Cascade Rocks - Musashino

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cascade Rocks

住所 :

3 Chome-13-13 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 180-0004
Webサイト :

3 Chome-13-13 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan
RYO on Google

急ぎで必要な商品があったがどこの店も品切れ。土日を挟んでいた為、他のアウトドア店では週が明けてからでないと・・・の返答。無理で当然です。メーカーも休みですし、こちらも承知しております。 ところがこちらの店主は「ちょっと待っていて下さい」と電話を持ち裏へ、数分後「大丈夫です」とクールなお言葉。散々歩いて店を廻り夜にたどり着いたカスケードロックス、品揃え店主ともに信頼できる優良店です。XEROSHOES担当者様も合わせて御礼申し上げます。お母上も最高!いつまでもお元気で!
There was a product I needed in a hurry, but all the stores were out of stock. Since it was on Saturday and Sunday, other outdoor stores had to wait until the beginning of the week ... It is impossible and natural. The manufacturer is also closed, and we are aware of this. However, the owner of this shop said "Please wait a moment" and went to the back, and a few minutes later, he said "It's okay". Cascade Rocks, which walked around the store and arrived at night, is a good store that can be trusted by both the shop owner and the shop owner. We would also like to thank the person in charge of XERO SHOES. Mother is also the best! Stay tuned!
GOLF VW on Google

店内は広くはないですが、商品がセレクトされており良質なギアを購入出来ます。 店員さんもしっかりと説明してくださるので、検討の上、安心して購入できます。
The store is not large, but the products are selected and you can buy good quality gear. The clerk will also explain it well, so you can purchase with confidence after considering it.
しば太郎チャンネル on Google

オーナーさんも気さくな方でコアなキャンプ道具もあり、吉祥寺駅周辺では手に入らない道具もあります! 個人的にはDDHammocksさんの商品の取り扱いがあるのが推しです!
The owner is also a friendly person and there are core camping equipment, and there are also equipment that are not available around Kichijoji Station! Personally, I recommend that you handle DD Hammocks products!
Kaz-Matchy I on Google

DDHammocksを求めてはるばる訪問。 店舗自体はこじんまりとした感じですが、メジャーブランドよりもガレージ系のこだわりの商品が多く都心のアウトドアショップに飽きたらここまで来ると良いです。 店員さんは非常に気さくで感じの良い方々でした。 実際に使われた感想も踏まえ的確にアドバイス頂けました。 是非引き続き通いたいと思います。
Visit all the way for DDHammocks. The store itself feels small, but if you get tired of the outdoor shops in the city center, there are many garage-oriented items rather than major brands. The clerk was very friendly and pleasant. We were able to give accurate advice based on the impressions actually used. I would definitely like to go there.
666 666 on Google

はるばる訪問 店外にOPENの表示、ベビーカーギリギリかなと思いつつ店に入ろうとしたところ、 5人以上なので入場できない、待ってもらいますと どのくらい待ちますかと聞くとお客さん次第なので、、、と言われOPEN表示を裏にし お待ちくださいの表示に。 ならば5人入った時点で裏にしろよ&客次第では1時間でも2時間でも待たせる気かと思いつつ 妻のいる手前、黙って待っていたら待てど全然客が捌ける様子もなくかつ店員が待ちの客がいるから 早めの買い物をと促してる様子もなくそれでも待っていたら生憎雨が降り出した為退却することに。 コロナ対策で入場制限するとともに短時間の買い物の励行もすべきではないかと疑問に持つ対応でした。 少なくとも二度と再来はすることはないでしょう(そもそも入店できていないので再来すらないですが)
Visit all the way When I tried to enter the store while thinking that the stroller was barely visible, the OPEN sign was displayed outside the store. I can't enter because there are more than 5 people, if you wait When asked how long to wait, it depends on the customer, so I was told, and turned the OPEN display on the back Please wait for the display. Then, when 5 people enter, turn it over & think that depending on the customer, you will have to wait for 1 hour or 2 hours Before my wife is there, if I wait silently, I'll wait, but there's no way the customers can handle it, and there are customers waiting for the clerk. It didn't seem to encourage me to shop early, but if I waited, it started to rain and I decided to retreat. It was a response to the question that admission should be restricted as a measure against corona and that short-term shopping should be encouraged. At least it won't come back again (although I haven't been able to enter the store in the first place so I won't come back again)

It seems that there are restrictions on admission due to corona measures. It wasn't crowded so I could enter the store without waiting. The store is on the 1st and 2nd floors, the store is small and there is no impression that it is ventilated. Many of the assortments are sold by Amazon, which are not available at mass retailers, and I could not find anything new. It may be unavoidable because it is a private store, but since the buckle of Stanley's cooler box was an old type, it seems that the old type is sold without price reduction if the product cycle is slow. It's one of the good shops for people nearby, and from afar, it makes me feel a little lonely if it's just for this purpose.
みーやんしょーちゃん on Google

なんか、お客さんを急かせだの自分が中に入れなかっただの。 ぐだぐた文句言ってる人いるけど。自分が、選んでるときに、お客さん待ってますので早くしてください!って言える訳? 感染対策きっちりしてる証拠ですよね。 ここの店は、お客さん1人1人大事にしてるお店です。営業時間過ぎそうなんですがと電話すれば、ちゃんと対応してくれます。 店主もお母さんも。とても親切です。 ソロ、デュオなどのする方ほ、ここ面白いですよ。何処にも売ってない。マナスル買えました!宝探しみたいで、毎回楽しんでます
Somehow, I hurried the customers, but I just couldn't get inside. Some people are complaining about it. When I'm choosing, I'll be waiting for customers, so please do it soon! Can you say that? It's proof that infection control is perfect. The store here is a store that is cherished by each and every customer. If you call me that it seems that the business hours are over, they will respond properly. Both the shopkeeper and the mother. Very kind. Those who do solos, duos, etc. are interesting here. I don't sell it anywhere. I bought Manaslu! It ’s like a treasure hunt, and I enjoy it every time.
磯丸 on Google

前から気になっていたので近場に行ったついでにお邪魔しました。事前に電話をして空いている事を確認、電話での対応も非常に良くお店でも質問、相談にも快く応じてくれます。 ある程度キャンプのギアに拘りを持ち始めた人が行くと驚くほどセンスの良い品揃えにビックリします。ブッシュクラフト系に力を入れている様に感じました。じっくり見て2、3時間は居れるのではないでしょうか…それほど大きな店構えではありませんが濃縮度が半端ないです。 今回はタープを購入しましたがガイロープを買い忘れてしまったのでまた行きます。 注意事項としてお店の前の道路はかなり混みます。路駐出来なくは無いですが迷惑になるので電車の方がアクセスは良さそうです。車の方は事前に駐車場を探した方が良さそうです。
I've been worried about it for a long time, so I went to a nearby place and bothered. Call in advance to confirm that it is available, and the telephone response is very good, and they are willing to answer questions and consultations at the store. People who have started to stick to camping gear to some extent will be surprised at the surprisingly good selection. I felt that I was focusing on the bushcraft system. If you take a closer look, you may be able to stay for a couple of hours ... It's not a big store, but the concentration is not perfect. I bought a tarp this time, but I forgot to buy a guy rope so I will go again. Please note that the road in front of the shop is quite crowded. It's not impossible to park on the road, but it seems to be easier to access by train because it is annoying. If you are a car, you should look for a parking lot in advance.

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