Patisserie Girouette Cafe - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Patisserie Girouette Cafe

住所 :

Motoyamacho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0036 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 464-0036
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Motoyamacho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0036 Aichi,Japan
気まぐれミミィ on Google

本山に昨年オープンしたカフェ併設のパティスリー。 東京・自由が丘のパティスリー「パリ セヴェイユ」にいらっしゃった方のお店です꒰ ♡´∀`♡ ꒱ 白とブルーが可愛いお店は1,2階にカフェスペースがあり、ランチ提供もされています。 この日いただいたのは以下です♫ ・ポム カシス ・アールグレイ ケーキとドリンクはセット価格で100円引きになります^ ^ ポムカシスはインパクトが強いネオングリーンが映えるガトー。 淡い酸味が爽やかな青リンゴのムースとカシスムース、中にはシードル風味のりんごのソテーが入っていてシャキシャキとしたアクセントになっています。 土台はビターアーモンドのタルトで重さと風味を。 紅茶は美しいヘレンドのカップで♡ お店がすごくカジュアルなので、このこだわりはちょっと驚きました!シンプルなケーキプレートやテーブルとのギャップが。。(^_^;) ちなみに、ヘレンドはハンガリー生まれ、ハプスブルク家御用達の陶磁器ブランドです꒰#'ω`#꒱ 茶葉は多分マリアージュフレール、かな。 説明はなかったけれど。。 落ち着いて過ごせるのでついつい長居しちゃいましたが、お店の雰囲気がカジュアルな割に価格は高め設定なので、この価格帯でいくなら高級カップにも合う内装やディスプレイに変えても良いのかも。。なんて思ってしまいました。
A patisserie with a cafe that opened last year in Motoyama. It is a shop for those who came to the patisserie "Paris Seveil" in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo. There are cafe spaces on the 1st and 2nd floors where white and blue are cute, and lunch is also offered. The following was given on this day. ・ Pom Cassis ·Earl Grey Cakes and drinks will be discounted by 100 yen for the set price ^ ^ Pomkasis is a gateau that shines in neon green with a strong impact. Green apple mousse and cassis mousse with a refreshing light acidity, and cider-flavored apple saute inside, making it a crunchy accent. The base is bitter almond tart with weight and flavor. Tea is a beautiful Herend cup ♡ The shop was very casual, so I was surprised at this commitment! A gap with a simple cake plate or table. . (^ _ ^;) By the way, Herend was born in Hungary and is a pottery brand of the Hapsburg family ꒰ # 'ω` # ꒱ Maybe the tea leaves are Marriage Frères. There was no explanation. . I could stay calm and spend a long time, but the atmosphere of the shop is casual but the price is set high, so if you go in this price range, it may be possible to change to interior decoration and display that fits luxury cups. . I have thought Nante.
れもん on Google

The price is a little high, but I think it's worth it. The blood orange mousse cake had an exquisite balance with chocolate and was very delicious. I thought that the cassis cake was awkward because of its glossy color, but it was light and really delicious. I tried 3 kinds of food this time, but all of them are lighter than they look and the deliciousness of the ingredients stands out! I want to eat again.
Haruka Müller (springsmell) on Google

It is a cute shop with refreshing white and blue. Bread, baked goods, and cakes all look delicious, and chocolate-based ones are especially recommended. I am particular about tea, Mariage Frères, and coffee, and it seems that lunch is delicious with drinks.
Yucco on Google

住宅街の中にある隠れ家カフェです。 土曜の午後に訪問し、ノーブル、テ・ミュール、マカダムというケーキとお茶をいただきました。 苺のショートケーキなどのよくあるケーキとは違う、個性的なケーキがたくさんある印象です。 どのケーキも美味しかったですが、ノーブルがここ最近ではNo.1の美味しさでした。マスカルポーネとブラッドオレンジのコンフィチュール、ココナツのダクワーズとメレンゲという説明に惹かれて選んだのですが、全ての調和が素晴らしく…最後の一口を食べるのが惜しくなるほどでした。 ホットの紅茶は、あたためられたヘレンドのティーセットで、ポットで出していただきました。量もたっぷりなので、ケーキを食べたあとも、ゆっくりお茶を楽しむことができて良かったです。 ノーブルはまたぜひリピートしたいですし、他のケーキも食べたいので、またお邪魔したいと思います。 カフェスペースは1階と2階があり、席の間隔はわりとゆったりとってあるので、マスク会食の形式なら安心して利用できると思いました。お手洗いは2階にしかなく、上がる方法は階段のみなので、足が不自由な方はお手洗いを利用するのが大変なのが惜しいと思いました。 駐車場はお店の前にあり、停めやすいと思います。 パンも販売されており美味しそうだったので、次回に購入したいと思います。 人にもおすすめしたいと思えるお店です。
It is a hideaway cafe in a residential area. I visited on Saturday afternoon and had cakes and teas called Noble, Te Mule and Macadam. The impression is that there are many unique cakes that are different from common cakes such as strawberry shortcake. All the cakes were delicious, but Noble was the most delicious these days. I was attracted to the explanation of mascarpone and blood orange confiture, coconut dacquoise and meringue, but all the harmony was wonderful ... I missed the last bite. Hot tea was served in a pot with a warmed Herend tea set. The amount is plentiful, so it was good to be able to enjoy tea slowly even after eating the cake. I would love to repeat Noble again, and I would like to eat other cakes, so I would like to bother you again. The cafe space has 1st and 2nd floors, and the space between the seats is rather spacious, so I thought that the mask dinner format could be used with confidence. The restroom is only on the 2nd floor, and the only way to go up is the stairs, so I thought it would be a shame for people with disabilities to use the restroom. The parking lot is in front of the shop and I think it's easy to park. Bread was also on sale and looked delicious, so I would like to buy it next time. It is a shop that I would like to recommend to people.
Chabo on Google

