
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Brave

住所 :

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒163-0630 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒163-0630 Tokyo,Japan
takeshi on Google

The worst agency company. Mistakes in salary details are commonplace and I was on the call cost, transportation expenses were estimated a little. I pointed out and transferred, but after that I kept misunderstood for a few months and got frightened. Those who use it better to check payroll statements tightly.
すずすずね on Google

派遣された社員の欠席率がよすぎて、高い金出して雇ってる意味がわかりません。お金返してもらうか、当面技能のある方を責任持ってこちらに早急に送ってもらいたいくらいです。 派遣する人材に、もっと責任を持ってもらわないと困ります。ダメな人材送ってくるなら、ブレイブ社員でもいいから責任持って仕事しにこっちに派遣されてこい。
The absence rate of the dispatched employees is too good, I do not know the meaning of high paying and hiring. I would like to get money back or responsibly with the skill in hand for now to be sent to us as soon as possible. We need to have more responsibilities for the dispatched personnel. If you send useless personnel, you can be a Brave employee, so please take responsibility with me dispatching to work here.
Kuramoto Mai on Google

前の担当者さんは微妙でしたが、 担当者さんが変わってから、丁寧に職場を探していただけました。 前の派遣会社では断られてしまった、家の近くの職場に、 交渉で入れていただいたときは非常に感激しました。 担当者さんによって対応がかなり違うので、そこは注意したほうが良いと思います。
The previous person in charge was subtle, After the person in charge changed, I was able to search the workplace carefully. At the workplace near my house, which was refused by the former dispatch company, I was very impressed when you entered it through negotiations. I think it's better to be careful as there is a great deal of difference depending on the person in charge.
zou hei on Google

電話にて契約希望の話し合い後、こちらから連絡しますと言っておいて連絡がない。 その後もsnsにてショートメッセージにて仕事紹介をしてくる。 かなり失礼なことを平気でしてきます
After discussing the contract request on the telephone, I said that I will contact you, but I do not contact you. After that, I will introduce my work with a short message on sns. I'll be pretty rude
sa sa on Google

以前登録していました。 待ち合わせ時間に担当者が遅刻し、寒いので、先に職場の中に入れるようにして欲しいと担当者にいうと「それは困る」といい、12月末に寒い中、20分も外で待たせた会社。また、自分の親戚に派遣先の人が似ているから、働いて欲しいとか、1ヶ月くらい我慢して働いて欲しいといい、無理矢理契約させようとしたり、気に入らないと、低い声でドスを効かせて話してきたりと、態度が非常に悪いです。
It was registered before. The person in charge was late at the meeting time, and it was cold. When I asked the person in charge that I wanted you to get in the office first, "it's a problem," he said. Company. In addition, because the person you are dispatching is similar to your relatives, you should want to work or be patient for about a month and try to force you to make a contract, or if you do not like it, it will be effective for Dos in a low voice I have a very bad attitude to talk with me.
ねむねむ on Google

Employees suddenly quit using a retirement agency. Not only regular employees but also executives. A company that ranks registered staff, throws them away, and speaks badly. You had better not work as a temporary worker at such a company.
香坂奈緒美 on Google

他の方も書いてますが、電話で希望条件を伝えた後、では〇月〇日〇時に必ず連絡いたしますと言ってた営業さん、メールでもその旨を送ってきて約束したので、その日その時間電話に出れるように待っていましたが、それきりプッツリと消えてしまいました。 まぁ怒りを通り越してあきれるというか、 営業がこの状態は異常です。会社全体がまともに機能していない可能性があります。 他に派遣会社はいくらでもあるので、ここは避けた方がいいかと思います。
Other people also wrote, but after telling the desired conditions by telephone, the salesman who said that I would always contact you on 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 、 、 約束 送 っ て き っ て き 約束 っ て き 約束 約束I was waiting for the time to answer the phone, but it just disappeared. Well, you can pass through anger, Sales are abnormal in this state. The whole company may not be working properly. There are many other temporary agencies, so I think you should avoid it.
。。 on Google

【重要】登録を迷っていらっしゃる方は絶対に辞めてください。おすすめ出来ません。ホームページを見るとマイナビのロゴがあり、信用出来ると考えましたが酷い対応受けます。この派遣会社はパワハラがあっても社員を守ってくれません。 実際、私はこちらに登録しており、派遣先にて仕事を与えてもらえない、罵倒されるなどのパワハラを受けました。 また、希望に沿わない仕事を押し付けられ、相談するも「仕事だからやってほしい」「その場に居ないから相談されても困る」等と言います。支店長が平気で嫌味を言ってきたりします。「全力でサポートする」や「なんでも言ってほしい」などと言っていたにも関わらず、発言に責任感ゼロです。契約書上でも派遣会社が窓口になると記載がありました。契約違反を平気で行います。非常に有り得ない対応です。登録は絶対に辞めてください。
[Important] If you are uncertain about registration, please do not hesitate to quit. I can't recommend it. When I look at the homepage, there is a Mynavi logo, and I thought I could trust it, but I received a terrible response. This dispatch company does not protect employees even if there is power harassment. In fact, I registered here and received power harassment such as not being given a job at the dispatched place or being abused. In addition, he is forced to work that does not meet his wishes, and even though he consults, he says, "I want you to do it because it is a job" and "I am in trouble even if I am not there." The branch manager is calm and sarcastic. Despite saying "I will do my best to support you" and "I want you to say anything", I have no sense of responsibility in my remarks. The contract also stated that the dispatching company would be the contact point. I will do my best to violate the contract. This is a very unlikely response. Please be sure to quit registration.

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