Central Shoji Estate Agents - Kokubunji

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Central Shoji Estate Agents

住所 :

2-chōme-18 Minamichō, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 185-0021
Webサイト : http://www.chu-s.co.jp/

2-chōme-18 Minamichō, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0021, Japan
雅史熊田 on Google

This is the first time the management company has considered moving for reasons.
TP O on Google

最悪な不動産なのでやめた方が良いです。 やる気なし。ゴミオブゴミ。社会人素人の軍団です。
It is better to stop because it is the worst real estate. No motivation. Garbage of garbage. It is an army of working amateurs.
ma ts on Google

He was told at the time of the written contract that he had a small child on the upper floor. If you know, I haven't signed a contract.
blue skys222 on Google

Since I am moving in, I do not know what to do when I move out, but for now I have a polite response. The management of the property is also good.
ウエムラハヤト on Google

前の会社の社宅の不動産会社でしたが、敷金から意味のわからん「ハウスクリーニング代2.5万」が引かれ、さらにタバコなどの煙による壁紙費用や床の損耗(言ってそんな汚してはいません)などなど言われ、結局は6万円弱の敷金が0になるとまで言われました。 まず、退去時に立会いをしなかったのが問題でしょう。それにうちが住んでたアパートが外観は綺麗ですが築30年のガタがある物件でしたし、、 お金の面はもう諦めましたが、ここはあまり良くない不動産屋やと思います。
It was a real estate company in the company's house of the previous company, but the meaning of `` house cleaning fee 25,000 '' was subtracted from the deposit, and wallpaper costs and floor wear due to smoke such as cigarettes (not to say that it is not dirty) ) Etc., and it was said that the deposit of less than 60,000 yen eventually became 0. First of all, the problem is that you did not attend when you moved out. In addition, the apartment where we lived was beautiful in appearance, but it was a property with 30 years of backlash, I have already given up on the money aspect, but I think this is a poor real estate agent.
どすこいカレー on Google

年末まで利用していました。国分寺界隈に引っ越される方は、この不動産屋を利用せざるを得ないことが多いでしょうが、その立場を把握、利用して対応は殿様商売そのものです。 こちらがいくら下手に出たところで、あちらが殿様なので許してくれません。全て仰せのままにして、うまくメガネの女性のご機嫌を取れば国分寺での生活は安泰です。自信がなければ他の不動産屋さんに依頼する方がいいと思います。私は自信がありませんので金輪際利用は無いと思います。
I used it until the end of the year. Those who move to the Kokubunji area will often have no choice but to use this real estate agent, but the situation is grasped and used to handle the business itself. I can't forgive you for how badly this one is, because it's your lord. Life at Kokubunji is safe if you keep everything in good order and you are in a good mood for women with glasses. If you are not confident, you may want to ask another real estate agent. I'm not confident, so I don't think it's used for gold.
がみー on Google

やっと引っ越しができたので記載します。もはや説明不要かと思いますが、こんな思いをする方がこれ以上増えないよう記録しておきます。 国分寺に引っ越される方は、この不動産屋を利用せざるを得ない場面に直面するかもしれません。その為か、終始上から目線でした。 新生活に胸を膨らませ引っ越してきたものの、中央商事不動産から連絡があるたび憂鬱な気持ちになります。 皆様がご指摘の通り、一貫して高圧的な態度をぶつけられ気が滅入ります。不手際を指摘しても「私が担当ではないので知りません」と、情報共有もされておりません。 本来なら不動産屋がやるべき業務をなぜかこちらがやることになり、こんな扱いをされるのは初めてです。 他の方が記載されている、例の女性に警戒して参りましたが、その必要もありませんでした。皆さん一丸となってこちらに攻撃的に接してくるからです。 これ以上ご迷惑をおかけしないよう、もうお世話になることは無いと思います。メンタルに自信のあるかた以外にはお勧めできません。
I've finally moved, so I'll describe it. I don't think it's necessary to explain it anymore, but keep a record so that more people will not think so. Those who move to Kokubunji may face the situation where they have no choice but to use this real estate agent. That's why I was looking from the beginning. Despite moving to a new life, I feel depressed every time I hear from Central Shoji Real Estate. As everyone pointed out, I'm depressed because of the consistently high-pressure attitude. Even if you point out a fault, "I am not in charge, I do not know", information is not shared. For some reason, this is the first time a real estate agent has to do the work that a real estate agent should do. I was wary of the example women listed by others, but I didn't have to. This is because everyone works as one to approach us aggressively. I don't think I will take care of you anymore so that I may not cause any further inconvenience. I recommend it only to those who are mentally confident.
s y on Google

I was scared because the driving of the car at the time of property guidance was too rough.

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