I visited for lunch on a holiday. I had a lunch set with a hamburger and a cake. You can choose your favorite cake in the showcase on the spot. Everything looks delicious and I'm confused. In the end, the two of us chose what we liked and ordered an additional chocolate cake that couldn't be sifted. It seems that the hamburger buns are made at the shop, and the ingredients matched this chewy bread and it was delicious. Of course, all the cakes I received were excellent, but I personally liked the pistachio-flavored arrogance! This time the millefeuille banille I wanted to eat was sold out, so I'd like to save it for the next time. The staff are all friendly and cozy.
さかいだ香 on Google

サンドイッチランチ。生ハム、マスカルポーネチーズ、グレープフルーツにバルサミコ酢がとても良いバランスで美味しかったです。 前菜のビーツのスープ、そしてケーキも大変美味しく満足しました。また行きたいです。
Sandwich lunch. Prosciutto, mascarpone cheese, grapefruit and balsamic vinegar were delicious with a very good balance. The beet soup and cake as an appetizer were also very delicious and satisfying. I want to go again.
yurina okamoto on Google

スペシャリテのグルマンの口溶け♡ 抜かりのないこだわりのひとつひとつに惚れちゃいます。ケーキだけでなく、パンにドリンク全て美味しい。 ケーキ類は税込600~700円ぐらい。ちょっと割高かな?っとゆう印象でしたが、東京のパリセヴェイユ出身とゆうこともあり、どのケーキも一味違うもの。スペシャリテ「グルマン」はほんとうに素敵でした。ムースが得意のようで、とにかくクリーミー。ゼラチンで固めた感なんて一切なかったです。 ランチのサンドイッチにはブールを使用し、とにかくムッチリもっちりな弾力。そこにフレッシュなお野菜、ソース、メインの具がてんこ盛り。具材のひとつひとつが美味しい。チーズもサラダもフレッシュさがたまらないものでした。 お店の2Fは雰囲気のいいカフェスペースになっていて、お友達とおしゃべりしたりデートにも最適です。 パティスリーの域もカフェの域も超える、次元を超えたお店に感じました。
Specialty Gourmand's mouth melts ♡ I will fall in love with each and every one of my commitments. Not only cakes, but bread and drinks are all delicious. Cakes are about 600-700 yen including tax. Is it a little expensive? I had the impression that it was from Paris Seveille in Tokyo, so every cake is a bit different. The specialty "Gourmand" was really nice. He seems to be good at mousse and is creamy anyway. I didn't feel that it was hardened with gelatin. Boule is used for the sandwich for lunch, and anyway, it has a firm elasticity. There are plenty of fresh vegetables, sauces, and main ingredients. Each of the ingredients is delicious. The cheese and salad were irresistible. The 2nd floor of the shop is a cafe space with a nice atmosphere, which is ideal for chatting with friends and having a date. I felt that it was a store that transcended the dimensions of a patisserie and a cafe.
石川R on Google

妻と二人で早めのランチに伺いました。私たちの確認ミスでランチスタート時間の30分前に着いてしまい、店内で待っていましたので、「俄然ランチを食べたい前のめり夫婦」に見えたことでしょう。笑 3種類のサンドイッチが選べるランチでしたので、二人で別の種類を頼みました。私は「生ハム・サニーレタス・マスカルポーネチーズ・グレープフルーツ・バルサミコソース」を。妻は、、ちょっと具材が多いメニューなので割愛します。笑 先に感想を言いますと、トータルの価値では星5つでは足りないくらい素敵でした。 ・店内は明るい日の光が差し込み、装飾や色づかいもステキで気分があがります ・サンドイッチは''パリもちっとした''パンに、新鮮な具材がこれでもか!と挟まれていて美味しいし、目も楽しませてくれます ・デザートセットにしていただいた「サバラン」の出来が良すぎます。生クリーム・苺・グァバとも満足感が高杉君です また店員さんも親切丁寧でうれしいです。 ただ、ひとつだけ楽しくも笑ってしまう点は、サンドイッチを食べ終わる頃には、アゴにまでバルサミコソースが付いていることです。笑 ごちそうさまでした。 また伺います!
I went to an early lunch with my wife. Due to our mistake in confirmation, we arrived 30 minutes before the lunch start time and waited in the store, so it must have looked like "a married couple before having lunch." Lol It was a lunch where you could choose from 3 types of sandwiches, so we asked for another type. I have "Prosciutto, Sunny Lettuce, Mascarpone Cheese, Grapefruit, Balsamic Sauce". My wife has a lot of ingredients, so I will omit it. Lol First of all, it was so wonderful that 5 stars was not enough for the total value. ・ The interior of the store is lit by bright sunlight, and the decoration and coloring are wonderful and make you feel better. ・ Sandwiches are `` Parisy'' bread and fresh ingredients! It's delicious because it's sandwiched between them, and it's also pleasing to the eyes. ・ The result of "Savarin" made into a dessert set is too good. Takasugi is satisfied with the cream, strawberries, and guava. The clerk is also kind and polite and happy. However, the only thing that makes me laugh happily is that by the time I finish eating the sandwich, even the chin has balsamic sauce. Lol Thank you for the meal. I will visit you again!

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