BLACKBRICK - Musashino

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

サンウッド吉祥寺フラッツ 101 1 Chome-22-5 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 180-0004
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 12–8PM
Tuesday 12–8PM
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday 12–8PM
Friday 12–8PM
Description : Natural modern boutique featuring select outdoor activity fashion, accessories & lifestyle goods.

サンウッド吉祥寺フラッツ 101 1 Chome-22-5 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan
イケシタコウヨウ on Google

土曜日入店。 男性と女性のスタッフ2人。入店時の挨拶無し。何しに来たの?と言う目線。 居心地悪く店を出る。挨拶無し。 振り返るとレジの女性がチラッと睨む感じで終わり。品揃えは、、微妙かな。多分もう行かない。
Entered on Saturday. Two male and female staff. No greeting when entering the store. What did you come to The line of sight. I feel uncomfortable leaving the store. No greeting. Looking back, the cashier woman glanced at me and ended. The assortment is delicate. Maybe I won't go anymore.
Kazuo Yoshida on Google

Raw LowさんのBiken Hike Bagなどを分けて頂きました。財布の紐が緩み過ぎて危ないお店です? *写真の背景は自宅です。
Raw Low's Biken Hike Bag etc. were shared. It's a dangerous shop because the purse string is too loose ? * The background of the photo is home.
Azul poco on Google

いらっしゃいませとか基本言わないお店。店員も塩対応。一見にはそうなのかな? 常連にはわかりません。 期待して行ったのにとても残念な気持ちになった。扱ってるブランドはこだわりの良いモノばかりなのに、置いてあるブランド品がかわいそう。あんまり私は星1はつけませんが、かなりテンション下がったので。
A shop that doesn't basically say "Welcome". The clerk also supports salt. Is that so at first glance? The regulars don't know. I was expecting it, but I was very disappointed. The brands we sell are all very particular, but I feel sorry for the brands we have. I don't give a star 1 so much, but the tension has dropped considerably.
かぼちゃ小僧 on Google

トレラン用のウェアや山やおしゃれ着のアパレルが在庫豊富です。 ギアーはそこまで多くはない印象です。 ザックやサコッシュは結構あります。 挨拶なども含め店員さんからはあまりガツガツ絡んでこない印象ですが、迷っていたりこちらから質問した事には丁寧に答えてくれます。 個人的にはその距離感が丁度よく感じます。 オリジナル商品や限定商品も展開しており、定期的にチェックしたくなるお店です。
We have a large stock of trail running clothing and apparel for mountains and fashionable clothes. I have the impression that there are not so many gears. There are quite a few backpacks and sacoches. I get the impression that the clerk doesn't get entangled with me, including greetings, but he politely answers any questions I may have. Personally, I feel that distance is just right. We also have original products and limited edition products, so you will want to check them out regularly.
オジジΔ on Google

It is a thankful shop that sells garage brand products in stock. It is really helpful to be able to actually try on and purchase a backpack. The staff were kind enough to answer the beginner's questions, so it was very easy to choose.
裕子武田 on Google

何度か来店していますが、女性店員さんは1度しかお会いしていませんが、とても感じがいいです。この様な口コミって初めてしますが、男性店員さんの態度が悪すぎます。 挨拶は普通になく、愛想が悪すぎます。 常連さんとそうでないとお客さんとの格差が違いすぎて、居心地がかなり悪かったです。 折角良い商品があるのに、残念でならないです。 愛想がいい店舗の次に行ったので、余計に接客態度の悪さが際立っていました。
I've been to the store several times, and the female clerk has met only once, but it feels very good. This is the first time I've had a word of mouth like this, but the attitude of the male clerk is too bad. Greetings are unusual and too unfriendly. If I didn't, the gap between the regulars and the customers would be too different, and I felt very uncomfortable. It's a shame that there are good products. Since I went to the store next to the friendly store, the bad customer service was more noticeable.
ken apisto on Google

はじめて来店してみましたが店員さんの接客や商品の説明も何気ない世間話にも笑顔で対応してくれてとても感じが良かったです。 品揃えに関してもアウトドアから日常使いまでどちらにも使いやすい物ばかりで魅力的でした。何度も通いたくなるようなところでしたよ。
I visited the store for the first time, but it was very nice to see the staff's customer service, product explanations, and casual small talk with a smile. As for the product lineup, it was attractive because it was easy to use for both outdoor activities and everyday use. It was a place that made me want to go there many times.
Jun Tan on Google

They have a fine selection of home accessaries at reasonable price, as well as outfits. some of the shoes were on sale. Will definitely visit again on our next trip! Love how they put so much care on wrapping those fragile items for us, very considerate!

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