居酒屋道場 壱歩

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋道場 壱歩

住所 :

Central, Yonezawa, 〒992-0045 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Webサイト : http://izakaya-dojo-ippo.com/
街 : Yamagata

Central, Yonezawa, 〒992-0045 Yamagata,Japan
Long vacation on Google

料理がまだ残っていたのに、早く帰れ!!とばかりにお箸を片付けられた。いろんなお店に行ってるけど、こんな対応されたのは初めてだ。 多分、もう2度と行かないだろう。
Even though the dishes still remained, we returned home early !! And just picked up the chopsticks. I'm going to various shops, but this is my first time to respond. Perhaps, I will not go there again.
やす爺 on Google

I went there for the first time. You can enjoy motsunabe and yakitori beer liquor. It's a little expensive!
M T on Google

移転前に一度行きました。カウンターにいた、バイト?の女性、感じ悪かったー! カウンターからいきなり無言で手を出してきて。無言で顔も向けずに。空いたグラスを出せという意味かな?連れはあまりにびっくりしてグラス渡しちゃったけど笑 たまたま来てた常連の友達みたいな人とは愛想良くペチャクチャ。 あんな態度で良く接客業やってるなあと思った。オーナーの男性は感じ良かったし、料理はそこそこ美味しかったけど、あの女性の感じの悪さはそれを全て打ち消すほどのものでした。
I went once before relocation. I was at the counter, did he? Woman, I felt bad! Hands out from the counter suddenly and silently. Do not face your face silently. Is it meaning to put out free glasses? Although I was surprised with my companion and I handed it over to the glass, lol Pechakuchi is friendly with a person who happens to be a regular friend who came by chance. I thought that I do a good customer service with such attitude. The owner's men were nice and the food was delicious so much, but the bad feeling of that woman was enough to cancel it all.
ちゃげちゃ on Google

冬はここで鍋食べて酒飲みするのが至高。 本当に美味しい ただ、コロナの影響かメニュー数が減っていたので残念だった。 またのメニュー数に戻って欲しい。
In winter, it's best to eat hot pot and drink here. Really delicious However, it was disappointing because the number of menus was reduced due to the influence of Corona. I want you to return to the number of menus again.
RIE “フェザー” on Google

店主の人柄の良さと、イケメンっぷりがステキ。料理は焼き鳥、串焼き、手羽、餃子、鍋、全てが一つ一つ手間暇をかけた工夫がしてあって、とーっても美味しいです。味付けも又絶品! お酒も、ビールからカクテルまで何でも置いてますが、中でも、お願いすると、店主オススメの地酒や日本酒が行くたびに色々出てきて楽しいです。店内の雰囲気も良く、色々な年齢の友人にここを勧めても『美味しくて、思ったより安くお腹いっぱーいになった!』と初めての人にも感謝されます。
The good personality of the shop owner and the good-looking guys are wonderful. The dishes are yakitori, skewers, wings, dumplings, hot pot, all of which have been devised with time and effort, and are very delicious. The seasoning is also excellent! We have everything from beer to cocktails, but if you ask, it's fun to come out with local sake and sake recommended by the owner every time you go. The atmosphere inside the store is good, and even if I recommend it to friends of all ages, "It was delicious, cheaper than I expected, and I was hungry! I am also grateful to the first person.
Yukihiko SHOJI on Google

串焼き、串揚げ、鍋物が売りの居酒屋です。 お店は広くありませんが、カウンターはゆったりと座れる椅子の配置でした。 軽く飲んだ感じでしたので、串焼きの盛り合わせ(8本)と2~3品しかオーダーしませんでしたが、串焼きはしっかりとした肉感と食べ応えのあるもので美味しくいただきました。 欲を言えば、もう少ししっかりと塩を振っていただいても良かったかなぁ、という感じです。 今度は、串揚げもいただいてみたいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
It is a tavern with skewers, skewers and pot-cuts sold. The shop is not wide, but the counter was an arrangement of chairs that can be relaxed. Because it was a light drinking feeling, we ordered platter with skewers (8 bottles) and only 2 or 3 items, but the skewer was grilled with delicious meatiness and eating response. It is a feeling that I wish you could shake the salt a little more firmly, if you want a greed. Next time, I would like to have skewers deep fried. Thank you for the meal.
ぐーちゃん on Google

There is a wide variety of sake and shochu, and the level of food is quite good.
akihiko y on Google

Local sake is available. The taste of rice was strong. Yakitori is pretty normal. ★ About 3. I ordered 6 kinds of skewers, but only one shrimp skewer and only vegetable skewers. Not particularly good. If you want to eat pork skewers, you should order them individually. What's coming out soon? I ordered a salad because I said that the salad would be served soon, but it didn't come out after all. Overall, it's not good.

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