Chikufudo Nagano Station - Nagano

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chikufudo Nagano Station

住所 :

1281 Minaminagano, Nagano, 381-0000, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 381-0000
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM

1281 Minaminagano, Nagano, 381-0000, Japan
antaba an on Google

Good. It's open from 8am, so I'm really happy to be able to purchase it even if the departure is early. As it is a roadside store, the lineup is abundant.
ケンイチ on Google

I bought chestnuts to eat on the Shinkansen ✨ It's a souvenir from Nagano's iron plate, it's a simple is best that eliminates unnecessary things ? You can feel the flavor of rice and the sweetness of chestnuts again and add extra seasoning You don't need any ingredients!
戦場ヶ原Kenta on Google

どらやきや羊羹などの和菓子屋さん。なんと数種類の試食無料な上、給茶機のお茶も自由に飲めます。 名物は栗入りのどらやき。 ジェラードも販売しており、全7種類ありますが折角なので栗味をいただきましょう。
Japanese sweets shop such as dorayaki and yokan. There are several kinds of free sampling and you can also drink tea from the tea machine. The specialty is dorayaki with chestnuts. Gerrard is also on sale, and there are seven types, but let's enjoy the chestnut flavor as it is a cornerstone.
taka on Google

長野駅前にあり立地が抜群に良いです。 1階が物販、2階が喫茶となっており喫茶では栗あんしるこを食べることができます。甘いですがとても美味しいので自信を持ってオススメできます。
Located in front of Nagano station, the location is excellent. The first floor is for merchandise, and the second floor is a coffee shop where you can eat chestnut bean paste. It's sweet but very delicious so I can recommend it with confidence.
塚田脩斗 on Google

ジェラートがうまい、美味すぎるです。 ただ、少し値段が高いです。長野駅にあるサーティーワンよりは安いですが…… 他にも、長野朝日放送のドラえもんの時に流れるCMでお馴染みのどら焼き山なども売っています。
The gelato is good and it's too delicious. However, the price is a little high. It's cheaper than Thirty One at Nagano Station, but ... In addition, we also sell Dorayaki Mountain, which is familiar from the commercials that are played during Doraemon on Asahi Broadcasting Nagano.
あわこ on Google

栗かの子とても美味しいです。 おこわ注文したら蒸かしてくれました。栗が一杯入っていて良かったです。付け合わせの漬物も美味しかったです。 ジェラードは栗とマンゴーミルクを注文。栗が案外あっさりしてましたが美味しかったです。次回は小布施牛乳味を食べてみたいです。
Kuri Kanoko is very delicious. When I ordered Okowa, it was steamed. I'm glad I had a lot of chestnuts in it. The garnished pickles were also delicious. Gerrard ordered chestnuts and mango milk. The chestnuts were unexpectedly light, but they were delicious. Next time I would like to try Obuse milk flavor.
s nakamura on Google

2Fの併設カフェを利用しました。 店内に入って右奥の階段から入店できます。 栗あんのおしるこをいただきましたが、栗の甘みとなめらかさをふんだんに感じられて、非常に美味しかったです。 店内も落ち着いた雰囲気で、清潔感も申し分ないです。 また、上品なスタッフの方でした。 ありがとうございました。 次は栗おこわをいただきたいと思います。
I used the cafe on the 2nd floor. You can enter the store from the stairs on the far right. I received the chestnut bean paste, and it was very delicious because I could feel the sweetness and smoothness of the chestnuts. The atmosphere inside the store is calm and the cleanliness is perfect. Also, he was an elegant staff member. Thank you very much. Next, I would like to have chestnut okowa.
カタコト on Google

くりづとが欲しくて。。。 善光寺前の店舗だと売り切れており、 ダメ元で訪ねましたがありました! 長野駅のMIDORIには直営店が入っておらず、 逆にそれがプレミアム感増していて俄か観光客の心を擽ります。
I want chestnuts. .. .. The store in front of Zenkoji is sold out, I visited there with no use! There are no directly managed stores in MIDORI at Nagano Station, On the contrary, it is more premium and will appeal to tourists.

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