
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ミートピア

住所 :

Central, Yonezawa, 〒992-0045 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://y-ougiya.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Yamagata

Central, Yonezawa, 〒992-0045 Yamagata,Japan
増田太一 on Google

ランチに訪問。 美味しいお肉を、リーズナブルにいただけます。 この日は、人気のびーふかつ定食と手切りカルビ定食。 びーふかつは肉厚で衣もサクサクしっかりしています。 ソースと塩をつけてもらえ、好みで選べます。塩が美味しかったなぁ。 カルビはパッと見、量をもっと欲しくなる見た目ですが、美味しいく、しっかり脂の旨味もあり食べ進むうちにボリュームを感じます。 また、下のお肉屋さんから逐次お肉が送られてきて、お肉屋さんの強みを感じます。 帰りにメンチカツを下のお店で買って食べました。美味しいけど…冷めていたので…そこは残念ですかね?ソースつけてくれます。 定食のご飯やお味噌汁のおかわりはできません。 感染症対策にはかなり力入ってます。家族でもパテーションは外してはいけません。 駐車場は隣のタイムスに停められます。1時間無料。 県外からのお客さん多し。 …地元民は特別なときにしか米沢牛は食べないと。まあ、地元だから毎日食べれるものではないですよね。 ごちそうさまでした。
Visit for lunch. You can enjoy delicious meat at a reasonable price. On this day, the popular Bifukatsu set meal and hand-cut rib set meal. Bifukats is thick and the clothes are crispy and firm. You can add sauce and salt and choose as you like. The salt was delicious. The ribs look like they want more, but they are delicious and have a strong umami of fat, so you can feel the volume as you eat. In addition, meat is sent one after another from the butcher below, and I feel the strength of the butcher. On the way back, I bought Menchi-katsu at the shop below and ate it. It's delicious, but ... it was cold ... isn't that a shame? It will attach the sauce. Set meals of rice and miso soup cannot be refilled. We are putting a lot of effort into infectious disease control. Even family members should not remove the partition. The parking lot is parked at the next Times. 1 hour free. There are many customers from outside the prefecture. … The locals only eat Yonezawa beef at special times. Well, because it's local, it's not something you can eat every day. Thank you for the meal.
Kぢゆんか on Google

山形県の夏旅利用でしゃぶしゃぶ食べました。間違いないお肉。 他の方のレビュー対応悪いとありましたが、そんなこと無かったです。←先週初めて来店。 美味しかったのでまた本日2回目来店。今度はすき焼きコースで行きました。今日もいいお肉☺️ 肉納豆も旨し❤️コロナ対策しっかり出来てます❗その為、テーブル席2人がけ。が、最高6テーブル迄?と思われ、カウンターも4人ぐらいしかすわれないので予約オススメです。
I ate shabu-shabu during my summer trip in Yamagata prefecture. Definitely meat. It was said that other people's reviews were bad, but that was not the case. ← Visited the store for the first time last week. It was delicious so I visited the store for the second time today. This time I went on a sukiyaki course. Good meat today ☺️ Meat natto is also delicious ❤️ Corona measures are well done ❗ Therefore, two table seats are required. But up to 6 tables? It seems that the counter is only about 4 people, so it is recommended to make a reservation.
hiro noga (nogahiro) on Google

米沢駅からは歩いて15分〜20分くらいかな。 上杉神社に近いです。 お肉屋さんが経営する2階にあるお食事処。 人気店と言うことで5分前に着いたけど誰もいなかったのですんなり入れましまた。 入店時に検温をしてから名前住所電話番号を書かされます。 徹底してていいけど、個人情報なのでそこまで正確に書かせなくてもいいと思いますかね。 今回はビーフカツ定食(1800円)を注文。 とても柔らかくて美味しいですね。 ソースと塩で頂くが塩のがいい。 端っこが若干筋が残ってて噛みにくいところある。 量に対してご飯が少ないかな。 全体的に米沢牛食べれる店としてはコスパは良いので上杉神社に行ったついでに行くのも良いかな。 おばちゃんのおしゃべりが多いのが少し気になるかな。
It's about 15 to 20 minutes on foot from Yonezawa station. It is close to Uesugi Shrine. A restaurant on the 2nd floor run by a butcher. I arrived 5 minutes ago because it was a popular restaurant, but there was no one so I went in again. The temperature will be measured when you enter the store, and then your name, address, and phone number will be written. It's okay to be thorough, but since it's personal information, do you think you don't have to write it so accurately? This time I ordered a beef cutlet set meal (1800 yen). It's very soft and delicious. It's served with sauce and salt, but salt is good. There are some streaks on the edges that make it difficult to bite. I wonder if the amount of rice is small. As a restaurant where you can eat Yonezawa beef, cospa is good, so I think it's a good idea to go to Uesugi Shrine. I'm a little worried that my aunt talks a lot.
yu sai (12) on Google

