Cameleon - Taito City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cameleon

住所 :

7F 1 Chome-5-2 Asakusabashi, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 111-0053
Description : Brasserie-style locale with a terrace, serving French standards, charcuterie plates & wine pairings.

7F 1 Chome-5-2 Asakusabashi, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0053, Japan
M R on Google

テラス席もありました。テラス席の前側に2人席が4つ並んでいて、他にも4人席テーブルが2つほどありました。 周辺と比べるとランチとしては値が張りますが、それ相応(私はそれ以上と感じました)の料理を楽しめます。 テイクアウトも行っているようです。
There was also a terrace seat. There were four two-seat seats lined up in front of the terrace seats, and there were about two other four-seat tables. It's more expensive for lunch than the surrounding area, but you can enjoy the food that's worth it (I felt it was more than that). It seems that they are also taking out.
Le mille Chiavi on Google

ランチ サラダ(野菜のオムレツ、キャロットラペ添え) 鴨のコンフィ 2600円くらい。 鴨は皮目はカリっと身はホロリとほぐれ、鴨の旨味がじゅわっと溢れます。 美味しい~☺️ 今はマンボウのためランチのみ?お酒も提供してないようです。 明けたらお酒も楽しみに伺いたい。
lunch Salad (vegetable omelet with carrot rape) Duck confit About 2600 yen. The skin of the duck is crispy and the body is loosened, and the taste of the duck overflows. Delicious ~ ☺️ Is it only lunch for sunfish now? It doesn't seem to serve alcohol either. I'd like to look forward to drinking after dawn.

テラス席があり、これからの暖かい季節にはとても良いです。少し駅から離れているせいか、平日のランチタイムがすいており静かでした。 パスタ美味しかったです。
Hidemi A on Google

初めて訪れたのですが、スタッフの方の説明通り4皿を前菜やメインから選ばせていただきました。どのお料理も丁寧でほかのメニューも試したくなります。ビストロなので、気軽に訪れることができ、雰囲気がよく、お皿やグラスもセンスがあって充実した時間が過ごせると思います。 コロナ禍なので外食を控えたいところだと思いますが、とても空いていたので、電話などで混み具合を確認して利用するには逆に良い機会かもしれません。
I visited for the first time, but I chose 4 dishes from appetizers and main dishes as explained by the staff. Every dish is polite and you will want to try other menus. As it is a bistro, you can easily visit it, the atmosphere is good, and the plates and glasses have a good taste, so you can spend a fulfilling time. I think that I would like to refrain from eating out because it is a corona disaster, but since it was very vacant, it may be a good opportunity to check the congestion condition by telephone etc.
talneyadi on Google

The staff are really nice and the food is so good
K. Sakamoto on Google

Highly recommended for both lunch and dinner. I personally like the variety of dinner menu, matching with the wine selection from the sommelier.
Quinn Ryder on Google

Amazing. Fantastic French food. Price was very reasonable as well. About 1.5man for 2 people with a glass of wine. Great atmosphere, venison, service!!
Hannah Smith on Google

My husband and I stopped here for drinks before going out and we discovered it was wonderful. This has an authentic French menu (see photos) and we just got the charcuterie and wine cocktails. Both of which were delicious if not slightly expensive. The service was excellent and the atmosphere was very romantic. Recommended for a good date place. Only complaint was no English menu but that is what Google translate is for.

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