Chibadaigaku Inohana Campus - Chiba

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chibadaigaku Inohana Campus

住所 :

1 Chome-8-1 Inohana, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0856, Japan

Postal code : 260-0856
Webサイト :

1 Chome-8-1 Inohana, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0856, Japan
大矢まゆみ on Google

主人の付き添い 手術の説明を聞くために久々に行きました。担当医はとても丁寧に説明してくれました。毎日3千人前後の人が訪れます。受付もボランティアスタッフがいるので安心です。今はアポ無しの患者は受け入れていないみたいです。紹介状がないと厳しいかも知れません。
I went there after a long time to hear the explanation of the surgery accompanied by my husband. The doctor in charge explained very carefully. About 3,000 people visit every day. There are volunteer staff at the reception, so you can rest assured. It seems that patients without appointments are not accepted now. It may be tough without a letter of introduction.
takuheide gowasu on Google

戦前に建てられた歴史のある建物があります。 今後、新しい建物に建て替えが進んでいくのでしょう。
There is a historic building built before the war. It will be rebuilt into a new building in the future.
祐子三島 on Google

The reception and the correspondence of the teachers were good personally. If you have an examination, it is better to say one hour before the examination.
金森330&360h on Google

Everyone is worried about something. Even so, I think it is thanks to the teachers and other people who take care of me that I can't feel the tingling. There are some illnesses that I can't get over, but I think we'll do our best to be cheerful.
石川賢七 on Google

大変良い私なりにです、 診察も家族同権で入れます、 看護婦、受付窓口、対応良い、 コロナ対策、いまいち、客様は、コロナ無視、で歩いています、
It ’s very good for me, You can also have a medical examination with the same family rights, Nurse, reception desk, good response, Corona measures, not good enough, customers are walking with corona ignored,
ZION OGAWA on Google

綺麗で居心地の良い病院です。スタッフさんも皆さん優しいです。 今日は雨降り。 多発性骨髄腫と云う病でコチラで13時間位のオペをしてもらい通っています。幸い障害者用駐車場があり麻痺した身体でも近くに駐められますが、雨の日は杖で傘がさせないし、走れないので、少しの距離でも濡れてしまいます。 もっと障害の有る人、自分では動けない人、も沢山いらっしゃるので、私も空いていれば駐めたい、屋根の有る駐車場があればもっと良いと考えます。
It is a clean and cozy hospital. The staff are all kind. It's raining today. I have been operating for about 13 hours here for a disease called multiple myeloma. Fortunately, there is a parking lot for the disabled and even a paralyzed body can be parked nearby, but on rainy days the cane does not allow the umbrella to run and it cannot run, so it gets wet even at a short distance. There are many people with more disabilities and people who can't move on their own, so I would like to park if they are free, and I think it would be better if there was a parking lot with a roof.
miki tan on Google

1週間前に行き美味しく、他のメニューも食べたかったので違う友達を連れて行きました。やっぱり美味しかったです。スタッフの方がとても感じが良いのもポイント高いです。 緑のトマトのフライを初めて食べましたがこれも人気があり期間限定らしく先週は売り切れでした。美味しかったです。先週は食べなかったデザートも今日はいただきました。落花生のロールケーキが美味しい。 又来たくなるお店です。
I went there a week ago and it was delicious and I wanted to eat other menus so I took a different friend. After all it was delicious. The point is that the staff feels very good. I ate fried green tomatoes for the first time, but it was also popular and seemed to be for a limited time, so it was sold out last week. It was delicious. I had a dessert that I didn't eat last week. The peanut roll cake is delicious. It's a shop you'll want to visit again.
Sudeshna Kundu on Google

Beautiful campus with great positivity

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