CASA COLOR グランツリー武蔵小杉店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CASA COLOR グランツリー武蔵小杉店

住所 :

Shinmarukohigashi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinmarukohigashi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

グランツリー武蔵小杉の4Fにある、カラーリング専門店。 近所のお店を検索して、試してみたら、親切で細やかなので、リピートしています。 45日以内に再来店すると、オプションを無料でつけてくれたり、嬉しいサービスもあります。 あと、自動のシャンプー機が、めちゃくちゃ気持ちがいい❣️ ・・おすすめデス❤️
A coloring specialty store on the 4th floor of Grand Tree Musashikosugi. I searched for a store in my neighborhood and tried it, but it was kind and detailed, so I repeat it. If you come back to the store within 45 days, you will get free options and some services will make you happy. Also, the automatic shampoo machine feels really good ❣️ ・ ・ Recommended death ❤️
kumi tera on Google

昨年、3回利用させてもらいましたが、 2回目、3回目が色の相談をしづらい 雰囲気だったので、先月、カットとカラーを 別の美容院でやってもらいました。 しかし、カラーの仕上がりは こちらのお店の方が断然綺麗で 長持ちすることがわかりました。 今日、担当してくれたかたは、 カラーの相談にも丁寧に答えてくれ、 仕上がりもバッチリで、大満足です。 やはり今後もカラーは、 こちらにお願いしようと思います。
I used it three times last year, It is difficult to consult about colors the second and third times It was an atmosphere, so last month I made a cut and color I had it done at another hair dressing shop. However, the color finish is This shop is by far the most beautiful I found it to last a long time. The person in charge today Please answer the color consultation politely, The finish is perfect and I am very satisfied. After all the color will continue to be I would like to ask here.
kanae m on Google

グランツリーの4Fにあり、丁寧にカウンセリングしていただけました。 カラーをしたい時にとてもお勧めです。
Located on the 4th floor of the Grand Tree, we were able to provide careful counseling. Highly recommended when you want to color.
Ari mana on Google

美容院での白髪染めでコスパと仕上がりにちょっと疑問を感じていた頃に、HOT PEPPERで見つけたカーサカラー。 白髪染めとそのオプションに特化したお店です。 お店は入口ドアを解放してあり、しっかり換気されていました。 希望の色味などを丁寧にカウンセリングしてくださり、安心してお任せすることが出来ました♪ お値段も初回は2000円しませんし、2回目以降もリーズナブル。カラー後は自分で髪を乾かしますが、ドライヤーやブラシ・スタイリング剤も置いてあり便利。リピートしています!
Casa color I found at HOT PEPPER when I was a little skeptical about the cost performance and finish of hair dyeing at a hairdresser. It is a shop specializing in gray hair dyeing and its options. The shop had the entrance door open and was well ventilated. He carefully counseled me about the desired color, and I was able to leave it to him with confidence ♪ The price is not 2000 yen for the first time, and it is reasonable after the second time. After coloring, you will dry your hair yourself, but it is also convenient to have a hair dryer, brush and styling product. I'm repeating!
なかむらよしこ on Google

It is crowded with the newest shopping mall in Musashi Kosugi. But the shops are spacious and not dense. Everyone was moving very well and I was able to leave it to them with confidence.
IDEI K on Google

Cheap and fast cospa is too good. If you are looking for a color specialty store around Musashi Kosugi and Shinmaruko, this is a recommended store.
A K on Google

ずっと気になっててまだいいかと思ってたのですが、遂に前髪の白髪が気になって来たのと自分で染めるのが面倒になり安いし行ってみるかと来店。 ホットペッパーで予約。値段は変わりませんでした。 店内は、天井が高くて広々してて居心地が良かったです。 手際のいいお姉さんがテキパキと案内し用意し染めてくれました。せっかちな私には丁度いい。 普通の美容院的なのんびりとお嬢様を味わいたい方には向いてないですね。 初めてでカラーも選ぶの難しかったけど、お姉さんが教えてくれるので問題なしです。 染めてる間もお姉さんが明るくて退屈せずに過ごせました。 気になる感染症対策としては、ソーシャルディスタンスを取った席配置。 マスクは自前のだと汚れてしまうので外して、フィルターみたいのをマスキングテープで貼ってくれました。 直接肌に貼るのでこれまた気になる方はいるかもです。 換気は恐らくグランツリー内なので、グランツリーの問題になるのだと思われます。 シャンプーは自動ですが、最初と最後は手作業です。 染めた感じは満足です。 1点不満と言えば、顔の周りに染め剤が付いてしまうことかな?リムーバーも完備なので自分で拭けばいいですが。安いけどその後予定ありだとちょっと気になる感じです。 貴重品入れもありますので安心です。
I've been wondering if it's okay for me for a long time, but I finally came to the store because I was worried about the gray hair of my bangs and it was troublesome to dye it myself, so it was cheaper to go. Book with Hot Pepper. The price did not change. The inside of the store was spacious and comfortable with a high ceiling. A smart older sister guided me and prepared and dyed it. Just right for me who is impatient. It is not suitable for those who want to enjoy a leisurely young lady like an ordinary hairdresser. It was difficult to choose the color for the first time, but there is no problem because my sister will tell me. While I was dyeing, my sister was bright and I was able to spend time without getting bored. As a measure against infectious diseases of concern, seating is arranged with a social distance. The mask would get dirty if it was my own, so I removed it and put a masking tape on it like a filter. Since it is applied directly to the skin, some people may be concerned about it. Ventilation is probably inside the Grand Tree, so it's probably a problem for the Grand Tree. Shampoo is automatic, but the first and last are manual. I am satisfied with the dyed feeling. One thing I'm dissatisfied with is that the dye gets around my face. There is also a remover, so you can wipe it yourself. It's cheap, but I'm a little worried if there are plans after that. There is also a valuables case, so you can rest assured.
ぱるさん on Google

At a reasonable price, there are plenty of treatments that you can freely apply during self-drying, and you can try various treatments. Although it is an important treatment, there are quite a few things that can be done or not depending on the staff. Headquarters? It would be very nice to hit the people who came to cheer us on, but if we don't, there are times when we are quite disappointed, and it seems that the staff turnover is intense. I expect an average treatment!

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