お菓子の家Cherie - Omihachiman

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お菓子の家Cherie

住所 :

Azuchicho Shimotoira, Omihachiman, 〒521-1311 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 521-1311
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E3%2581%258A%25E8%258F%2593%25E5%25AD%2590%25E3%2581%25AE%25E5%25AE%25B6-Cherie-699934940038973/%3Fref%3Dpage_internal%26mt_nav%3D0
街 : Shiga

Azuchicho Shimotoira, Omihachiman, 〒521-1311 Shiga,Japan
わかまる on Google

I visited the store earlier, but it looked like a mansion, which is the opposite of the photo on Instagram. It's hot because there is no cooler inside and only a fan. I ordered matcha cake and cafe au lait, but both of them were so bad that I couldn't eat them and left them. I thought I was talking quietly because of Corona, but the store clerk was very careful and I was very offended. The clerk had unkempt hair and dirty clothes, which was the worst hygiene. Even though I'm aware of this, it's hard to guide me to the seats. It was hard to say to other customers. I don't want to go again. Please be careful if you can see the photos on Instagram.
さくらサク on Google

紅茶のクッキーを買って帰りましたが、絶対に買ってはいけません。 カビ生えてるの?ってくらい臭い生地で、飲み込んだら喉を通る刺激。なんだろう、すごく痛いんです。 紅茶の風味なんてなくて、変にしょっぱい。さらに焦げてて苦い&酸っぱい。甘さはゼロ。 飲み込んだのを後悔しました。食べてから体調がどんどん悪くなってきた。 保健所に入ってもらったほうがいいのでは…
I bought a tea cookie and went home, but never buy it. Is it moldy? It's a stinky dough, and when swallowed, it stimulates the throat. I wonder, it hurts a lot. It doesn't have the flavor of black tea and it's strangely salty. Further burnt, bitter and sour. The sweetness is zero. I regret having swallowed it. I've been getting sick since I ate it. I think it's better to have them enter the health center ...
やや on Google

I went there because the atmosphere was nice on Instagram. The appearance was cute and I entered the store with the expectation, but I was confused because there was no welcome or guidance. While looking at the showcase, I said I'm sorry, and when I chose a cake, I was asked if I would like to put it in with me, so when I told him that I wanted to use the cafe, I was just told to wait annoyingly, and before I sat down, I had water and a menu. I was told to put it down and tell me when I decided on a drink. I ordered herbal tea with the intention of being hot, but for some reason it came out with ice cream and was charged +50 yen. I wanted you to ask when ordering. The cake that came out had a strange taste and the dishes were dirty, which made me feel uncomfortable. I was so scared that I was unfriendly and angry when I asked him to speak quietly even though he was only speaking normally. My hair is unkempt and dirty, my clothes are tattered, and I don't know when the sweets in the store will be left, so it's creepy. Above all, the clerk's friendliness is so bad that I don't want to go there again. A person who makes people uncomfortable. I wish it was delicious at least. It's the first time for me to go to such an unpleasant cafe, so it's definitely better not to go.
hondal hwang on Google

結論から言うと、最悪な店でした。 普段お店に対してレビューを書くことはありませんが、あまりにも不快な思いをしたのでレビューを書きます。 店主?か店員か知りませんが、接客態度が最悪でした。 Instagramを見て来店しましたが、ケーキを選んでカフェ利用だと伝えると、面倒くさそうに席に案内されました。 飲み物が決まったか聞かれたので、ワンドリンク制なのかを聞くと、そこに書いてあるので読んでくださいねと吐き捨てられました。 書いてあるとは言うものの、店内がごちゃごちゃすぎてわかりにくすぎて誰も気付くはずないですし、そもそも、事前に伝える必要があるのでは? あのごちゃごちゃ具合だと衛生面にも問題がありそうです。 食べ物を食べるテーブルに枯れた植物が置いてあるのもどうかと思いました。 食べ物もパサパサで美味しくなかったし、レモンティーも不味すぎる上に変な物質が浮いてて気持ち悪かったです。 お冷を頂けるか尋ねると、面倒くさそうにコップの半分くらいだけ入れられて早く帰れアピールがすごすぎて呆れました。 あのクオリティに対しての価格設定がバグっているし、帰りにレシートも渡されなくてかなり不信感を覚えました。レシートを欲しいと言うか迷いましたが、早くこの場から離れたかったのでそのまま店を出ました。 本当にお金も時間も無駄にしたなと思うくらい不快なお店でした。
In conclusion, it was the worst store. I don't usually write reviews for shops, but I feel so uncomfortable that I write reviews. Shopkeeper? I don't know if it's a clerk, but the customer service attitude was the worst. I visited the store after seeing Instagram, but when I chose a cake and told him that I was going to use the cafe, I was taken to my seat, which seemed to be a hassle. I was asked if the drink was decided, so when I asked if it was a one-drink system, it was written there, so please read it. Although it is written, the inside of the store is too cluttered and difficult to understand, so no one should notice it, and in the first place, it is necessary to tell in advance? There seems to be a hygiene problem with that mess. I wondered if there were dead plants on the table where I ate food. The food was dry and not delicious, and the lemon tea was too tasty and weird substances were floating around, which made me feel uncomfortable. When I asked if I could get cold, I was surprised that the appeal was so great that I could put in about half of the cup and go home early. The pricing for that quality was buggy, and I was quite distrustful because I wasn't given a receipt on my way home. I was wondering if I wanted a receipt, but I wanted to leave this place early, so I left the store as it was. It was such an unpleasant shop that I thought I wasted money and time.
藤本久美子 on Google

