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Contact BulkyLab(バルキーラボ)|代々木上原のパーソナルジム

住所 :

Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya City, 〒151-0062 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://bulky-lab.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya City, 〒151-0062 Tokyo,Japan
S K on Google

初めてのパーソナルトレーニングでした! トレーナーの方々の知識がかなり豊富で、身体の使い方の癖もすぐに見抜いてくださり、なぜそのトレーニングを行うのかを説明しながら、フォームも細かく調整してくださるので、安心して通い続けることができました。 また、停滞期もマイナスなことは一切言わずに寄り添って伴走してくださったので、非常に助けられました!! 食事に関しても、糖質制限などの偏ったやり方ではなく、「しっかり栄養素を摂りながら正しく痩せていく」やり方で指導してくださるので、体調を一切崩すことなく、むしろ健康的に痩せられました。 正直、悪いところが見当たりません。笑 通って本当によかったです!ありがとうございました。
It was my first personal training! The trainers are quite knowledgeable, they can quickly spot the habits of how to use the body, explain why they are training, and fine-tune the form, so you can continue to go with confidence. I did. Also, even during the stagnation period, he accompanied me without saying anything negative, which was very helpful! !! As for diet, I was able to lose weight in a healthy manner without getting sick because I was taught by a method of "getting weight properly while taking nutrients" instead of a biased method such as sugar restriction. To be honest, I can't find anything wrong. smile I'm really glad I went! Thank you very much.
MICHIKO O on Google

There is an image of painful training, but that is not the case, and since you can look closely at your posture, it works on your muscles with a pinpoint and you will have muscle pain the next day. It's a training that you can't do by yourself! Above all, the amount of knowledge of the trainers here is incomplete. And good-looking guys. The most fun thing to go to is!
Oki Doki on Google

過去に日本でパーソナルトレーニングの体験を何度かトライしたのですが、今一つ納得感がなく自分でジムに通っていました。 シンガーポールでBulkyにお邪魔した時に、トレーナーの方の肉体また知識の豊富さにドギモを抜かれて3か月通ったところ、目標通りの体重コントロールができました。 日本でBulky Labがオープンするということで、継続してトレーニングを受けています。体重はシンガポールで-5キロ、日本で維持期間を経たのちに、現在は筋力アップを目指し+5キロ。 1度極端な食事制限なく減量できたので、体重が増えることに恐怖心がなくなりました。 生涯に渡っての健康管理のための知識と経験を得ることができ、感謝しています! P.S.トレーナーは皆さん超イケメンです。
I tried several personal training experiences in Japan in the past, but I wasn't convinced and went to the gym myself. When I visited Bulky on a singer pole, I was able to control my weight as I had planned after three months of being overtaken by the trainer's physical and knowledgeable abundance. With the opening of the Bulky Lab in Japan, I am continuing to receive training. He weighs -5 kg ​​in Singapore, and after a maintenance period in Japan, he is now +5 kg with the aim of improving his strength. Once I was able to lose weight without extreme dietary restrictions, I was no longer afraid to gain weight. Thank you for gaining the knowledge and experience of lifelong health care! P.S. trainers are all super handsome.
岡部直樹 on Google

初めて通ったパーソナルジムです。 通ってる間は毎日徹底した食事管理をしてくれると同時に、トレーニングでは説得力のある丁寧な指導をして下さります。 なので自身の場合は、継続して続けられると共に、その成果がきちんと体に現れ、数値としても、体重だけでなく体脂肪率も下げることが出来ました。 トレーナーの方々は、代表のアキトさんを始めとして、皆さん明るく元気な方なので、トレーナーと話すことも楽しく、1人では辛いトレーニングも続けることが出来ました。
This is the first personal gym I went to. While attending, he will manage the meal thoroughly every day, and at the same time, he will give persuasive and polite guidance in the training. So, in my case, I was able to continue, and the results were properly shown in my body, and I was able to reduce not only my weight but also my body fat percentage. The trainers, including the representative Akito, are all cheerful and energetic, so it was fun to talk to the trainers and I was able to continue the painful training alone.
Chie Takayama on Google

