Cenotaph for the Submariners - Shibuya City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cenotaph for the Submariners

住所 :

1 Chome-6-11 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan

Postal code : 150-0001

1 Chome-6-11 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
Takucyan T on Google

I can't see it now
Tangoh Tangoh on Google

There is a monument (smaller than actual size) in the shape of a torpedo.
七田高志 on Google

Monument to memorial service of submarine rider who died in the Pacific War.
しょーいち on Google

私の叔父も潜水艦で戦死しました。 潜水艦は、真水が不足していたそうなので、私は参拝する度に、国産のミネラルウォーターを、殉国碑に捧げております。
My uncle also died on a submarine. The submarine seems to have run out of fresh water, so every time I visit, I dedicate domestic mineral water to the Yasukuni monument.
Jake on Google

It is located in the precincts of Togo Shrine. It is a wonderful stone monument.
Yoshihisa on Google

太平洋戦争中、百二十餘隻の潜水艦と共に戦没された一万餘人の乗員諸君 特殊潜航艇及び回天決死隊諸君 また諸公試 演練に殉難された諸君の英霊に捧げる碑です。
This is a monument dedicated to the spirits of 10,000 sailors who were killed in the Pacific War together with a hundred and twenty-two submarines, special submarine boats and members of the Feng Shui-Daidan, and those of you who were tributed to various trials.
みるきぃここあ on Google

殉国碑です。 碑文 :諸君の遺骨は海底深く沈んで之を回収 する途がない。:一文抜粋
It is a Yasukuni monument. inscription : Your ashes are sunk deep in the sea floor I have no choice. : One sentence excerpt
ptamagnolia on Google

Located on the grounds of Togo Shrine. Few people turn their feet. I have visited Togo Shrine many times, but this is the first time I have come here. You can learn the calm, good points, and history.

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