Chawan @ Shinyurigaoka L-MYLORD

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chawan @ Shinyurigaoka L-MYLORD

住所 :

Kamiasao, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, 〒215-0021 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997877
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamiasao, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, 〒215-0021 Kanagawa,Japan
澤田多恵子 on Google

Plenty of vegetables ... Rice and miso soup can be replaced! ️ Today, I added avocado and tuna salad rice with vinegar chicken ... ??? It was delicious ❗ It was a menu that made my body happy with the vegetables. It's become my favorite shop! ️ …… Thank you for your feast. …… ?
fem aruku on Google

ランチで広島県産牡蠣フライとやわらかひれつセットを注文。プラス100円でアイスほうじ茶ラテも。 サクサクアツアツで、美味しかった! 量も多すぎず、ランチでは利用しつづけたいと思いました。 カフェ気分でくつろぐこともできます。
I ordered fried oysters from Hiroshima prefecture and a soft fin set for lunch. An ice roasted green tea latte is also available for an additional 100 yen. It was crispy and hot and delicious! The amount was not too large and I wanted to continue using it for lunch. You can also relax like a cafe.
やたん on Google

すかいらーく系列の和風カフェ。 器とか、店内はすかいらーくとは思えないオシャレさでした。 味は普通に美味しかったのですが、料理の単価が高く(1500円程度のものが多い)量も多い為少食の女性にはあまり向いてないように感じました。
A Japanese-style cafe affiliated with Skylark. The bowls and the inside of the store were so fashionable that I couldn't think of them as Skylark. The taste was usually delicious, but I felt that it was not suitable for women with small meals because the unit price of the dish was high (mostly around 1500 yen) and the amount was large.
yueng shen lin on Google

I often bring infants here, but it is easy for other guests to bring many children. I think that every menu has a lot of choices for delicious & dessert menus.
ななしさつき on Google

I did not know the Skylark Group. I also make shops of various genres. The price was reasonable but the taste was delicious. I wish I could cover for lunch at 1000 yen ...
陽子後藤 on Google

I came to the store for the first time. Order a set of fried oysters and fin cutlet ☆ Rice and miso soup can be replaced freely. The fried oysters were crispy and delicious ♫
ぬれせんべい on Google

店内はおしゃれでセンスよく、居心地も良い感じです。 椅子にもこだわりを感じ、カウンターではコンセントも使える様子。 食事もとても美味しくて、小鉢がついているのもいいですね。 外のメニューはなんだか寂しい感じですが、中のメニューはいっぱいあって、全部外に出せばいいのにと思いますの。
The interior is fashionable, tasteful and cozy. I feel particular about the chairs, and it seems that the outlet can be used at the counter. The food is very delicious and it's nice to have a small bowl. The outside menu is kind of lonely, but there are so many inside menus that I wish I could go outside.
井水大輔 on Google

種類豊富で悩んだーけど、竜田揚げ。 定員さんの対応が丁寧でノンビリ、ランチできました。
I was worried about the variety, but fried tatsutaage. The capacity was polite and I was able to have lunch.

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