ブランクリニック 仙台院

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ブランクリニック 仙台院

住所 :

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://bccl.jp/about/sendai.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan
sa on Google

エステ脱毛に通っていましたが、なかなか満足いかず医療脱毛を検討していました。全身VIOの価格が他の院と比べて低価格で、また友人の紹介でさらに割引もあったのでかなりお安く契約ができました。 院内は白を基調としていて綺麗で、スタッフの方も愛想の良い親切な方ばかりでした。 施術前は恥ずかしさと緊張がありましたが、いざ始まると2人体制でスムーズに進めていただけて、痛みを気遣う声もあったので恥ずかしさや緊張なく過ごせました。 これからの変化が楽しみです。
I went to esthetic hair removal, but I wasn't satisfied with it and was considering medical hair removal. The price of the whole body VIO is lower than other hospitals, and there was a further discount when introduced by a friend, so I was able to make a contract at a considerably lower price. The inside of the hospital was based on white and was beautiful, and the staff were all friendly and kind. Before the procedure, I was embarrassed and nervous, but when it started, I was able to proceed smoothly with a two-person system, and there were voices that were concerned about pain, so I was able to spend time without embarrassment or tension. I am looking forward to the changes in the future.
ひろ on Google

比較的値段が安いが効果はいまいちだった。 vio 以外ほとんど効果を感じなかったし当て漏れがかなり多い。 効果がなかったところは出力上げたり重ね当てしますねと言われるがどの施術者さんでもどこかしらに当て漏れがあった。 パーフェクトプランに通っているがこれ以上は通わないし、値段だけでは決めない方がいいと学んだ。
The price was relatively cheap, but the effect was not good. I didn't feel any effect other than vio, and there were quite a lot of omissions. It is said that if there was no effect, the output would be increased or repeated, but every practitioner had some omissions. I went to the perfect plan, but I didn't go any further, and I learned that it's better not to decide on the price alone.
M Mi on Google

全身脱毛+VIO5回の料金が安かったこと、友人の紹介でキャッシュバックがあったことから、こちらのクリニックに通い始めました。 初めての医療全身脱毛ということもあり、不安な気持ちもありましたが、カウンセリング時に毛周期など脱毛の基礎知識からの説明があったことが好印象でした。 ビルのエレベーターの入り口が奥まったところにあり、人目も気にならず、あおば通駅、仙台駅からのアクセスも良いため、通いやすい立地です。 照射時は看護師の方が照射パワーなどについて細かく聞きながら当ててくださいます。 アシスタントの方がジェルを塗りながら、看護師の方が照射するという2人体制なので、少し慌ただしい感じはありますが、逆に照射時の恥ずかしさが気にならなくなるので良いかと思います。 受付から約1時間で全て終了するので、予定も立てやすいです。 まだ1回目の照射のため、脱毛の効果に関してはまだ分からない点がありますが、値段、院内外の環境、照射時の対応を総合して、仙台で医療脱毛をお考えの方にはおすすめのクリニックになります。
I started going to this clinic because the price of whole body hair removal + VIO 5 times was cheap and there was cash back by a friend's introduction. I was worried because it was my first medical treatment for whole body hair loss, but I was impressed by the explanation from the basic knowledge of hair loss such as the hair cycle at the time of counseling. The entrance to the elevator in the building is located in the back, so it's easy to get to because it's easy to access from Aoba-dori Station and Sendai Station. At the time of irradiation, the nurse will ask you in detail about the irradiation power and so on. The assistant is applying the gel and the nurse is irradiating, so it feels a little hectic, but on the contrary, I think it's okay because I don't mind the embarrassment at the time of irradiation. It's easy to make a schedule because everything will be completed in about 1 hour from the reception. Since this is the first irradiation, there are still some unclear points about the effect of hair removal, but it is recommended for those who are thinking about medical hair removal in Sendai, considering the price, the environment inside and outside the hospital, and the response at the time of irradiation. It will be a clinic.
伊藤瑞希 on Google

医療脱毛は初めてだったのですが、丁寧に説明していただけるので、安心して施術を受けられます。 肌トラブル等の相談も気軽にできるので、これから通っていくのも楽しみです。
This was my first time to have medical hair removal, but since you can explain it carefully, you can receive the treatment with confidence. You can feel free to consult with us about skin problems, so I'm looking forward to going there in the future.
A on Google

It was my first medical hair removal, but the staff were very careful and I was able to receive each treatment without any anxiety. I also recommended it to my friends. Also, I am grateful that maintenance can be done at a reasonable price even after the course is over. It's a very nice clinic ☀️
ゆきゆき on Google

I was worried about my first medical hair removal, but he gave me a detailed explanation and treatment. It has been effective from the first time and I am very satisfied. It is also good that it is easy to go to near the station.
んん on Google

I don't recommend it. I asked for counseling, but it seemed like I was going to get a contract in a natural way. If you are uncertain about this amount if you sign up today, even if you sign up today, there is a cooling-off period, so you can cool off by phone. It was said that the cooling-off period was commonplace and simple. I declined the contract once, but I was repeatedly solicited asking if it was okay if I didn't sign the contract today. Is it also a quota? I wondered if I was catching the customer in this way. Please be careful, too!
くましろ on Google

初めての医療脱毛で痛みが心配でしたが、毎回声を掛けていただきパワーを調整してくれるので続けられています。 受付の方も看護師の方も皆さんとても優しく親切なので気持ち良く利用できています。 脱毛効果もしっかり出てきていて、確実に毛量が減りました。毛も細くなってきたので処理が楽です。これからも続けてつるつるを目指したいと思います。 またよろしくお願いします!
I was worried about the pain in my first medical hair removal, but I continue to talk to him every time because he adjusts my power. The receptionist and the nurses are all very kind and kind, so you can use it comfortably. The hair removal effect has also come out firmly, and the amount of hair has definitely decreased. The hair is getting thinner, so it's easier to handle. I would like to continue aiming for smoothness. Also thank you!

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