レカミエセンター 南駅店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レカミエセンター 南駅店

住所 :

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.yamazakipan.co.jp/shops/recamier/shops.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan
ケイトブッシュ on Google

A young female clerk was swearing at the customer. I have also suffered damage. I'm sorry I liked it. Worst customer service.
y on Google

スタッフががさつで、ケーキに固定用の紙が刺さっていた…。レジも時間がかかりすぎな気がする。 味も特筆することがなく、駅構内にあるということだけが利点か。 同じようにスタッフの教育についてコメントを書かれている方がいらっしゃるのに、改善されないのが不思議なくらい。 このお店は今後絶対に利用したくない。
The staff was angry and the cake had sticking paper on it... I feel that the cash register takes too much time. The only advantage is that it's inside the station without mentioning the taste. There are people who likewise comment on the education of staff, but it is strange that it will not be improved. I definitely do not want to use this shop in the future.
M S on Google

センター南駅の構内に入っているお店です。 シュークリームが美味しそうだったので、一番ベーシックなシュークリームを購入してみました。 シュー生地はクッキータイプでサクッとした仕上がり。なかなかいい感じかも…と思いきや、良かったのは表面だけ。表面以外の生地はパッサパサで、食感も味もイマイチ。クリームは、ザ・マシーンメイドのコクなし・お安めクリームでした。 コンビニやコ―ジーコーナのシュークリームの方が断然満足度が高いなという印象です。
It is a shop in the center of Minami Station. The cream puffs looked delicious, so I bought the most basic cream puff. The cookie-type cuff dough has a crisp finish. I thought it might be a good feeling, but the only thing I liked was the surface. The dough other than the surface is dry and the texture and taste are not good. The cream was the machine maid's rich, cheap cream. The impression is that the cream puffs from convenience stores and cozy corners are definitely more satisfying.
斉藤貴史 サムライ斉藤(指圧マッサージサムライ) on Google

今日は当店アシスタントが2~3ヶ月に1回の、下垂体腫瘍の術後観察のため、北部病院まで行く日です。私は午前中仕事なので、1めの3時過ぎにセンター南駅へ向かい、ここで合流して日吉方面に向かいます。 15時ごろ合流し、グリーンラインに乗るため再び改札をくぐりますが、以前から存在は知っていた改札内のケーキ店に目がいきます。いつも売っているケーキが美味しそうにみえるものの、大抵まっすぐ川崎に帰ることのないため、見て終わりになっていました。ふと当店アシスタントが、シュークリームに目がいきます、それも生クリームとカスタードクリーム入りの「特製シュークリーム」です。 どうしても食べてみたいと言う事になりましたか、川崎に帰らないといくら保冷剤をもらっても、2時間くらいで常温になってしまいます。食べるところと言ってもここじゃ・・・あっ!お店の斜め前のところに置き場所がある椅子がありました。・・・ってことで、買った特製シュークリームをここに座って食べることにしました。 生クリームが円錐形に絞られた豪快なシュークリームは、生地がややサクサクしたハードタイプです。生クリームの下には、みずみずしいカスタードクリームが隠れています。てっぺんにはシュー生地のふたが乗り、上には粉糖がかけられています。 食べ方をどうしようかと思いましたが、一般的なシュークリームのようにいきなりかぶりつくのはまず無理です当店アシスタントがシュー生地のふたで、上の生クリームをすくって食べつつ、クリームが減ってきたところでかぶりつくようにしていたので、私もこの食べ方でいただきました。240円くらいのシュークリームなのに、生クリームの量、そしてカスタードクリームの量も半端じゃないです。さすがの私も、これ1個食べると大満足です。 今度はケーキ類も食べてみたい、うちから近いイトーヨーカ堂内には同じ店舗があるのですが、駅構内で美味しく感じるのは何故だろう?
Today is the day our assistant goes to the Northern Hospital for postoperative observation of pituitary tumors once every two to three months. Since I work in the morning, I head to Center Minami Station after the first 3 o'clock, and join here and head toward Hiyoshi. We will meet at around 15:00 and go through the ticket gate again to get on the green line, but we will notice the cake shop inside the ticket gate that we knew existed before. The cakes I always sell look delicious, but I usually don't go straight back to Kawasaki, so I ended up looking at them. Suddenly, our assistant notices the cream puffs, which are also "special cream puffs" containing fresh cream and custard cream. Did you really want to eat it? If you don't go back to Kawasaki, no matter how much you get the ice pack, it will reach room temperature in about 2 hours. It ’s here to eat ... oh! There was a chair with a place to put it diagonally in front of the shop. So, I decided to sit here and eat the special cream puffs I bought. The cream puffs, which are made by squeezing the cream into a cone, are a hard type with a slightly crispy dough. Fresh custard cream is hidden under the fresh cream. The top is covered with choux pastry, and powdered sugar is sprinkled on top. I was wondering how to eat it, but it is impossible to suddenly bite like a general cream puff. Our assistant scoops the cream above with the lid of the choux pastry and eats it, and the cream is decreasing. I was trying to bite it, so I also had this way of eating. Although it is about 240 yen cream puffs, the amount of fresh cream and the amount of custard cream are not odd. As expected, I am very happy to eat this one. I want to eat cakes this time, and I have the same store in Ito-Yokado, which is close to my house. Why does it feel delicious inside the station?
Safman Mats on Google

Shop for cream puffs and cakes at the transfer concourse inside the station premises manufactured and operated by Yamazaki Baking. Various types of cream puffs that are insisted on the puff dough are always sold, and it is convenient for subway movement that you do not care about carrying as much as short cake. Cream puff is a decoration that opens the mouth widely and excites the cream. Whether it's a souvenir for someone or at home, it's a good choice for casual purchases. There are stores for many years, and it can be seen that both men and women are buying and customers feel easy. Satisfactory finish in both size and amount of cream. There are many famous Western confectionery stores nearby, but this is it. I think that it is easy to buy for dads who are not familiar with cakes.
ササキケイタ on Google

たいへん美味しかったです! フルーツケーキのクリームが甘過ぎず、大きいけども飽きずにいただけます。
It was very delicious! The cream of the fruitcake is not too sweet and you can enjoy it even though it is big.
C P on Google

見た目も綺麗ですし、美味しいです。 お値段もリーズナブルです! ハイレベルなスイーツを求めるなら、 百貨店の有名店に行くべきですが 日頃、家族で楽しむなら十分なスイーツです! ちなみに、こちらのクチコミに書かれてた 店員さんじゃなかったのか感じ良かったですよ。また寄りたいお店です。
It looks beautiful and is delicious. The price is also reasonable! If you want high-level sweets I should go to a famous department store It's a sweet that you can enjoy with your family on a daily basis! By the way, it was written in this review It was nice to think that he wasn't a clerk. It is a shop I want to visit again.
ぱむの落書き帳 on Google

The variety was abundant, cheap and delicious. It is in an easy-to-buy place. One cake is rather big and has a satisfying taste. It's also good as a souvenir.

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