
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キャリアリンク株式会社

住所 :

2 Chome, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒163-0433 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://step.careerlink.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

2 Chome, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒163-0433 Tokyo,Japan
甘井なこ on Google

とある役所でパートとして働くことになりました 派遣会社によくありがちな言われていたことと違うといったこともなく、とても働きやすい職場です。ここに決めて良かったと思っています
I decided to work as a part-time worker at a certain government office It's a very comfortable place to work, as it's not different from what was often said by dispatch companies. I'm glad I decided here
mari ohkubo on Google

I was introduced to a data entry job of a major communication company. It's a good place to have people and the environment, so I'm glad you introduced me ~
涼香 on Google

事務希望でしたが、調べた感じ他の派遣会社よりも時給が高かったのでここに登録しました 対応してくれた方の感じも良く、条件的にも満足のいくものだったのでこの評価です
I was hoping for office work, but as I looked it up, the hourly wage was higher than other dispatch companies, so I registered here. The person who responded was also good, and I was satisfied with the conditions, so this evaluation is
竜也 on Google

Since Corona does not accept visit registration, I exchanged emails and telephones from Web registration, but the place of work was decided without any problems. I am grateful to Mr. S in charge.
S.Fumiko on Google

The image of dispatching was poorly treated and inflexible, but that was not the case at the workplace where I was introduced, and I am able to work comfortably every day ☆
そのこん on Google

I applied for a short-term job, but I was able to work immediately. It is encouraging because there are several people from the same dispatch company around me, and it is helpful to be able to consult with the person in charge immediately if something goes wrong.
m_ _ on Google

I submitted my request for work, but there was no response until the day before the desired date of work. Since it was said that it was possible to respond on the line, I lined up again, but there was no response. When I call, I don't give my name, but I'm replying in sequence so I don't know when I can confirm it. It's strange, I've been contacting you for days. It's the first time I've had such an unpleasant feeling. As soon as I called, I got a reply on the line. Funny,,,. It seems that you only think of a nurse as a piece.
guilty on Google

派遣会社本社の方々は概ね親身で早い対応をして下さったとは思います、、、概ね。 でも、電話での問い合わせに対する折り返しは来た例がない。 しかし、案件を見る限り、派遣会社の格としてはどうなんだろう。大手の在宅事務派遣が皆無だし、時給もだいぶ叩かれてる(?)感じだし、官公庁があるからやっていられてそうな想像もできるし。 やっとの思いで派遣された一般企業でのコールセンターじゃない事務業務が思ったものと違ったり、コロナ対策も会社としては十分やってるんだろうけど、肝心の勤務する人の意識が激甘すぎて、これじゃ感染するのも時間の問題かなと、怖くなってすぐに辞めました。 密の状態でゲラっと大騒ぎって、おかしいでしょ、ありえないでしょ。 取り敢えず、この会社にお世話になることは2度とないかな多分。 他社で1から探し直します(溜息)。
I think that the people at the head office of the dispatching company were generally friendly and quick to respond. However, there has never been a call back to an inquiry over the phone. However, as far as the case is concerned, what about the status of a dispatching company? There are no major home office dispatches, and the hourly wages seem to be hit (?), And I can imagine that they would be done because there are government offices. The office work that is not a call center at a general company that was finally dispatched is different from what I thought, and the company is doing enough corona measures, but the consciousness of the people who work is too sweet. I was afraid that it was only a matter of time before I got infected, so I quit immediately. It's strange to make a fuss in a dense state, isn't it? For the time being, I wonder if I will never be taken care of by this company again. Search again from 1 at another company (sigh).

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