バーミヤン 京王稲田堤駅前店 - Kawasaki

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バーミヤン 京王稲田堤駅前店

住所 :

2 Chome-7-1 Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 214-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 214-0001
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/bamiyan/

2 Chome-7-1 Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 214-0001, Japan
マサオ on Google

久々に弁当を宅配で注文したら美味しくなかった。 エビチリはエビがコゲていて、春巻きは揚げすぎで焦げ茶色。 もう暫く数年は注文をしない。
I ordered a bento by home delivery after a long time and it wasn't delicious. Shrimp chili is koge shrimp, and spring rolls are over-fried and dark brown. I haven't placed an order for a few years now.
mitsuyo matsu on Google

値段がお手頃で味も悪くありません。 ここでは麺の量を減らすことができて、その分料金も割り引いてくれるので良心的です。 1つ願うならば、ドリンクバーのスープをお代わりするとき、カップは新しいものを使用するように表示してほしいです。 何故ならば、 先日男性のお客さんが使用したカップを持ってスープのお代わりをされていたのを見てしまったので、せっかくのスープを飲む気になれませんでした。 使用したカップにお玉が触れたりすると衛生的ではないので‥ それ以外はコロナ対策もされていて良かったです。
The price is reasonable and the taste is not bad. Here, you can reduce the amount of noodles, and the price will be discounted accordingly, so it is conscientious. If you wish for one, when you replace the soup in the drink bar, the cup should indicate that you are using a new one. because, The other day, I saw a male customer holding a cup used to replace the soup, so I didn't feel like drinking the soup. If the ladle touches the used cup, it is not hygienic. Other than that, it was good that corona measures were also taken.
Mutsu Kuma on Google

もう23:30近くだったので、お店の中は数組の先客がポツンポツンといるだけです。 「自家製チャーシューと焦がし味噌の溶き味噌ラーメン」に餃子を付けて注文したところ、ナンとこのフェアメニューはセット餃子を半餃子(3個)にすることも出来る、との説明があり、この時間だからそこまでガッツリ食べる必要もないかと思い、半餃子のセット(970円)で注文しました。 それにしてもこのラーメンが何故、甲州街道なのかはメニューを見てもあまりよく分からず、最後まで謎でした。 注文して5分も経っていないのに、もう到着。 かなり早い提供で驚きです。 モヤシがこんもりと盛られていて、そこに大き目のチャーシューが2枚と半分に割った味玉が卵1個分。ネギもタップリかかっていて、見栄えが良くて美味しそうです。溶き味噌は別皿で提供されているので、タイミングを見て味噌に味変が出来そうです。 早速、最初はそのまま塩ラーメンで頂いてみました。 少し甘めの塩スープは、チョッと化調っぽい感じもしますが、中々に美味しいです。 塩スープのまま1/3程頂いた後、今度は溶き味噌で味噌ラーメンにして頂いてみます。 おおっ!見る見るうちに味噌ラーメンに変わっていく様は楽しいです! そのスープを頂いてい見ると、香りが良く少し唐辛子が香って味噌の方が美味しいですね。塩スープでも具材のモヤシとマッチしているように感じましたが、ヤッパリモヤシは俄然味噌の方が合いますね。シャキシャキのモヤシの風味と味噌が美味しいです。 シッカリ味の染みた味玉、甘味があって柔らかでホロホロと崩れていくチャーシューも美味しいです。 そして餃子。餃子のサイズは小さいですが、シッカリ肉汁が閉じ込められていてジューシーで、皮もパリっとしていて、餃子の良さがシッカリ出ています。 この時間になってしまってあまり選択肢が無くバーミヤンに来ましたか、安定したその実力を見せつけられたような美味しさでした。 ファミレスもバーミヤンならいいかな。なんて思ったりして。 ごちそうさまでした。
Since it was almost 23:30, there are only a few pairs of customers in the store. When ordering with "homemade char siu and burnt miso ramen noodles" with dumplings, Nan and this fair menu explained that it is possible to make half dumplings (3 pieces), and this is the time I thought that there was no need to eat so much, so I ordered a set of half dumplings (970 yen). Even so, I didn't know why this ramen was Koshu Kaido, so it was a mystery until the end. I haven't received it in 5 minutes, but I've arrived. I am surprised at the fairly early provision. There is a lot of sprouts, and there is a large eggplant with two large pork soup and a half. The leeks are also tapped, looks good and looks delicious. Since melted miso is provided in a separate plate, it seems that you can change the taste of the miso by looking at the timing. Immediately, I tried with salt ramen first. The slightly sweet salt soup is a little bit tasty, but it is delicious inside. After about 1/3 of salt soup, try miso ramen with melted miso. Oh! It's fun to change to miso ramen while watching! Looking at the soup, the scent is good and the pepper is fragrant and the miso is more delicious. I felt that salt soup matches the ingredients, but the miso is better for miso. The crunchy spicy flavor and miso are delicious. The taste balls with a savory taste and the sweet and soft pork fillet are also delicious. And dumplings. Although the size of the dumplings is small, the savory gravy is confined and juicy, the skin is crisp, and the goodness of the dumplings is crisp. At this time, there weren't many options and you came to Bamiyan, or it was delicious as if you were able to show off its stable ability. I wonder if the family restaurant is Bamiyan. What do you think? Thank you for the meal.
riysppp ngt on Google

