carissima - Taito City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact carissima

住所 :

伊藤ビル 1 Chome-18-4 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 111-0032
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

伊藤ビル 1 Chome-18-4 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan
楠暁 on Google

パスタが自家製でどれも美味しいです! 8席程度のお店ですが、内装も雰囲気が良くて、居心地が良い。 店員さんも気さくで、予約メニューなども相談しだいでアレンジしてくれるのが、嬉しい♪
Homemade pasta is delicious! Although it is a store with about 8 seats, it has a nice interior and is comfortable. The clerk is also friendly, and I'm glad that they will arrange a reservation menu etc. after consultation ♪
Mic F on Google

Coppia giapponese, con esperienza pluriennale in giro per l'Italia, realizza una cucina italiana di alto livello, per qualità degli ingredienti e delle preparazioni. Piatti di grande originalità che si trovano raramente nelle stesse regioni di provenienza, grandi vini italiani, un ambiente di classico ristorante peninsulare. Soldi, tanti, ben spesi. / A Japanese couple with longstanding background in Italian culinary culture, producing high-quality, extremely original Italian recipes, with great ingredients and top imported wines. Worth the price in any respect.
Japanese couple, with many years of experience around Italy, creates a high level Italian cuisine, for the quality of the ingredients and preparations. Dishes of great originality that are rarely found in the same regions of origin, great Italian wines, a classic peninsular restaurant setting. Money, a lot, well spent. / A Japanese couple with longstanding background in Italian culinary culture, producing high-quality, extremely original Italian recipes, with great ingredients and top imported wines. Worth the price in any respect.
福井剛 on Google

2020(令和2)年07月12日。昨日の11日に続いて訪れたらクローズの札が入口に掛かっていた。 食べログの情報では営業してたはず。今日はドアも開いたが声を掛けても返事無し。でグーグルを使って店に電話を描けて訪ねたところ(諸事情だとは思うが)しぱらく昼営業は休むとの事。ランチを食べに行こうと思ってる方は休みなのでご注意を。
July 12, 2020 (Reiwa 2). When I visited again on the 11th of yesterday, a closing sign was hanging at the entrance. The information on the tabe log should have been open. The door was opened today, but no reply was made even if I called out. Then, when I visited the store by drawing a phone call using Google (I think it is due to various reasons), it was said that the daytime business will be closed. Those who are thinking of going for lunch will be closed, so please be careful.
kame A on Google

全てのお料理が丁寧で美味しいのは勿論のこと、 調理から配膳までされるご主人が言わずともお料理を取り分けて提供してくれ、 その上で最後のお料理は腹具合に合わせて自分たちで分量を決められるように取分け用のお皿だけくださるなど 細やかな気遣いがとても嬉しく、幸せな時間を過ごせました!
Not to mention that all the dishes are polite and delicious The owner, who handles everything from cooking to serving, will serve the food separately without telling you. On top of that, for the last dish, we will give you only a special plate so that you can decide the amount by yourself according to your stomach condition. I was very happy with the delicate care and had a happy time!
aya _ on Google

前菜の栗のクレープ、イカ、とても美味しかったです。 熱々のお皿をサーブしてもらって食べた魚介のパスタも素晴らしかったです。 鹿の赤ワイン煮もベリーのソースの香りも絶妙で、秋冬に食べるのに最高でした。 テーブルも距離があり、マスクケース、取り分け用のカトラリーも細かく新しくしていただけて、安心してゆっくりと食事ができました。 グラスワインも美味しかったです。 (2020.11.15 ディナー)
The appetizer chestnut crepe and squid were very delicious. The seafood pasta I ate with a hot plate served was also wonderful. The deer boiled in red wine and the aroma of the berry sauce were exquisite, and it was the best to eat in the fall and winter. The table was also far away, and the mask case and cutlery for special use were renewed in detail, so I was able to eat slowly with peace of mind. The glass of wine was also delicious. (2020.11.15 Dinner)
saya kuro on Google

雰囲気よし、味よし、立地よしです。 みなさん書いてるとおり、前菜もパスタもパンもとても美味しいです。 かぼちゃプリンもオススメです。
Good atmosphere, good taste, good location. As you write, the appetizers, pasta and bread are very delicious. Pumpkin pudding is also recommended.
Bear Dai on Google

I went today and asked for a lunch set-the pasta was chewy and delicious! !! The master was polite and the shop was clean-I'll bother you again (˶ˊᵕˋ˵)
Asac Ludwig on Google

雷門から歩いてわずか30秒の細い路地を入ったところにあるので、ちょっとわかりにくいかも知れません。が、ちゃんとたどり着けてここで食事を出来た人は皆Happyになっていることでしょう。 現在コロナ禍でシェフひとりで料理からホールまでこなしており、なかなかビビッドなサービスは難しい状況ですが、そこは全員が理解と協力をもって対応していけば良いはずです。 しかし、出される料理は全てにおいて妥協なく、常に熱々で最高のタイミングで供されました。アンティパストもパスタもメインも、デザートも文句なしです。特に手打ちのパスタはモチモチ感溢れ、本場イタリアでは味わえない素晴らしい味わいでした。 本日は妻と二人で訪れましたが、次回は家族全員でお邪魔したいと思います。 ご馳走さまでした。
It may be a little confusing as it is located in a narrow alley just 30 seconds walk from Kaminarimon. However, everyone who can get there and eat here will be happy. Currently, the chef alone handles everything from cooking to the hall in Corona, and it is difficult to provide vivid service, but everyone should understand and cooperate with it. However, all the dishes served were uncompromising and always served hot and at the best possible time. No complaints about antipasto, pasta, main dish, dessert. Especially the handmade pasta was full of chewyness, and it was a wonderful taste that can not be tasted in Italy. I visited with my wife today, but next time I would like to visit with the whole family. It was a feast.

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