4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Honcho, Koga, 〒306-0023 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 6–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 6–11PM
Tuesday 6–11PM
Wednesday 6–11PM
Thursday 6–11PM
Friday 6–11PM
街 : Ibaraki

Honcho, Koga, 〒306-0023 Ibaraki,Japan
関恵理香 on Google

The food was delicious, the atmosphere was good, and it was a very nice restaurant! ️I would love to visit you again ✨
渡邉真愛 on Google

遅くまでやってるので たまに利用させて貰ってます(*´﹀`*)♬*° 珈琲が美味しくて、雰囲気が良いのでまったり過ごすのもいいし、友達と話し込むのも楽しい(*^^*) 薄焼きのお菓子みたいなピザも美味しくて好き♡
I'm doing it late, so I sometimes use it (*〉 `` *) ♬ * ° The rice cake is delicious, the atmosphere is good, so it's good to spend it relaxing, and it's also fun to talk with friends (* ^^ *) Pizza like light baked sweets is also delicious and favorite ♡
一番星 on Google

カジュアルなソファーに座って三次会を楽しみましょう。食事もおいしいですよ。 出来上がっている人は二階席の階段は少し傾斜がきついので気をつけてください。
Sit on a casual sofa and enjoy the after party. The food is also delicious. If you are finished, please note that the stairs on the second floor are a little steep.
Susumu Udagawa on Google

The price is a little higher than average, but there are many types of sake, and the atmosphere inside the store is fashionable and you can spend a calm time. Recommended for dates and small drinking parties.
ぐで梨ー様 on Google

お洒落なお店。隣の看板が インパクトありなので 少々分かりづらいですが笑 中はキレイだし 夜のカフェって感じです☆ 2階はテーブル席も 多数あります。 おいしいお酒を 飲ませてくれるところです☆
Fashionable shop. The sign next to it Because it has an impact It's a bit hard to understand, but lol The inside is beautiful It feels like a night cafe☆ Table seats on the 2nd floor There are many. Delicious liquor It is a place to drink ☆
ジュンBEEP on Google

以前から出張でビジネスホテルを利用し場所は把握しておりましたが、評価の「常連さん以外は・・・」で恐縮し、ホテル近くの飲食店に数回行きましたが、やはり何処も地元意識が強く、常連さんや、若い世代が多かった。 ホテルの方やタクシーのドライバーさんが薦めてくれた事もあり、ようやく行けました。 カウンターはお酒が並びますが、本格的なエスプレッソマシン。 スタッフさんもお客さんも髭。笑 常連さんらしき方々と、外国人。 これはクチコミの!? と、頭を過ぎります。 強面な見た目(マスター)ですが、とても丁寧に話をしてもらえました。 常連さんと思っていた方も、1人の方は出張で来ていて、古河に来た時はBEEPさんに立ち寄るとの事でした。 カウンターだけ見るとBARですが、食事のクオリティに驚きました。 お客さんにお勧めされたものを注文しましたが、どれもとても美味しかったです。 前菜の盛り合わせ、手長海老?のパスタ、常陸和牛のハラミステーキ。 次回は・・・チキンオーバーライスと・・・笑 年齢層も高めで、ゆっくり出来るお勧めのお店です。
We used business hotel on business trip from before and knew place, but we went out to restaurant near the hotel a few times with exaggeration with "other than regulars of evaluation ..." of evaluation, but still after all The local awareness was strong, and there were many regulars and young generations. The hotel and taxi driver recommended it, and I finally went. The counter is lined with alcohol, but a full-fledged espresso machine. Both the staff and the audience are in love. Lol Regular people and foreigners. This is a word of mouth! ? And, I'm past my head. It looks strong (master), but I was able to talk very carefully. One person who was thinking as a regular also came on a business trip, and when he came to Furukawa, he said that he would stop by BEEP. Looking at the counter is BAR, but I was surprised at the quality of the food. I ordered something recommended by the customers, but all were very delicious. Assorted appetizers, prawns? Pasta, Harumi steak of Hakata Japanese beef. Next time ... chicken over rice and ... lol The age group is also high, it is a recommended shop that can be slow.
令子 on Google

以前から気になっていたBEEPさんへ友人と行ってきました。 月曜日のOPENして間もない時間だった為か、一番乗り。 2階のソファ席へ案内され…カジュアルなソファと言うよりはボロボロなソファ…不安。 店員さんは髭の優しい感じの方。店主? ボブ・マーリーの絵?が飾ってあり、ポスターがいちいちオシャレ。 しかしクチコミは良いし、きっとおつまみとか美味しいはず!と思ってオーダーしたら大正解。 シェフのごちゃ混ぜサラダ、カプレーゼ、ウインナー盛り合わせ、手長海老のパスタ等頂きました。盛り付けも綺麗で、このボリュームならお値段的にも納得。勿論味はお墨付き。 友人も私もアルコールは3杯程。お会計は1万円程でした。 違う友人を連れてまた行きたいです( ˊᵕˋ )
I went to BEEP who was always interested in with my friend. Perhaps because it was a short time since OPEN on Monday, it was the first ride. Guided to the second-floor sofa seat ... Rather than a casual sofa, a tattered sofa ... Anxious. The store clerk is a gentle-feeling niece. A store owner? Bob Marley's painting? Is decorated and the posters are fashionable. However, the reviews are good and the snacks should be delicious! If you think and order, it will be the correct answer. Chef's mixed salad, caprese, wiener platter, lobster pasta etc. The arrangement is also beautiful and this volume is acceptable for the price. Of course the taste is endorsed. My friend and I have about 3 cups of alcohol. The bill was about 10,000 yen. I want to go again with a different friend (ˊᵕˋ)
t明 on Google

おしゃれな佇まい。店内は一階は5、6席程度のカウンター席のみ。二回は6、7グループくらい座れるようなゆったりとした広さのソファー席。間接照明も使ってムード漂う感じ。 お洒落で筋肉質のイケメンな店員さん。 ドリンクのメニューは、ビールが600円程度で各国のビールも多数揃ってる。カクテルは種類豊富で、全品750円。その他、日本酒、焼酎、ワインとアルコールの品揃えはすごい。グラスもカクテルごとに違っててお洒落。 料理は値段設定はやや高めだけど、クオリティーは高めなのであり。パスタ1,000円程度から、サラダ700円程度、前菜などのつまみ系500円位から、ポテト800円程度。値段は目安なので詳しくはお店に聞いてください。 ネットにあんまり情報がない分、高額だったらと思ったけど、コスパ含め十分満喫できました。
Fashionable appearance. There are only 5 or 6 counter seats on the first floor of the store. The sofa seats are spacious enough to seat 6 or 7 groups twice. Feeling that there is a mood using indirect lighting. A fashionable and muscular handsome clerk. The drink menu is about 600 yen for beer, and there are many beers from each country. There is a wide variety of cocktails, all for 750 yen. In addition, the assortment of sake, shochu, wine and alcohol is amazing. The glasses are also different for each cocktail and are stylish. The price of the food is a little high, but the quality is high. From about 1,000 yen for pasta, about 700 yen for salads, about 500 yen for snacks such as appetizers, and about 800 yen for potatoes. The price is a guide, so please ask the store for details. I thought it would be expensive because there is not much information on the internet, but I was able to fully enjoy it including cospa.

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