
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact なんであのときcafe

住所 :

Nekogahoratori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0032 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://nandeanotoki.com/
街 : 区画 Aichi

Nekogahoratori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0032 Aichi,Japan
いぶりがっこ on Google

ずっと名前で気になっていたお店で、この前思い切って入ってみたらマスターが非常に楽しい方でした。 ご飯もおいしいのですが、ご飯よりもお店の雰囲気というかが印象強く、個人的にはかなり好きなお店です。
In the shop that I have always been worried about by name, the master was a very enjoyable person if I tried to get into it. The rice is delicious, but the atmosphere of the restaurant is more impressive than the rice, so I personally like it.
panhead geek on Google

入りにくいけど、入ってしまえばマスターのトークに包まれるカフェ。 飲食だけを提供するのではない、新しい感覚のカフェ。 Podcastから始まったカフェ。Podcastの収録やツイキャスのライブ配信のスタジオでもある。収録の様子を見ながらコーヒーを飲んだり、ツイキャスに出演することができるかも・・・
It's hard to enter, but once you enter, it's a cafe that is covered in master talk. A cafe with a new sensation that does not offer only food and drink. A cafe that started with Podcast. It is also a studio for recording podcasts and live streaming from TwitCasting. You might be able to drink coffee while watching the recording, or appear on TwitCasting ...
fuji motch on Google

オードリー若林さんとも交流があったという元お笑い芸人のトクマスタケシさんをはじめ、「なんであのとき放送局」というポッドキャスト(ネットラジオ)のパーソナリティ達で経営しているカフェ。ちょっと変わった店名は、この番組名が由来。一見、遊びの要素が多そうだが、料理は本格的。 静かにくつろぎたい方はもちろん、トークに自信のある方は積極的にマスターに絡んでみて下さい!
A cafe run by the personality of podcasts (net radio) called “Who Broadcasting Station”, including Tokumasa Takeshi, a former comedian who had exchanges with Audrey Wakabayashi. The name of this program comes from a slightly different store name. At first glance, there seems to be many elements of play, but the food is authentic. If you are confident in the talk as well as those who want to relax quietly, please actively engage with the master!
わだのりこ on Google

I love talking! Anyway, a fun cafe that welcomes you. He / she introduces recommended podcast (net radio) program that the master himself appears in, so find your favorite program and become a regular customer! I look forward to a cafe that will continue to evolve.

A new sense of caffe that allows customers to deliver podcasts with the setting of the broadcasting department. I don't think it's suitable for people who want a regular cafe, but I'm addicted to delivering programs ?
zan Suu on Google

Lunch of hamburger & salmon avocado bowl was very delicious ✨
とも on Google

名古屋市営地下鉄本山駅(東山線・名城線)から北に向かうとあります。若干の距離があります。ゆっくり歩いて10分ぐらい。緩やかな坂道です、多分。お店は入り口入り階段で上にあがる構造になっています。今回は企画ライブの為に訪問しました。面白いマスターが切り盛りしてました。座席は10名でいっぱいぐらいの大きさでした。テーブル席とカウンター席合わせて。間近で演奏と歌が聴けてとても良かったです。当日は飲食に関してはドリンクのみでフード提供はありませんでしたが駄菓子屋さんのお菓子が食べ放題と言ってました。食べれば良かった笑 コーヒーもライブが始まる直前に提供して頂き暖かいホットコーヒーが飲めました。美味しかったです。
Head north from Motoyama Station on the Nagoya Municipal Subway (Higashiyama Line / Meijo Line). There is some distance. Walk slowly for about 10 minutes. It's a gentle slope, maybe. The shop has a structure that goes up by the stairs with the entrance. This time I visited for a planned live concert. An interesting master was cutting it. The seats were about the size of 10 people. Combine table seats and counter seats. It was great to hear the performance and song up close. Regarding food and drink on the day, there was only drinks and no food was provided, but he said that he could eat all-you-can-eat sweets from the candy store. I should have eaten lol Coffee was provided just before the concert started and I was able to drink warm hot coffee. It was delicious.
Karis Krieger on Google

Such a cool place! I think there's nowhere like it in Nagoya. My friend took me here, she is a part of the fan club. The owner and son are great people, and serve great food with an awesome atmosphere. Come here if you want to feel like you're dining at home with friends.

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