エイブルネットワーク小牧店 ㈱アルヴェスタ - Komaki

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エイブルネットワーク小牧店 ㈱アルヴェスタ

住所 :

Central, Komaki, 〒485-0029 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 485-0029
Webサイト : https://alvesta.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Central, Komaki, 〒485-0029 Aichi,Japan
Jose Guima on Google

Su atención al público es pésima.
His attention to the public is terrible.
劫-KOU- on Google

If you ask for a garage certificate, the fee is 2000 yen. If you call in advance and go to pick up at the designated time, you are not even ready. In addition, the work is too sluggish when the object is handed over a map that is unusable at the end. Feeling overwhelmed.
トゥモローデンチュウ on Google

契約する前とした後の対応が違う。 エイブルの看板出してるのに情けないね。 所詮は虎の威を借る狐。 俺はこんな店オススメしません。
The response after and before the contract is different. I'm sorry for the Able sign. After all, a tiger borrows the power of a tiger. I do not recommend such a store.
とし on Google

There are many seats for customers, but the aisle is narrow and it looks like it will hit a chair. The inside of the store is not very clean, messy, restless and dark.
となりのととろ on Google

とても親切に対応して頂きました。 結果的には、購入には至らなかったですが、色々と教えて頂き感謝しています。
Thank you very much for your kindness. As a result, I didn't buy it, but I am grateful for all the information.
Mas j on Google

You will be very kind. The shop is a bit small, but it's close to Komaki Station, so it's convenient to move. I used it comfortably.
織田信長 on Google

レンタルコンテナ事業もしてるけどヤクザ顔負けの切り取りには唖然...。 口座の引き落としが確認が出来ないと約2週間で鍵の交換と差押えするとの内容照明を送り付けて来る有り様。 訴訟費用を暴利に請求する様な極悪業者。 神戸から分離した愛知の某『広域指定暴力団』の隠れ企業かと思わされる裏の顔が恐ろしい...。 本人の知らない内に『個人情報』等も名簿業者へ販売され『特殊詐欺業者』達へ流出されて悪用されてるのかとの疑念を隠せません。
I also have a rental container business, but I'm stunned to cut out a yakuza. If the withdrawal of the account cannot be confirmed, the key will be exchanged and seized in about two weeks. A villainous trader who charges legal costs unreasonably. The back face that seems to be a hidden company of a certain "wide area designated crime group" in Aichi separated from Kobe is scary. I cannot hide the suspicion that "personal information" etc. is also sold to list traders without the person's knowledge and leaked to "special fraud traders" and misused.
yoshi a on Google

正直仲介業者探されている方にはおすすめできません。 契約時から解約時まで対応に以下のような不備があり、非常に困りました。 ・入居日に鍵の用意し忘れ ・玄関はダイアルキーをセット出来ると聞いていたが実際出来ず謝罪もなし ・駐車場が契約時に聞いていた場所と違った ・重要情報もこちらが聞くまで連絡なし 不備はまだまだありました。自分が運が悪かったのかもしれませがここまでのことは普通ではなかなかないと思います。 近隣の別会社に行きましたが、しっかりされており余計に酷いと思ってしまいました。 あまり悪いことばかりを書きたくはないですがおすすめはできないのが正直なところです。
Honestly not recommended for those who are looking for an intermediary. From the time of contract to the time of cancellation, there were the following deficiencies in the response, which was very troublesome. ・ Forgot to prepare the key on the day you move in ・ I heard that the entrance can set the dial key, but I couldn't actually do it and there was no apology. ・ The parking lot was different from the place I heard at the time of contract ・ No contact until we hear important information There were still many deficiencies. I may have been unlucky, but I don't think this is normal. I went to another company in the neighborhood, but I thought it was solid and even worse. To be honest, I don't want to write all the bad things, but I can't recommend them.

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