学生ぶりのバーミヤン バーミヤンでお酒を飲むのも初めて。 コロナの中だったので、 お席は、まばらにあけながら着席。 土曜日の19:30とあって店内は賑わってます。 期間限定のエビチリ ➡︎ぷりっぷりで美味しかったです! 麻婆豆腐➡︎もう少し辛くてもいいかも! ポテト➡︎ガストよりも細めでマックよりなポテト! 餃子➡︎以前より美味しくなった? ジューシーで美味しかった! ビールのジョッキが少し汚れていたのと、 テーブルがペタペタしていたので、 ★-2にしました。
Bamiyan, the first student This is my first time drinking alcohol at Bamiyan. Because it was in the corona, Seats are sparsely opened. The store is busy at 19:30 on Saturday. Shrimp for a limited time ➡︎ It was plentiful and delicious! Mapo tofu ➡︎ It may be a little spicy! Potatoes ➡︎ Potatoes that are thinner than gusts and are better than mac! Gyoza ➡︎ Did it taste better than before? It was juicy and delicious! The beer mug was a little dirty, The table was messy, so ★-2.
Kei harapeko on Google

Twice a year, I always drop by on my way home from visiting the grave. Stable taste and price. Today, share Chinese fried noodles, black vinegar pork, dumplings, dumplings, soup powder with tapioca, etc. Even if you stay for a long time, you can spend your time comfortably without any smoky customer service. Corona measures are also common, but the only concern is that the toilet is not cleaned. I think the manners of the users are also bad, but I don't think they are cleaning the patrol at the set time, so it's a shame.
カケガワトモロヲ on Google

可もなく不可もない中華系ファミレスです。 個人的にはドリンクバーのお茶関係が一番好きです。
It is a Chinese family restaurant that is neither good nor bad. Personally, I like the tea-related drinks at the drink bar the most.
加藤幸ちゃん on Google

I wanted to eat shabu-shabu, so I had Bamiyan shabu-shabu for the first time in a few years. Result ... Was the meat so small? It takes a long time since I ordered it ... Tosanzan ... I made it a premium so I was satisfied with eating a single dish. What was even worse! I entered the store after 19:00 and it seemed to be open for a short time, but it was written that it was until 21:30, so I made shabu-shabu. At 19:30 when I brought the shabu-shabu set, I was told "It's the last order at 20:30" and asked "Isn't it the last order 80 minutes?" The closing time seems to be 21:30, and the last order seems to be 20:30. Well, you have to explain it when ordering ... because it's written until 21:30 shabu-shabu ... the meat after that doesn't come easily, isn't it? So you won't be asking for shabu-shabu anymore (bitter smile) There is a parking lot, but it's a busy road, so it's difficult to enter and it's narrow, so please be careful.
Christopher Kobayashi on Google

They have a mask-required policy, but they do not enforce it. At any given time, there is at least one oyaji wandering around without a mask. The staff see them but do nothing.

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