かなりな厳格チェックを受けます。 ひとりでも来店の予約をしたほうがよいです。 また、感染対策として、個人情報の提供を求められます。 料理は、たいへんおいしかったです。
It undergoes a fairly rigorous check. You should make a reservation for visiting the store by yourself. In addition, as an infection control measure, you will be required to provide personal information. The food was very good.
マロントッポ(かず) on Google

2021.11 びーふかつ定食が美味しいと口コミが多かったのでとても楽しみでしたが、期待し過ぎたのか残念でした。作り置きなのかは分かりませんが、揚げたてのような熱々ではなく、サクサク食感を味わうことはできません。食べる時に衣と肉は分裂してしまい、2口で食べるつもりが噛み切ることができないため、無理やり1口で食べるような感じでした。 見た目はよく、写真として眺めるのは良いですが正直値段と釣り合わないと思いました。 ハンバーグ定食は1,000円で食べられるので良かったです。 また、道の駅に置いてある無料クーポンですが、1人の注文で2,000円以上でないと利用できません。合計金額ではないので注意が必要です。 隣のタイムズ駐車場は、合計2,000円以上で割引してもらえました。
2021.11 I was really looking forward to it because there were many reviews that the Bifukatsu set meal was delicious, but I was disappointed that I expected too much. I don't know if it's pre-made, but it's not as hot as freshly fried and you can't taste the crispy texture. When I ate it, the clothes and meat split, and I couldn't bite through it even though I intended to eat it with two mouths, so I felt like I was forced to eat it with one mouth. It looks good and it's nice to see it as a photo, but honestly I thought it wasn't commensurate with the price. It was good that the hamburger set meal can be eaten for 1,000 yen. Also, although it is a free coupon placed at the roadside station, it can only be used for an order of 2,000 yen or more per person. Please note that it is not the total amount. The Times parking lot next door was discounted for a total of 2,000 yen or more.
みかんせいじん on Google

aki ma on Google

【特選すき焼き丼と肉納豆】 以前、牛カツでも来訪したことがあり気になってまたまた訪問。 特選すき焼き丼はかなりコスパの良い逸品。肉も柔らかくてダシも効いてて美味し! ローストビーフを冷やしたものと納豆をネギと和えた逸品。 これはつまみ要素もあるし、ご飯の上に乗っけて食べるおかずにも十分なり得る美味さ! 米沢と言ったら米沢牛! と言うことで今回は米沢ラーメンではなく検索していたら出会っちゃいました! 米沢の老舗。 すぐ下は米沢牛を代表とする肉類の販売店。 お土産の地方発送なども行っています。 ・店内はカウンター席とテーブル席もあるのでそこそこ人は入りそう。 接客・配膳・調理など数人の方がテキパキ動いています。 ・コード決済などに対応 ・すぐ隣の駐車場代の割引対応あり
[Special Sukiyaki Don and Meat Natto] I visited beef cutlet before, so I was curious and visited again. The special sukiyaki rice bowl is a gem with a good cost performance. The meat is tender and the dashi stock is effective and delicious! A gem of chilled roast beef and natto mixed with green onions. It has a knob element, and it's delicious enough to be eaten on top of rice! Speaking of Yonezawa, Yonezawa beef! So this time I met when I was searching instead of Yonezawa ramen! A long-established store in Yonezawa. Immediately below is a meat store represented by Yonezawa beef. We also ship souvenirs locally. ・ There are counter seats and table seats in the store, so it seems that people can enter. Several people are working hard, such as serving customers, serving food, and cooking. ・ Supports code payment, etc. ・ There is a discount for the parking lot next door.
熊田勝 on Google


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