さ、い、あ、く、の店! 他の多くの方も それぞれ多大な不快ぶりをレビューされてますが その通り! ショーケースには ちっさくて 値段の高い 茶色系のものばかりで 全然美味しそうでない。 二階へ上がろうとすれば 「上がらないで!」と 叫ぶ店主、じゃ 縄でも張っとけよ! 買ったものをイートインして フレーバーコーヒーを注文すれば 出てきたヤツ 量販店の粉のやつを溶いたものか?て 薄くてクッソまっずいの!飲めたもんじゃない!こんなものでお金捕るのか?詐欺やろ! 残すの嫌いやし 息止めて飲んだわ! その間 店主は 常連らしき客とずっと喋ってる。 感じ わっるい。 で 店出た時 通路両脇に所狭しと並べてる植木鉢 ひっくり返して 自分で直して 店主に ワビの一声かけたら 「さわらないでくれ!」と すごい怒って! こんなん つまづくし危ないやろ!転倒したら責任取ってくれるんか? キレそうやったわ。 何を考えて店おるんやろ? もてなしの心 皆無。 人間嫌いなら 店出るな! ツッコミ所は満載なので そっちに興味ある人だけ どうぞ。
Well, oh, ku, shop! Many other people have also reviewed their great discomfort, but that's right! The showcases are all small and expensive brown, and they don't look delicious at all. If you try to go upstairs, the shopkeeper shouts "Don't go up!" If you eat in what you bought and order flavored coffee, is it the one that came out from the mass retailer's powder melted? It's thin and straight! I couldn't drink it! Do you catch money with something like this? Scam! I hate leaving, I held my breath and drank! During that time, the shop owner has been talking to customers who seem to be regular customers. It feels so good. When I opened the store, the flowerpots lined up on both sides of the aisle were turned over and fixed by myself. When I called out to the owner, "Don't touch me!" I was so angry! It's dangerous to stumble like this! Will you take responsibility if you fall? I did it sharply. What are you thinking about? No hospitality. If you hate humans, don't go to the store! The Tsukkomi place is full, so please only those who are interested in it.
ki8 yo25 yu0 on Google

The shopkeeper's attitude is messed up. The cake showcase is also full of condensation and is almost invisible. The windows and doors are also open, so you will be bitten by mosquitoes. The room is also hot. You can't take the cake home with you, put it in a paper bag like a tea envelope, and you won't be asked for an ice pack. The jam on display is also covered with dust. I don't know when it was made, and it feels unsanitary with a dark liquid. I don't have any change in my bill, so please cooperate with me. I'm arrogant in the kitchen, and I don't want to go there again. I'm wondering why the store is open with a customer service attitude that is frustrating to customers and does not want them to come. It's actually a minus because you can't post without adding one star.
os on Google

I found it on Instagram and went from afar, but it was the worst. When my friend asked for raw chocolate, only one grain of raw chocolate came out on a large plate, and the price was 200 yen. The price is high even though the cake is small, and the price is too high even though the amount of drink is small. I was wondering about the pricing of raw chocolate and requested a receipt, but I was given a receipt with only the overall price and did not give any details. The owner's attitude was bad, and I was worried about hygiene, so I didn't want to go to the store for the rest of my life. If you're so disappointed in your life, there's no store. We recommend that you do not go.
kei on Google

私の癒しの場所です。 昨日も行きましたが、素敵な時間を過ごさせて頂きました。 可愛いお店でゆっくり流れていく時間が好きです。 最高のロケーションで頂くハーブティーとレモンのケーキ、美味しかった。 夏はアイスのハーブティーも美味しいです。 焼き菓子や、ジャムなどの種類の多さには、いつも驚かされます。カヌレの種類の多さも! カヌレはどれも美味しいです。 流石、フランスで修行されただけあります。? ケーキは小ぶりですが、どれも凝っていて可愛いいです。 いつも、家族にお土産で買う、りんごのバターは、本当に美味しいです。 安土に来たら、必ず立ち寄るお店です。?
This is my healing place. I went there yesterday and had a wonderful time. I like the time that flows slowly in a cute shop. The herbal tea and lemon cake served in the best location was delicious. Iced herbal tea is also delicious in summer. I am always amazed at the variety of baked goods and jams. There are many types of canelé! All canels are delicious. As expected, it was only trained in France. ? The cakes are small, but they are all elaborate and cute. Apple butter, which I always buy as a souvenir for my family, is really delicious. This is a shop that you will definitely stop by when you come to Azuchi. ?

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