled, and I gathered a lot of faith and worshiped it by chanting "Onkumano-sama". This may have been heard by children as "Okumansama", and since then, our Kumano Shrine has been called "Okumansama" and is loved by children. Even today, "Okumansama" is enshrined in the hope of peace in the world and happiness of the people. Three-legged Yatagarasu stone The three-legged Yatagarasu stone is located on the east side of the precincts of Kumano Shrine. Yatagarasu, the priest of Kumano Shrine, is a three-legged crow that collapsed due to the typhoon of 1992 and was quickly restored by the consensus of the parishioners. We found a stone with footprints and worshiped it as a proof of good luck. Kasa chipping three wise monkey tower The Kasashimi Sansaru Tower is on the right side of the Kumano Shrine. It is presumed that it was dedicated during the Edo period. At the time of dedication, he was wearing a hat, but was hit by an air raid in the previous war and lost his upper part due to the blast. It is said that he avoided the war and protected the people who gathered in the shrine precincts. (From the precinct information board) How the "Great Rooster Festival" began to be held in the precincts of Kumano Shrine Along with the Hatsuichi Festival, Tanabata Festival, and Maebashi Festival, one of the four major festivals in Maebashi is the Kumano Shrine's Tori No Ichi Festival. Since ancient times, there is a spirit stone called Tennoishi, which has the god of preventing epidemics on Mt. Tachibana in Seta-gun, Ueno. It is said to have saved people. After moving from one village to another, the Goryo stone was exposed to the wind and rain on the roadside of Yokoyama-cho, Maebashi (currently 4-chome, Chiyoda-cho) in the latter half of the Edo period. have become. It was familiar to the townspeople as "Oten-sama," and was later renamed Koishi Shrine when Kotohiragu Shrine and Hakusan Shrine were enshrined in the city in 1890. In addition, since the vicinity of Yokoyama Town was the business center of Maebashi, the "Tori no Ichi" was opened every year around December, and many worshipers from inside and outside the prefecture visited the shrine. There were many lucky stalls and stalls for men and women of all ages, and it was very lively. Koishi Shrine was relocated to Shikishima Park in 1969, and a branch company is still enshrined on the roof of the Suzuran department store, which was the original enshrined place, but the "Tori no Ichi" has been cut off for a while. However, in 1974, due to the efforts of the central shopping district, it was held on the first rooster day in November every year in the precincts of Kumano Shrine in 3-chome, Chiyoda-cho. On the day of the event, there are many stalls selling rakes and lucky charms, as well as a lottery for lucky draws and sales of products, which is now a winter tradition in Maebashi.
ガイア麗祥勇 on Google

立川町通り沿いに参道入口。 大晦日等以外では余り人影は有りません。
The entrance to the approach along Tachikawacho Dori. There aren't many people except on New Year's Eve.
群馬のまぁたん on Google

Please note that it is located in the city and there is no parking for cars. There is a coin parking lot around. Mr. Okawaya got a red stamp because he was absent. ¥300 I was surprised at the unexpected manual writing.
N_ Sa on Google

毎年欠かさず参拝の大酉祭(一の酉)ですが、平成30年は11月1日(木)でした。 参拝時に初穂料(500円)を納め、頂戴した用紙に名前・住所等を記載してお預けすれば、翌年の大酉祭が近づくと写真のようなハガキが送られて来ます(しかも有難き空クジ無しのクジ引き抽選券付き) サッカー関係者には八咫烏(やたがらす)神社として有名で、例の三本足の烏が神様の使徒として祀られており、年に一度この大酉祭の当日だけ八咫烏御影のご開扉がされます。
Every year it is a great roots festival of worshiping (one rooster), Heisei 30 was November 1 (Thur). When paying the first stool fee (500 yen) at the time of worship, if you deposit the name / address etc on the paper you received and deposit it, the postcard such as the photograph will be sent as the big roots festival of the following year comes closer (And moreover, With a cuzeless pizza drawing with no crime) For football officials, famous as the Shakuha (shrine) shrine, the three-legged crow of the example is enshrined as an apostle of God, and once a year the opening of Mt. It will be.
はるのゆいたろう on Google

Kumano Shrine is famous for "Yatagarasu", but it is buried in a group of condominiums in the city of Maebashi, and it is not sunny.
Charlie on Google

A cute little gem of a shrine nestled in the arcade. Stop by on the third of the month for your red seal!

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