よね屋 甘太郎焼

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact よね屋 甘太郎焼

住所 :

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Gunma

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan
U Miz. on Google

甘太郎焼という名前ですが、商品は今川焼と同じです。 黒あんと白あん2種類あり、優しい甘さの今川焼です。 特筆する点はありませんが、昔から地域の人々に愛されているお店だと思います。 学生時代、学校帰りによく買ったいた思い出の一品です。思い出すと食べたくなります。
The name is Amataro-yaki, but the product is the same as Imagawayaki. There are two types of bean paste, black bean paste and white bean paste, and Imagawayaki has a gentle sweetness. There is nothing special to mention, but I think it is a shop that has been loved by the local people for a long time. This is a memorable item that I often bought on my way home from school when I was a student. When I remember, I want to eat it.
大豚野郎 on Google

創業60年余りの老舗店舗。 皮はパリッと生地はシットリとした、お手本の様な今川焼です。
A long-established store that has been in business for over 60 years. The crust is crispy and the dough is crispy.
ymd650 on Google

The gentle sweetness of the bean paste is exquisite. delicious!
Ko Takagi on Google

甘太郎焼(今川焼き)が一個120円。 黒餡か白餡のごくごくシンプルな今川焼きで、昔懐かしいホッとする美味しさ。 朝8時(!)から営業してるのにびっくり。
Amataro-yaki (Imagawayaki) is 120 yen each. Imagawayaki, which is very simple with black or white bean paste, has a nostalgic and relaxing taste. I was surprised that it was open from 8 am (!).
山田善弘 on Google

美味い… 各地でさまざまな名前のある、あの和菓子を「あまたろう焼き」と称して販売しておられます。 タイミングよく、焼き立てにありつけたのですが、その場で食べた時は皮は香ばしくてパリパリ、あんこはしっとりとしていて程よい甘さ… 馴染み深いあの味ですが、この和菓子としては想像しうる最高の味です。また買いに行きます。
delicious… That Japanese sweet, which has various names in various places, is sold under the name of "Amataro Yaki". I had it freshly baked at the right time, but when I ate it on the spot, the skin was fragrant and crispy, and the bean paste was moist and moderately sweet ... It's a familiar taste, but it's the best taste you can imagine for this Japanese sweet. I will go buy it again.
H Takies on Google

Both the red bean paste and the white bean paste have a low sweetness and the skin is thin and delicious! Even when it wasn't there, it was baked immediately.
荒川尚子 on Google

大判焼きに似ています。 丸です? 皮がボッテリ厚くなくて薄めでした。 パリッとしていて中はフワッと。 アンコも甘すぎなくてとても美味しかったです。粒あんでした。 出来立てを食べたので、熱くてやけどしそうでした? あと、白あんがあり2種類になります。 白あんはより甘さが少なく、アンコが苦手な人にはいいと思いました? 私はあずきが大好きなのでアンコ派です? 一気にアンコ、白あん、アンコの順番に食べちゃいました。笑 ごちそうさまでした?
Similar to large format ware. It's a circle ? The skin was not thick and thin. It's crispy and fluffy inside. Anko wasn't too sweet and it was very delicious. It was grainy. I ate freshly made so it was hot and almost burned ? Also, there are two types of white bean paste. Shiroan is less sweet and I thought it would be good for people who are not good at anko ? I love Azuki so I'm an Anko sect ? I ate anko, white bean paste, and anko in that order at once. Lol Thank you for your feast ?
まぁしゃ on Google

First of all, the number one souvenir. Amataro-yaki is appreciated. If you are a Maebashi citizen, you will be cheered when you see the wrapping paper. The sweetness is moderately rich in flavor. I like it because it tastes different from warm and delicious. The bean paste is handmade. I recommend it.

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