I have been indebted since early spring for continuous use from Singapore. The session within the year has reached a break the other day, but the trainers are still kind, and the weekly gym is becoming a daily vitality. Over the last two years of being taken care of by Bulky, I think I learned a lot about things such as surprisingly different body shapes, dietary management, and knowledge of nutrients. And I was surprised that my body would respond by reviewing my diet in parallel with careful training. I am really grateful that I have been able to incorporate the knowledge I have learned into my real life. Is it relaxing in the second half of this term? Loose meal? The in-body score has dropped, but I will do my best from the beginning of the year, so thank you! I think Bulky is a personal gym where you can really feel the satisfaction and results!
378 K on Google

初めてパーソナルトレーニングに通ったのですが、トレーニングの方法はもちろん、効果や筋肉の動きや作用についてもとても丁寧に教えていただきました。最初は正しいフォームで自重スクワットも出来ませんでしたが、今ではバーベルを持ったスクワットを行うのが楽しみです。笑 また、日々の食事についてもアドバイスをもらえるので、無理せず続けられること、自分の知識になることが魅力的でした!
I attended personal training for the first time, and he taught me very carefully not only about the training method but also about the effects and muscle movements and actions. At first I couldn't do squats with the correct form and weight, but now I'm looking forward to doing squats with barbells. Lol Also, I was able to get advice on daily meals, so it was fascinating to be able to continue without overdoing it and to become my own knowledge!
S S on Google

代々木上原にあるパーソナルジムです。 以前は別のパーソナルトレーニングに行っていましたが友人の勧めで最近できたこちらにお世話になることに。 代表は東大で筋肉の研究をされているとのことで理論的に指導してくれます。 食事指導も毎日親身にしてくれるので楽しく実践できます。 3ヶ月で2kg減、体脂肪率7%減と見た目が大きく変わりました。 専用のマシンを使って実施する加圧トレーニングがお気に入りです。 これからもお世話になろうと思っています。かなりおすすめできるパーソナルジムです。
It is a personal gym in Yoyogi Uehara. I used to go to another personal training, but I decided to take care of this recently made at the recommendation of a friend. The representative is theoretically instructing me because he is studying muscles at the University of Tokyo. You can enjoy practicing dietary guidance as it will be friendly every day. The appearance has changed significantly with a 2kg reduction and a 7% reduction in body fat ratio in 3 months. I like the pressurization training that is carried out using a dedicated machine. I will continue to take care of you. It is a personal gym that I can highly recommend.
ccc jay on Google

自己流でのトレーニングに限界を感じてパーソナルジムを探してバルキーラボにたどり着きました。 トレーナーはみなさん優しく、押し付けるような指導ではなく自分に合ったやり方を提案してくれます。 パーソナルトレーニング=ダイエットというイメージがあったもですが、体を大きくすることが目標の私にはそれに合わせた食事管理を提案していただきました。話を聞くと本当に一人一人の目標に合わせて細かく設定しているようです。 みなさんのサポートもあり3ヶ月で体は見違えるほど変わりました。代々木上原や渋谷周辺で体を変えたい人には本当におすすめです。 トレーナーの皆様3ヶ月ありがとうございました!!!
Feeling the limits of my own training, I searched for a personal gym and arrived at Bulky Lab. The trainers are kind and will suggest the method that suits you rather than the intrusive guidance. I had the image of personal training = diet, but my goal was to make my body bigger, and I was asked to propose dietary management that suits it. When I hear the story, it seems that they are really set in detail according to each person's goals. With the support of everyone, my body changed so much in three months. It is really recommended for people who want to change their body around Yoyogi-Uehara and Shibuya. Thank you to all the trainers for 3 months! !! !!

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